Búsqueda en la base de datos
Estudio de caso
Sikkim Himalaya-Agriculture
Improving and Scaling up of Traditionally Managed Agricultural Systems of Global Significance the
The proposed GIAHS project, Sikkim Himalaya-Agriculture is a part of globally significant biodiversity hot spots of the world within the greater quadri-national junction of Khanchendzonga landscape in the Eastern Himalayas. The region is an assemblage of sacred landscapes called Demazong (the valley of rice) or the Shangrila (the hidden paradise...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Estudio de caso
Realising the potential of peasant seeds
In the Ecuadorian provinces of Bolívar, Chimborazo and Cotopaxi, family farmers are building new capacities to conserve and use the biodiversity on their farmland. They are gaining greater access to and control over their biological resources, increasing their resilience and food sovereignty. The key: individual farmers who are passionate about...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2014 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture
Parte de un informe
Defining ecologically valuable grasslands
The CAP aims to address (regulate, support) the totality of EU agricultural activity and agricultural land. Agricultural land must fall into one of only three categories named by the policy, i.e. permanent crops; arable and permanent pasture (permanent grassland in the definition proposed in the reformed CAP Regulations, see Section...
2014 - European Commission
Family farming in Europe: challenges and prospects
In-depth analysis
This note discusses the definitions, challenges and future prospects of family farming in the EU. Some challenges, such as market volatility and climate change, are general for all EU farm structures, but some are specific to family farmers: their smallness, lack of power within the food chain, and intergenerational farm succession. However, family farming...
2014 - European Parliament
La agroecología está presente
Mapeo de productores agroecológicos y del estado de la agroecología en la sierra y costa ecuatoriana
La presente publicación es un esfuerzo de Heifer Ecuador para evidenciar la importancia de la agricultura campesina familiar, y de la agroecología en el Ecuador. En los cinco capítulos que conforman este trabajo, el lector viaja por las distintas encrucijadas que conforman el agro ecuatoriano, desde la perspectiva de los...
2014 - Fundación Heifer Ecuador
Future of Small Farms
Small farms have always been a cornerstone of agriculture in the EU. They play a significant role in supporting rural employment, contributing to territorial development. They are important for production, particularly in the form of local specialist products and provide important social, cultural and environmental services.
The last enlargements in 2004...
Artículo de revista especializada
Cross Country Analysis of Agriculture and Agricultural Policy of South-eastern European Countries in Comparison with the European Union
Agriculture in the South-eastern European countries (SEEs) is very diverse in terms of natural and structural conditions, development status, and the manifold production potentials. It carries prominent historical and social components and great economic importance to rural development. There are noticeable structural and technological deficiencies. Another significant factor is the...
Parte de un libro
Agriculture and Agricultural Policy in Albania
The future alignment of the Albania’s agriculture and rural development policy with the CAP requires a new vision for policymaking as well as a new approach to the design of policy measures, similar to the transformation carried by the new Member States before accession.
In this context, understanding the diversity and...
Parte de un libro
Agriculture and Agricultural Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is characterized by a complex government structure as a result of the General Framework Agreement for BiH, signed in late 1995 in Dayton. Under the agreement, BiH is a state consisting of two entities; namely the Federation of BiH (FBiH) and Republic of Srpska (RS), as...
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Parte de un libro
Agriculture and Agricultural Policy in Croatia
Even though Croatia is a small country (56 594 km2 ), it has very diverse topography; from Mediterranean, through Central European, mountainous and flat, to coastal and continental. It ranks as one of the top five European countries with regard to biodiversity, with some parts being among the richest areas...
Parte de un informe
Agriculture and Agricultural Policy in Kosovo
A long-term objective of the Kosovo Government is integration to the EU. In 2010, Kosovo established the Ministry of European Integration (MEI), which plays a key role in coordinating and implementing reforms for EU accession. After the European Commission appraised that Kosovo had met the short-term priorities identified in the...
Sustainability of organic grassland-based dairy production in Tyrol, Austria
In Austria, grassland accounts for more than 50 percent of agricultural land and is mainly located in mountainous regions. Consequently, 70 percent of all Austrian dairy farms, producing two thirds of all milk, are located in these areas. In the Alpine regions, organic farming has traditionally been very important and...
Artículo de revista
EU: Peasant Family Farming, a challenge to gain
In the EU, the peasant family agriculture is the major component of agricultural production, but it remains difficult to give an exact definition. A clear reference - not exclusive and must be applied in a specific way in each country - is the economic and territorial dimension of a farm....
2014 - foodsovereignty
The Future of Small Farms in Asia
Farms throughout Asia are predominantly small and family-based. In the past, small farms in tropical Asia achieved significant improvement in the yield of cereal crops, such as rice and wheat, which is dubbed the Green Revolution. As a result, grain production increased much faster than population growth, thereby contributing to...
Adaptación al cambio climático en zonas de montaña
Las montañas proporcionan diversos servicios ambientales como agua, energía, suelo y biodiversidad y son de vital importancia no solo para las poblaciones locales sino también para los ecosistemas y las poblaciones que se encuentran a menor altitud. Por consiguiente, el impacto del cambio climático en los ecosistemas de montaña está afectando a grandes zonas geográficas...
2014 - Soluciones Prácticas
Artículo de blog
Redar Perú presentó con éxito el Panel de Resiliencia Andina frente al Cambio Climático
Respondiendo a la necesidad de resaltar la importancia del desarrollo rural del país, la Red de Agroindustria Rural del Perú (Redar Perú) expuso cinco casos de éxito en nuestro país, iniciativas que a su vez viene apoyando con capacitaciones. La Dra. Sonia Salas Domínguez, presidenta de esta organización, fue la encargada...
2014 - Red de Agroindustria Rural del Perú (REDAR-Perú)
Documento de la Conferencia
Livestock sector in the region, policy in relation to food production and efficiency
Livestock production is the most important agricultural branch in terms of value, in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia & Macedonia
Croatia - Serbia - Slovenia - North Macedonia
Agricultural Policy and European Integration in Southeastern Europe 2014
The countries of the Southeastern European (SEE) region pronounced their intention to move towards integration with the European Union (EU) in order to create a stable, united, and more prosperous region. The EU integration process should foster political stability and socio-economic and sustainable development in the region. The SEE candidate...
Documento/nota de orientación
Plan of action: Jordan 2014–2018
Resilient livelihoods for agriculture and food and nutrition security in areas of Jordan affected by the Syria crisis
In November 2013, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) fielded an agriculture programme development mission to Jordan with the objectives of updating and expanding its “Agricultural Livelihoods and Food Security Impact Assessment and Response Plan for the Syria Crisis in the Neighbouring Countries of Egypt, Iraq,...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa
Conservation of fruit tree diversity in Central Asia: An analysis of policy options and challenges
The five independent republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan cover a vast territory in Central Asia, almost 4 million hectares, which is just a little smaller than the whole of Western Europe. Very different ecoregions are represented in this territory: grassland plains (steppes), riparian forests (tugai), boreal forests...
Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Uzbekistan
Total results:373