Escritório Regional da FAO para a América Latina e o Caribe


The International Year of Cooperatives 2025, proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly, aims to highlight its role in sustainable development, economic growth, and the inclusive transformation of agrifood systems.


Through a collaborative effort between the FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Rural Development, pig farmers and technicians in Saint Lucia are gaining critical skills to safeguard and enhance the country’s pork industry.


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Government of Canada are advancing efforts to transform agricultural value chains in Jamaica through the ‘Gender-responsive Climate-smart Agriculture and Food Systems in the Caribbean’ (GCAF) project. From December 9 to ...

With these simple steps, you can reduce the amount of food that ends up in the trash, contributing to the fight against hunger and malnutrition.

The Organization, along with the Caribbean Network of Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health (CaribVET) and the Caribbean Agricultural Health and Food Safety Agency (CAHFSA) held a collaborative workshop for enhanced emergency preparedness in the Caribbean sub-region to support the region to bolster its preparedness capacity from a One Health perspective.


The Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) supported responses to nearly 250 animal disease outbreaks in 2023 alone. In Latin America and the Caribbean, it is now active in Peru, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Colombia, with more countries to join in 2025.


Small-scale farmers are now more equipped to grow more food and improve their earnings.


With FAO’s support, small-scale farmers are now better equipped to grow more food and improve their earnings.


Extension officers better equipped to support local farmers to enhance their crop yields.


Stakeholders gain knowledge on upcoming activities for the use of digital tools for efficient crop management.


No âmbito do Dia Mundial do Solo, a FAO alerta que as perdas econômicas causadas pela degradação dos solos são estimadas em USD 60 bilhões anuais e enfatiza que a gestão sustentável é essencial para enfrentar esse desafio e garantir a segurança alimentar.

The project improved rural livelihoods in 12 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, ensured connectivity and technological equipment, and strengthened youth leadership and empowerment in rural associations.
Parliamentarians' commitment to building more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems was reinforced during the “Parliaments for Food” meeting, organized by the National Congress of Honduras, FAO and Spanish Cooperation.

O ciclo de intercâmbios promovido pela FAO e pelo governo do Brasil apoia a agenda de trabalho sobre gestão e acesso à terra da Reunião Especializada sobre Agricultura Familiar do MERCOSUL (REAF/MERCOSUL).


The recommendations include promoting efforts to combat climate change and its effects as a state policy, strengthening financing for this purpose, placing small producers at the center, and fostering global partnerships.

Najla Veloso, coordenadora do projeto Agenda Regional para Alimentação Escolar Sustentável na América Latina e no Caribe da Cooperação Internacional Brasil-FAO

A Rede de Alimentação Escolar Sustentável (RAES), criada pelo governo brasileiro em colaboração com a FAO, tem como objetivo apoiar os países na implementação e consolidação de seus programas de alimentação escolar.


Supported by FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture, these efforts focus on soil and hydroponic cultivation, improved crop management, and technologies like protected structures to drive sustainable production of high-value crops.


The experts have engaged in a series of field and classroom training to improve and increase production and yields. 


The FAO provides five key recommendations to prevent antimicrobial resistance (AMR), including resistance to antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, and antiparasitics, under the integrated "One Health" approach. Increasing funding and improving surveillance are among the Organization's key recommendations.