Animal health


The National Dairy Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) Program's animal care and biosecurity pillars are presented. FARM Animal Care sets animal care guidelines using the latest research and best management practices...


A randomized controlled trial was conducted in 140 slaughter facilities in Western Kenya. The hygiene intervention included training of meat handlers on hygienic practices, provision of cleaning supplies and personal protective equipment...


This webinar will focus on the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreak of 2022-2024 in the United States of America and provide global context to the disease in wildlife and wild bird populations...


This webinar provides practical insights into the challenges of driving change at the local level to improve biosecurity among small-scale pig farmers in Tanzania. The pilot focuses on a participatory approach that aims to support local stakeholders in the co-creation of a practical and feasible biosecurity checklist...


The WOAH/FAO Network of Expertise on Animal Influenza (OFFLU) is organizing a webinar on the Avian Influenza Matching (AIM) for Poultry Vaccines on 10 July. The event will introduce the OFFLU AIM project, provide a technical overview, discuss its limitations, and establish a feedback forum for stakeholders...


This webinar, conducted as part of the Progressive Management Pathway for Terrestrial Animal Biosecurity Community of Practice, showcased the approach taken by FAO to improve veterinary paraprofessional (VPP) services and outreach to female smallholder farmers.


Developed to ease the real-time disease reporting and support veterinary services, the enhanced version of EMA-i (EMA-i+) integrates a multi-level community-based approach with more customization and user friendliness. The video is an introduction and Demo of this enhanced version of EMA-i+.


This webinar was held as part of the Progressive Management Pathway for Terrestrial Animal Biosecurity (PMP-TAB) Community of Practice monthly series. It showcases a recent study conducted by FAO concerning the regional One Health information exchange networks that exist in East and West Africa.


Understanding incentives and benefits related to biosecurity is fundamental to encouraging behavioural change and informing decisions on biosecurity program design and implementation. However, understanding and demonstrating impact is not always straightforward.


This webinar was held as part of the Progressive Management Pathway for Terrestrial Animal Biosecurity (PMP-TAB) Community of Practice monthly series. It showcases the approach taken to successfully develop practical and cost-effective biosecurity interventions in response to the unusual series o...


The upcoming webinar will showcase a study in which multidisciplinary, participatory methods were used to enhance biosecurity through co-creation of community contracts, with the aim of improving the control of African swine fever in a region in where the diseases is endemic.


This webinar includes two presentations. The first presenter is Stephen Gikonyo, Animal Production and Value Chain Analysis Expert, FAO Kenya. He describes pilot interventions implemented...


This month, we showcase how FAO has been addressing antimicrobial resistance in agri-food systems through a modified Farmer Field School approach. The presentation covers research that led to the development of the initiative and highlight pilot results from Ghana and Kenya, emphasizing the role Farmer Field Schools can play in improving biosecurity on farms.


FAO will conduct a series of knowledge-rich webinars will be conducted on a monthly basis as part of the PMP-TAB Community of Practice. These webinars will cover a host of topics related to...


Con la confirmación de la presencia de influenza aviar altamente patógena (IAAP) en países del continente americano, la Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe de la FAO...


A Transformative Research Challenge (TRC) is being organized as part of the “Innovation Lab” of the World Food Forum (WFF)....


The FAO PMP for Terrestrial Animal Biosecurity (FAO-PMP-TAB) is a collaborative, stepwise approach for countries to progressively strengthen biosecurity management...


African Union-InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) is a specialized technical office of the Africa Union Commission (AUC) whose...


Sheep and goat populations around the world have been steadily growing and represent an increasingly important agricultural asset, particularly for...


During the second episode of the PPR Stakeholder Seminar Series, Tinni Sawhney (Chief Executive Officer of Aga Khan Foundiation, India) shared experiences from their ongoing work with community-based paravets...