

Paddy field in Paro, Bhutan

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is actively engaged in supporting Bhutan's agricultural sector. Our projects address a range of areas, from building resilience against threats like African Swine Fever to promoting sustainable farming practices. Overall, FAO's projects in Bhutan and collaboration with stakeholders aim to improve food security, enhance livelihoods, and promote more robust agrifood systems.

Title AgriSustain Fund
Start date 01/01/2025
Budget 83 000 000
Title Sustainable Agri-food Systems Intelligence (SASI)
Start date 01/01/2023
End date 30/11/2027
Budget 10 341 262
Project Code GCP /GLO/1118/EC
Title Scaling the Implementation of the One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) Initiative
Start date 01/03/2024
End date 31/12/2025
Budget 1 000 000
Project Code FVC/GLO/184/MUL
Title Strengthen country capacity to scale up sustainable integrated production systems through GEF-8 FSIP
Start date 12/08/2024
End date 11/08/2026
Budget 500 000
Project Code TCP/INT/4002
Title TCPF: Strengthening mountain value chains and enhancing market linkages for high-value mountain products
Start date 18/11/2024
End date 31/10/2025
Budget 99 000
Project Code TCP/BHU/4004
Title One-Child One-Egg Initiative
Start date 01/01/2025
Budget 500 000​
Title Enhancing Livestock Products and Self-sufficiency through Targeted Capacity Building Programs​ (Entity no. 755015)
Start date 02/12/2024
End date 31/12/2026
Budget 100 000
Project Code TCP/BHU/400X
Title Mindful Futures
Introduction Mindful Futures will combine the normative expertise of the United Nations with the financial know-how of investment bankers to secure sustainable FDI in education, jobs and social protection in Bhutan.
Start date 01/07/2024
End date 01/07/2025
Budget 249,310/Joint SDG Fund
Title RAP fund for Enhancing Country Office Programmes and Portfolio of Bhutan (RAP-ECOP)
Start date 15/07/2024
End date 31/12/2024
Budget 50000
Project Code GF.RAPRD.RY30200000000
Title Enabling inclusive and effective blended investment in agri-food systems in the context of the Hand in Hand Initiative (HIH)
Start date 01/03/2023
End date 31/07/2025
Budget 483,000
Project Code TCP/RAS/3904
Title Enhancing livestock production efficiency through digitalization and precision farming
Start date 01/02/2023
End date 31/12/2024
Budget 316,000
Project Code TCP/BHU/3903
Title Accelerated recovery from COVID-19 pandemic through Digitalization of Peri-urban and Urban Farming (PUUF)
Start date 01/01/2023
End date 31/12/2024
Budget 300,000
Project Code TCP/BHU/3902
Title Technical support for product diversifications of yak wool fiber to improve livestock income and livelihood of highland communities
Start date 01/02/2023
End date 31/12/2025
Budget 100,000
Project Code TCP/BHU/3901/C1