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Dimitra Newsletter: Economic empowerment of rural women

On 16 October 2008, FAO celebrated World Food Day with a parallel event entitled “­Women have solutions to the food crisis: towards long-term structural changes”. This issue of the Dimitra newsletter focuses in particular on how – in an international context of rising food prices and raw material shortages – the livelihoods of the poorest populations, and of women in particular, are inextricably linked to their rights and their economic, political and social status within their community or country.

Volumen: 15
Organización: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Año: 2008
País(es): Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Niger, Senegal, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania
Cobertura geográfica: África, Comunidad Económica de los Estados del África Occidental (CEDEAO)
Tipo: Boletín informativo
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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