مقاومة الميكروبات للأدوية

FAO Reference Centres for Antimicrobial Resistance

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global threat that requires a coordinated and collaborative One Health approach across the human-animal-plant-environmental interface. Given its scope, AMR is a remarkably complex challenge to address, at all levels including local, national, regional or international .

FAO is not alone in this effort against this multifaceted threat. In the technical arena, FAO works together with designated FAO Reference Centres for AMR.

As distinguished Centres of excellence, these entities secure FAO’s Reference Centre for AMR designation by demonstrating key AMR capacities and showing a track record of active engagement in specific fields of expertise. These institutions also commit a portion of their own resources to carry out AMR work in collaboration and coordination with FAO.

FAO counts on the Reference Centres to support the Organization’s work to combat AMR across sectors in food and agriculture around the world. Each Reference Centre has key planned activities in line with FAO’s Action Plan on AMR. The main objectives of Reference Centre activities are in line with FAO Action Plan on AMR 2021-2025

  1. Increasing stakeholder awareness and engagement;
  2. Strengthening surveillance and research;
  3. Enabling good practices;
  4. Promoting responsible use of antimicrobials;
  5. Strengthening governance and allocating resources sustainably;

FAO Reference Centres for AMR retain their status for four years. After this time, a renewal is possible depending on the activities undertaken and the value and strength of the collaboration.

(Map last update 18 April 2023)

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