Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Hoja informativa
Capacity Development Support to Rural Women on the Socio-Economic and Gender Aspects of Sustainable Rural Development

This project, started in 2014 under the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme, was developed to improve services for rural women by enhancing the capacity of institutions and of agricultural extension and rural advisory services staff in Turkey and Azerbaijan. The project’s ultimate objective was to promote rural women’s socio-economic integration and enhance...
Azerbaijan - Türkiye
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Coopération agricole de production : quand l’activité agricole se distribue entre exploitation et ction collective de proximité

De nouvelles formes d’action collective de proximité émergent en France entre les agriculteurs. À partir de modalités plus ou moins anciennes (coopérative, association, groupement d’employeurs, etc.), se constituent des groupes d’agriculteurs qui élaborent leurs projets de manière collective, de façon inédite avec peu de références, et parfois sans accompagnement institutionnel....
2014 - EDP Sciences

Estudio de caso
Securing the livelihoods of small-scale farmers in Ethiopia

Water is one of the most scarce resources for African farmers. Access to enough water in semi-arid regions is a huge challenge and shortages can lead to the loss of lives and livelihoods in times of drought. With climate change, water conservation will only become more imperative. Ethiopia has one...
2014 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Estudio de caso
Securing the livelihoods of small-scale farmers in Ethiopia

Water is one of the most scarce resources for African farmers. Access to enough water in semi-arid regions is a huge challenge and shortages can lead to the loss of lives and livelihoods in times of drought. With climate change, water conservation will only become more imperative. Ethiopia has one...
2014 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)


Genre et agricultures familiales
Les Nations unies reconnaissent officiellement que parvenir à l'égalité hommes-femmes, en termes d'accès aux ressources de production et à leur contrôle (en particulier la terre et les services agricoles), aurait un effet positif sur la productivité agricole, la sécurité alimentaire et la pauvreté. Pourtant, quelle est la situation actuelle des...
2014 - CTA

Artículo de revista especializada
Asesoramiento técnico, extensión rural y planificación del uso del suelo a nivel predial

Las explotaciones agropecuarias familiares ante la aplicación de una nueva norma en URUGUAY
El gobierno uruguayo se ha propuesto exigir a los productores un Plan de Uso y Manejo Responsable del Suelo a nivel predial. Siguiendo lo dispuesto en la Ley Nº15.239, a través del Artículo nº 5 del Decreto Nº405/2008, se determina que los planes, avalados por un asesor técnico Ingeniero Agrónomo...
2014 - Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias-Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Boletín informativo
Spore Special Issue - August 2014

The beginning of a renaissance
Family farming offers solutions to global challenges. More than 500 million family farms dominate agriculture – ensuring food security, fighting poverty and hunger, providing employment, and enhancing sustainable resource management. Despite challenges, family farms can become prosperous businesses. Forming part of CTA’s support to the UN International Year of Family...
2014 - CTA

The effectiveness of advisory services in responding to demands of diverse types of small-scale farmers

The role of advisory services for the new established and semi subsistence farmers in Bulgaria
The small-scale farms are the main group that is of importance for the development of the agriculture and rural areas in Bulgaria. This is a family type business and almost the entire required employment power is provided by the family members of the farmers. On average, only one family member...
2014 - Agricultural University Plovdiv

New small-scale farmers in the small fruits sector in Portugal

The main aim of the report is to provide a comprehensive description of the effectiveness of advisory services for small-scale farmers, providing a picture of the services from the perspective of the farmers and some key advisors. In Portugal the case study focused on new small-scale farmers in small fruit...
2014 - Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Boletín informativo
Numéro spécial de Spore - Août 2014 - Le début d'une renaissance

L'agriculture familiale présente des solutions aux défis mondiaux. Plus de 500 millions de fermes familiales dominent l'agriculture : elles permettent d'assurer la sécurité alimentaire, de lutter contre la pauvreté et la famine, de fournir des emplois et d'améliorer la gestion des ressources durables. Même si elles ont des défis à...
2014 - CTA

Agritourism farm in the Carpathian Mountains of Poland

A dynamically developing economy requires significant trial and adjustment to the changing economic mechanisms from all participants in the market. In the case of rural areas, multifunctional development is one methods of economic stimulation. In this multifunctional development, significant participation by farmers in rural tourism activities is an alternative of...
2014 - University of Agriculture in Krakow

الزراعة الأسرية في الأردن

في الشرق الأدنى وشمال إفريقيا يفاقم النمو السكاني، والتوسع الحضري، وقاعدة الموارد الهشة، وتغير المناخ، وانخفاض الإنتاجية، من أوضاع الجوع وسوء التغذية. لكن انتشار "المدارس الحقلية الزراعية" في وادي الأردن ومختلف أنحاء البلاد ساعد المزارعين الأسريين على زيادة إنتاجهم ومداخيلهم ومرونتهم، بالإضافة إلى حماية البيئة.
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Final Report for the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition

FAO held, with the support of France, the Swiss Development Cooperation and the Foreign Office of Agriculture of Switzerland, the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition at its headquarters in Rome on 18 and 19 September 2014 and a side-event on the Symposium during COAG on 30...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documento técnico
Hacia una agricultura familiar más fuerte

Voces en el Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar
De las 570 millones de granjas que hay en el mundo, más de 500 son granjas familiares, lo que hace de la agricultura familiar el principal modo de producción agrícola del planeta. Las granjas familiares producen alrededor del 80% de los alimentos del mundo en términos de valor, y tomadas...
2014 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Revista especializada
Alternatives Rurales - Revue de communication et débat sur les alternatives agricoles et rurales

Le numéro 2 de la revue Alternatives Rurales est une revue qui a pour objectif d’offrir un espace de communication, réflexion et débat sur le développement rural et agricole au Maroc, mais aussi dans d’autres pays de la région.Cette revue s’adresse aux acteurs du développement agricole et rural, aux acteurs...
2014 - Collectif Dynamiques Rurales, Innovations et Développement Durable (DRIDURA)

El sistema de cama profunda en la producción de cerdos. Una alternativa tecnológica para la Producción Familiar

La producción en cama profunda (deep bedding) es una tecnología alternativa a los sistemas convencionales de producción de cerdos, tanto en el área de la cría (gestación, lactancia) como en el crecimiento-engorde.
2014 - Facultad de Agronomía. UDELAR

AgStories: "Family Farm" Story

The Story of an American Family Farm. Meet the Heinrich Family and their 9 Children living and working in the Wood Colony Farming Community of California.
United States of America
2014 - AgStories

Sitio web
Protection of indigenous agricultural products and foodstuffs

Important possibility for small family farmers is protection of their speciffic, indigenous agricultural products so they can obtain better recognition and market position. On this web page potential beneficiaries can find all relevant information about protection and labeling of their products.  
Croatia - European Union
2014 - Ministry of agriculture

Sources of Life. Seeds and family farming in Brazil

Family farmers in the Paraná region of Brazil are conserving local and traditional seeds and promoting diversification of varieties. They are supported by organisations such as AS-PTA. Access and use of these seeds creates autonomy, food sovereignty and sustainable livelihoods. The government's PAA program is playing a major role in...
2014 - ILEIA Foundation

“New Success Factors” - The organic cave

Documentaries on the Best Practices in Rural Development carried out by young farmers that have been granted support under EU Rural development policies.
2014 - Rete Rurale Nazionale
Total results:3117