Координационная рабочая группа по статистике рыбного хозяйства

CWP 27th Session Meeting

List of documents

Working documents
CWP-27/A  Provisional agenda
CWP-27/B  List of documents 
CWP-27/C  List of participants 
Meeting documents
CWP-27/1 Report of the CWP 26th session, Rome, 23-26 February 2019
CWP-27/2 Report of the Intersessional Meeting of the Aquaculture and Fisheries Subject Groups of the Coordinating Working Party on Fisheries Statistics, 2-5 November 2021
CWP-IS/2022/1 Progress report of the CWP ad-hoc Task Group on catch concepts (TG-Catch)  
CWP-IS/2022/2 Progress report of the CWP ad-hoc Task Group on effort concepts (TG-Effort) 
CWP-IS/2022/3 Guidelines for the implementation of logbook data for statistical purposes (TG-RH2) 
CWP-IS/2022/4 Standard for reference data harmonization – Logbook data structure (TG-RH2)
CWP-IS/2022/5 Guidelines for the implementation of the CWP standard for reference data harmonization (version 1.0) (TG-RH2) 
CWP-IS/2022/6 Progress report of the ad-hoc Task Goup on best practices for streamlining statistical data workflow and confidentiality issues (TG-Workflow) 
CWP-IS/2022/7 Report of activities on review of the Aquaculture Section of the CWP Handbook (TG-Aquaculture) 
CWP-IS/2022/8 Final draft of the Aquaculture Section of the CWP Handbook (TG-Aquaculture) 
Progress Reports of CWP Participating Organizations
CWP-IS/2022/FAO Report of FAO activities
CWP-IS/2022/IATTC Report of IATTC activities
CWP-IS/2022/ICCAT Report of ICCAT activities
CWP-IS/2022/ICES Report of ICES activities
CWP-IS/2022/IOTC Report of IOTC activities
CWP-IS/2022/OECD Report of OECD activities
CWP-IS/2022/SPC&WCPFC Report of SPC and WCPFC activities
CWP-IS/2022/WECAFC Report of WECAFC activities
CWP-IS/2022/Pr1 Revised handbook and CWP pages 
CWP-IS/2022/Pr2 Progress report of the Task group on the catch concept  
CWP-IS/2022/Pr3 Progress report of the CWP ad-hoc Task Group on fishing effort concepts 
CWP-IS/2022/Pr4 Progress report of the CWP ad-hoc Task Group on Reference Harmonization
CWP-IS/2022/Pr5 Guidelines for the implementation of logbook data for statistical purposes
CWP-IS/2022/Pr6 Towards a coding system for Water Jurisdiction Areas and Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction
CWP-IS/2022/Pr7 Progress report of the CWP ad-hoc Task Group on best practices for streamlining statistical data workflow and confidentiality issues
CWP-IS/2022/Pr8 Progress report of the CWP ad-hoc Task Group on Aquaculture
CWP-IS/2022/Pr9 Final draft of the Aquaculture Section of the CWP Handbook
CWP-IS/2022/Pr10 SDG 14 under FAO custodianship – updates
CWP-IS/2022/Pr11 Electronic Monitoring And Reporting Information System (e-MARIS) - A comprehensive reporting system for IOTC
CWP-IS/2022/Pr12 Towards statistical definition of Small Scale Fisheries
CWP-IS/2022/Pr13 Emerging needs for standards in fisheries statistics
CWP-IS/2022/Pr14 Report of FAO activities 
Information Documents
CWP-IS/2022/Inf.1 Terms of reference of the ad-hoc Task Group on catch concepts 
CWP-IS/2022/Inf.2 Terms of reference of the ad-hoc Task Group on effort concepts
CWP-IS/2022/Inf.3 Terms of reference of the ad-hoc Task Group on Reference Harmonization (RH2)
CWP-IS/2022/Inf.4 Terms of reference of the ad-hoc Task Group on best practices for streamlining statistical data workflow
CWP-IS/2022/Inf.5 Terms of reference of the ad-hoc Task Group on the revision of the aquaculture section of the Handbook