Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Investment case for anticipatory action and adaptive and shock responsive social protection in the Philippines

The Philippines has made significant strides in reducing poverty, but the persistent threat of natural disasters, compounded by the country's vulnerability and exposure, continues to jeopardize these gains. Many households in disaster-prone areas hover precariously close to the poverty line, and the devastating impact of disasters on their assets, income,...
2024 - FAO

Community Shared Agriculture Manual: Growing the Future Together

A Manual on Community Shared Agriculture in the Philippines
This book is a short guide that captures the process of Good Food in setting up an alternative distribution system like Pamayanihan Community Supported Agriculture to relocalize food economies in the Philippines.
2024 - Good Food Company

Blog article
Access Agriculture partners with University of the Philippines Community Broadcasters' Society for Gandingan Awards

Access Agriculture participated as a sponsor in the 18th Gandingan Awards 2024 on 4th May 2024, in Los Baños. The event was organised under the theme ‘Agrikultura: Mga Kwento ng Hamon at Pag-asa’ (Agriculture: Stories of Challenges and Hope) by the University of the Philippines Community Broadcasters' Society (ComBroadSoc), College...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Global Organic Agricultural Innovations

Global Organic Agricultural Innovations covers major innovations and research in organic agriculture from 18 countries and areas around the world. This edition showcases the diversity and robustness of the growth of organic agriculture around the world. More than seventy innovators and researchers contribute to this edition which covers themes from climate...
Bangladesh - Bhutan - Cambodia - China - India - Indonesia - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Iraq - Japan - Kyrgyzstan - Pakistan - Philippines - Sri Lanka - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia - Viet Nam
2024 - IFOAM Organics Asia

Raising pigs with no smell and less work

The bad smell of pig waste undermines the health of your animals and your own health and can create tensions with your neighbours. Washing the dung and urine into waterways also pollutes the environment. By using deep bedding sprayed with good microorganisms you can avoid all of this. You can...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Record-keeping for integrated farming

As the number of enterprises on a farm increases, it becomes harder to keep track of the cost of inputs and the revenues earned. Keep detailed records to see how your farm evolves over time. By comparing different farms of similar size with fellow farmers, you can decide if changing...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Heritage, Sustainability, and Coffee Drying in the Philippines’ Cordillera mountains

Born and raised amidst the lush landscapes of the mountain provinces of the Philipines, Daniel Jason Maches and Jaymar Garcia, two Indigenous youth, have always been connected to the land. They’ve witnessed their parents tend to the earth, cultivating crops that sustained their families for generations.  
2024 - Slow Food

ICSF's Brochure on Social Development and Fishing Communities

This brochure contains the challenges and recommendations from the eight countrie’s case studies on ‘Social Development and Sustainable Fisheries’ conducted by ICSF in Antigua and Barbuda, Costa Rica, Ghana, The Philippines, Bangladesh, Brazil, Thailand and India (Kerala/Tamil Nadu and West Bengal). The ICSF’s studies uses the parameters of social development, within...
Antigua and Barbuda - Bangladesh - Brazil - Costa Rica - Ghana - India - Philippines - Thailand
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Making fermented organic poultry feed

Organic feed that is free from harmful chemical residues and antibiotics is often not available in the market. With organic feeds, you can double up the volume by mixing a variety of grasses and leaves that can be found all around the farm. This is where you can get your...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Blog article
Gender transformative trainings in Asian small-scale fisheries: insights from the Philippines and Indonesia

Over the last few weeks, South-east Asia has been the focus of FAO’s work targeting the achievement of gender equality in small-scale fisheries. As part of the project “Implementing the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines for gender equitable and climate resilient food systems and livelihoods”, the Philippines and Indonesia had the opportunity to hold two different...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Blog article
Climate-resilient women: Seaweed farmers in the Philippines feed families and futures

Despite the ravages of storms, seaweed farming is transforming the lives of Filipino families in traditionally male-dominated fishing communities, turning women into family breadwinners who are paying for their children to go to college. The Cherish Fisherfolk Cooperative of 120 seaweed farmers in the Palawan village of Balintang is named after...

Feed intake and growth performance of sheep (Ovis aries L.) fed with Napier (Pennisetum purpureum Sch.) silage added with varying levels of L. plantarum as inoculant

In the Philippines, climatic unpredictability has been one of the main factors causing fluctuations in forage production; as a result, an efficient feed preservation strategy must be used. This study assessed the effect of various levels of L. plantarum as Napier silage inoculant on sheep's feed intake and growth performance. Using a...
2023 - College of Agriculture, Forestry and Environmental Sciences, Mindanao State University at Naawan, Naawan, Misamis Oriental, 9023 Philippines 1 Visayas State University, Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines

Social Development and Sustainable Fisheries: Philippines

The study is a part of a series of original research on social development and sustainable fisheries undertaken by ICSF in eight countries. The study documented the status of social development and decent work programmes, schemes, policies, legislation and institutional support (including community-based initiatives) to demonstrate how they strengthen the...
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Blog article
Lights, camera, action: Learning to make Access Agriculture-style videos in the Philippines

Fifteen participants from four development agencies in the Philippines took part recently in a two-week training course to learn the essential skills required to develop high-quality farmer-to-farmer training videos that adhere to Access Agriculture’s strict standards for quality, content and format.
2023 - Access Agriculture

Case study
Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (PAHP) and Expanded Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (EPAHP) Program

A Case Study in the Philippines
In 2013, then Secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Corazon Juliano Soliman and the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) Secretary Virgilio de los Reyes went on a study tour in Brazil organized by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). They understood Brazil’s 1 Zero Hunger...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Blog article
SEARCA calls for family farming to support resilient food systems in PH

LOS BAÑOS, LAGUNA, Philippines— The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) calls for a holistic approach to push family farming to support resilient food systems and ensure food security in the Philippines. This was the resounding message resulting from a SEARCA-led hyflex Agriculture and Development...
2023 - SEARCA

Policy brief/paper
We Can Be Friends: Harvesting the Benefits of Coexistence Farming

Transforming Philippine agriculture remains an urgent need, not just because it is intrinsically connected to food security but also for poverty reduction. The technologies brought by the Green Revolution in the 1960s sparked growth in the sector, but it has remained slow compared to some of its neighboring countries. Although...

Conference proceedings
Proceedings of the First International Conference on School-Plus-Home Garden cum Biodiversity Enhancement Enterprise (SHGBEE1)

The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) together with the Regalo ng Kilit Foundation, Inc. convened the First International Conference on School-Plus-Home Garden cum Biodiversity Enhancement Enterprise (SHGBEE1) with the theme, “Restoring Biodiversity, Regenerating Agriculture, and Building Businesses.” Held on 8-12 November 2022 at...
2023 - SEARCA

Diversity of bees and wild pollinators in the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam

A survey on the diversity of bees and wild pollinators and the status of the bee industry was conducted in the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam. The data were made available to the respective National Coordinators (NC) for the Management of Animal Genetic Resources and the Food and Agriculture Organization...
Philippines - Thailand - Viet Nam
2023 - FAO

Blog article
Access Agriculture participates in the 6th Organic Asia Congress

Access Agriculture participated in the 6th Organic Asia Congress, which was held in Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte, Philippines, 6-9 June 2023, under the theme ‘Building World Peace through Organic Agriculture: Food Security Vital to Peace Building.’   The Organic Asia Congress (OAC) is one of the biggest organic events in the world,...
2023 - Access Agriculture
Total results:131
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