Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Historia con mujeres, mujeres en la historia - "Protagonistas rurales"

Esta es la historia de vida de Mira Díaz, nacida y criada en los ingenios azucareros de Tucumán, un ejemplo de mujer luchadora incansable. En los ’60 ante los cierres de éstos, y la pérdida de miles de empleos, Mira trabajó y peleó por la equidad de derechos de las...
2016 - Unidad para el Cambio Rural (UCAR)

How to amplify agroecology

“Agroecology is a process. You cannot expect a process to be perfect immediately. But once you make a step, you are moving.” With these words, Ugandan family farmer Jowelia Mukiibi captured both the essence of the agroecological transition and the attention of her audience: over 70 people representing 30 organisations doing...
2016 - Cultivate!

The determinants of women’s business entrepreneurship

The study provides the results of research into the women’s motives for engaging in business activity, the internal determinants (personal traits) and external conditions of running business, the intentions to develop the business, and the expectations about measures for facilitating and supporting the business activity of women. It was found,...

Technical and socio-economic characteristics of small-scale coastal fishing communities, and opportunities for poverty alleviation and empowerment

The document provides an overview of the situation that small-scale fishers in developing countries face in terms of: financial and economic performance of fishery enterprises; vulnerabilities and poverty; adaptations to a changing environment including, climate variability and change; and access to technology, infrastructure, financial services and social protection schemes. It...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Investing in rural people in China

China's government is increasing its investment in rural areas, especially in infrastructure, irrigation, education and health. It is also introducing supportive policies, including agricultural tax exemptions; subsidies for agricultural production and increased agricultural procurement prices; and expansion of social protection and social security coverage. Such investments aim to create a...
2016 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Estudio de caso
A change made by women-friendly agro-markets

The building of a zinc shelter in the market at Morahang, Nepal, has helped hundreds of women farmers to trade their produce. The initiative came as a result of reform of the market management committee to be led by local women.
2016 - ActionAid Nepal

Artículo de revista especializada
Beyond ‘voting with your chopsticks’: Community organising for safe food in China

This paper describes the recent emergence of alternative food networks in China in the context of widespread food quality concerns. Drawing on interviews and public blog posts, we illustrate how participants in these networks are moving beyond instrumental market relations and developing the collective agency necessary to participate in shaping...
2016 - Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada)

Traditional and new women’s roles in rural areas

Entering Poland to European Union which resulted in accepting The Common Agricultural Policy caused a variety of changes in polish villages and countries. Previous problems of rural areas like fragmentation and low efficiency of farms, bad financial situation of inhabitants, high rate of unemployment, relatively low educational level and lack...

Documento/nota de orientación
Changes in Ghanaian farming systems

Stagnation or a quiet transformation?
This research was designed to understand better the patterns of agricultural intensification and transformation occurring in Africa South of the Sahara using the Ghanaian case. The paper examines changes in farming systems and the role of various endogenous and exogenous factors in driving the conversion of arable lands to agricultural...
2016 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Documento/nota de orientación
Reducing rural women’s domestic workload through labour-saving technologies and practices

Gender, targeting and social inclusion
Rural women of all ages spend much of their day engaged in domestic chores, including collecting water and firewood, processing and preparing food, travelling and transporting, and caregiving. These tasks are unpaid and restrict a woman’s time and mobility. Moreover, the drudgery can cause poor health and nutrition for a...
2016 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Potentially Important Food Plants of South Africa

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...
South Africa
2016 - Food Plant Solutions

Documento/nota de orientación
Securing women's land rights and agrarian empowerment in Zimbabwe

Within and beyond the Constitution
The status of women's land rights in Zimbabwe is the result of various legal interventions and historical, social, economic, demographic and climatic processes within and outside the country. The interventions produced diverse tenure types, cultural practices and resistance that mediate the way in which the processes impact on the specific...

Actas de conferencia
GFFA Communiqué 8 th Berlin Agriculture Ministers´ Summit 2016 16 January 2016

How to feed our cities? – Agriculture and rural areas in an era of urbanisation
2016 - German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

Artículo de blog
Política Nacional de Agroecologia e Produção Orgânica (PNAPO)

Plano Nacional de Agroecologia e Produção Orgânica (PLANAPO) - 2016/2019
O governo brasileiro lançou a Política Nacional de Agroecologia e Produção Orgânica (Pnapo), com a edição do decreto 7.794, de 20 de agosto de 2012. Foi um importante passo para a ampliação e efetivação de ações de promoção do desenvolvimento rural sustentável, impulsionado pelas crescentes preocupações das organizações sociais do campo e...
2016 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Africa Solidarity Trust Fund

This promo video emphasizes Africa’s booming economies and determination to invest in its own potential; we also meet beneficiaries of projects funded by the Africa Solidarity Trust Fund in Sierra Leone, Rwanda and Uganda and see how their lives have been turned around. African leaders have pledged to end hunger...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de blog
Reducing and Preventing Child labour in Agriculture for a brighter future in Malawi

Awareness campaign encourages communities to prioritize child education
Child labour hampers children’s education, and quite often has adverse effects on their health, safety and morals. However, not all tasks performed by children are considered child labour. Some activities may help children acquire important livelihood skills and contribute to their survival and food security. But much of the work...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Technological and Institutional Innovations for Marginalized Smallholders in Agricultural Development

In this book we focus mainly on innovation opportunities for small farmers, with a particular emphasis on marginalized small farm communities. The first chapter elaborates on the concept of the ‘small farm’ and offers a synthesis of the findings of all the chapters in this volume. The contributions have reconfirmed that...
2016 - Springer International Publishing

Nepal Integrated Pest Management

In this video Nepalese farmers explain how they learned, after an FAO training course, to use bio-pesticides instead of the chemical ones.
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Cash scheme rekindles hope in Somalia's drought-hit regions

Cash-for-work interventions implemented by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization are providing an income lifeline to communities affected by the ongoing drought in northern Somalia. While putting much needed cash in people’s pockets to buy food, the work is empowering communities to rebuild vital infrastructure with their own hands. ...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Boletín informativo
Women family farmers at the center of poverty reduction efforts

Family farming is the predominant form of food production in Asia and the Pacific which is home to 70 percent of the world’s family farmers. Family farmers produce 80 percent of the region’s food, 1 working on 85 percent of the total arable land2 and largely relying on the contribution...
2016 - Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations
Total results:2142