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لجنة الدستور الغذائي المعنية بأساليب التحليل وأخذ العينات
27/05/2019 - 31/05/2019 | بودابست, المجر


The 40th Session of Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling will be held at the Danubius Hotel Helia, H-1133, Kárpát utca 62-64, Budapest, Hungary. The session will begin at 10:00 on Monday, 27 May 2019. The session will be conducted in English, French and Spanish.

The Physical Working Groups on review of CXS234: preamble and structure, and on endorsement of methods of analysis and sampling will meet at the same venue, on Sunday 26 May 2019 from 09:30 to 11:00 and from 11:30 to 17:00, respectively. The Physical Working Groups will be conducted in English, French and Spanish.


Codex Contact Points and international organizations with observer status are kindly requested to use the online registration system by accessing the link here below.

Please note that the invitation to CCMAS40 issued by FAO and WHO requests that delegates register by April 27, 2019.
Login and password for the online registration have been provided to all Codex Contact Points and Contact Point of Observers Organizations. If the login and password have not been received, please contact [email protected].
We would encourage all delegates who expect to attend CCMAS40 to register well in advance to ensure that appropriate seating arrangements will be available for them at the meeting.

Participants are advised to enquire at the nearest Embassy or Consulate of Hungary to determine whether visas or other documents are required to enter the country, at least 6 weeks before the start of the meeting. Additional information on Procedures to obtain entry visa to Hungary will be included in the information notes for the participants.


Side event on Sampling tool app – Monday, 27 May 2019 at 12:30 – 13:30 (see presentations: Guidelines on Sampling, Case Study, Iso Plans).


Please note that there will be no distribution of working documents through the Codex mailing list (Codex-L). Only the invitation and the provisional agenda will be distributed to members and observers. All working documents, and any subsequent new documents not referenced on this Provisional Agenda, including any other information for delegates, will be published on the Codex website as they become available. Working documents will not be printed and delegates are kindly requested to bring with them to the meeting all documents which have been distributed as no printed copies will be made available at the session.

More information are available in the Information for Delegates document in the table here below.

المستندات ذات الصلة

العنصروصفتاريخ التحميل
الوثيقة المرجعية
1Provisional agenda18/01/2019
CX/MAS 19/40/1
6.1Revision of the Guidelines on Measurement Uncertainty (CXG 54 - 2004)12/03/2019
CX/MAS 19/40/6
4Guidance on endorsement12/03/2019
CX/MAS 19/40/4
5.1Revision of CXS 234 - PREAMBLE AND STRUCTURE13/03/2019
CX/MAS 19/40/5
3.2Review of dairy methods - dairy workable package13/02/2018
CX/MAS 19/40/3 Add.1
7.1Revision of the General Guidelines on Sampling (CXG 50 - 2004)01/04/2019
CX/MAS 19/40/7
3.1Endorsement of Methods of Analysis and Sampling Plans for Provisions in Codex Standards03/04/2019
CX/MAS 19/40/3
3.4Review of fats and oils methods17/04/2019
CX/MAS 19/40/3 Add.3
3.3Review of cereals, pulses and legumes methods (cereals, pulses and legumes workable package) 16/05/2019
CX/MAS 19/40/3 Add.2
7.2Revision of the general guidelines on sampling (CXG 50-2004)-Replies to CL2019/17-MAS 17/05/2019
CX/MAS 19/40/7 Add.1
6.2Revision of the Guidelines on measurement uncertainty (CXG 54-2004)-Replies to CL 2019/16-MAS 17/05/2019
CX/MAS 19/40/6 Add.1
5.2Revision of CXS 234 - Preamble and structure - Replies to CL 2019/15-MAS17/05/2019
CX/MAS 19/40/5 Add.1
2.1Matters referred by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and other Subsidiary Bodies 22/03/2019
CX/MAS 19/40/2
101Division of Competence between the EU and its Member States 20/05/2019
104CCMAS Nodal Committee for ALL analytical methods with Codex provisions25/05/2019
11Information document to the discussion on the CXS23422/05/2019
MAS/40 INF/01
115Comments of Uruguay on Agenda item 3.226/05/2019
Report of the 40th Session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling 07/06/2019
106Information and comments from AOAC/IDF/ISO and IDF/ISO on Agenda Item 3.2 (dairy workable package)21/05/2019
105Information and comments submitted by of AOAC, ISO and IDF on Agenda Item 3.1 (infant formula)21/05/2019
107Comments of Nigeria on Agenda item 323/05/2019
108Comments of Republic of Korea(ROK) on Agenda item 423/05/2019
109Comments of EU, Mexico, New Zealand, ROK and Thailand on Agenda item 523/05/2019
110Comments of Mexico, ROK and Thailand on Agenda item 623/05/2019
111Comments of Chile, Mexico, Nigeria and ROK on Agenda item 723/05/2019
112Comments of Thailand on Agenda item 425/05/2019
113Comments of India on Agenda item 3,5 and 625/05/2019
114Comments of EU on Agenda item 3,4,6 and 726/05/2019
103The Report of PWG on the revision of CXS 23427/05/2019
116Comments of Kenya on Agenda Item 3, 4, 5, 6 and 727/05/2019
117Comments of AACC/AOAC on Agenda item 3.327/05/2019
118Comments of Ghana on Agenda item 3,4,5 and 627/05/2019
119Comments of ISO TC34/SC11 on Agenda item 3.427/05/2019
120Presentation of EWG on the revision of CXG 50( Prepared by Chair of EWG on the revision of CXG 50)27/05/2019
121Report of IAM27/05/2019
122Revised draft CXG 54 by Chair of EWG on the Revision of CXG 54 28/05/2019
123Comments of Argentina on Agenda item 3.228/05/2019
124Comments of El Salvador on Agenda item 728/05/2019
102The Report of PWG on endorsement28/05/2019
126The Report of in-session WG on the revision on the CXG 5428/05/2019
125Presentation of report of EWG on the revision of CXG 54(Prepared by Chair of EWG chair)28/05/2019
127Comprehensive guidance for the processof submission, consideration and endorsement of methods for inclusion in CXS234 (prepared by chair of EWG) 29/05/2019
128Comprehensive guidance for the processof submission, consideration and endorsement of methods for inclusion in CXS234(prepared by chair of EWG)-PART II29/05/2019
129All files zip collection