Fondation Institut Pasteur de Dakar
36 avenue Pasteur, BP220, Dakar
Senegal | Website
Date of designation
13 August 2021
Areas of work
- Surveillance One Health of AMR
- External quality assessment for AMR detection
- Education and Training on AMR
- Transmission of AMR bacteria
- Genetics of AMR
- Governance of AMR
Key activities
- Develop/review/contribute to One Health AMR curricula for various stakeholders and sectors
- Development and delivery of postgraduate courses on AMR
- Isolation and characterization of AMR bacteria from humans, animals, food and environment
- Training of local microbiology laboratories staff in AMR testing and AST interpretation
- Study of transmission routes of pathogenic bacteria from animals, food and environment to humans
- Detection and characterization of AMR genes from whole genome sequencing data
- Support in capacity development for bacteriology, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, data collection and management, interpretation and reporting of AMR, AMU, and residues data
- organization of a proficiency testing program for susceptibility testing for a selection of priority pathogens, commensals and indicators such as Salmonella, Campylobacter, E. coli, Enterococci, etc.
- Train IPD experts to become FAO-ATLASS assessors;
- Study of horizontal transfer of AMR genes
- Participation to the Senegalese Global Health Security Agenda committees
Working languages
- English
- French