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codexalimentarius > Новости и события

Ghana FDA bolsters food safety education and awareness

In Ghana, the Food and Drug Authority (FDA) led a celebration of World Food Safety Day with food safety public education in the week running up to 7 June 2020. Food safety information was shared on various local radio and TV stations across the country and on the FDA social media platform. The celebration culminated on 8 June with a webinar on the topic 'The Food Safety Situation in Our Food Business Environment during this COVID-19 period'. A recording of the webinar [...]
01 July 2020

Food safety is everyone’s responsibility and everyone’s business in the Near East

Abdessalam Ould Ahmed, FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for the Near East and North Africa, and Ahmed Al-Mandhari, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Region, issued a joint statement on 7 June 2020 on the occasion of World Food Safety Day. The statement highlighted the crucial role of safe food in promoting health and ending hunger. "Without universal access to safe food, the 2030 Agenda will be impossible to achieve. Everyone has the right to safe, nutritious and sufficient [...]
26 June 2020

Food Safety in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond

Food safety touches every aspect of our food system and defines how secure, sustainable, resilient, and nourishing a food supply can be when stressed. To mark the second annual World Food Safety Day, FAO North America convened a webinar exploring how to maintain safe supply chains during a pandemic and minimize future disruptions to build more resilient food systems and ensure food security on 12 June. Hank Cardello, Senior Fellow & Director, Food Policy Center, Hudson Institute moderated the expert discussion, [...]
26 June 2020

Zimbabwe to commemorate World Food Safety Day with a webinar

Food safety is a shared responsibility. The Zimbabwe 2020 WFSD commemoration will bring together, through a webinar, all key players in the food system to discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their operations, posed threats to food safety and how these threats are being managed. The stakeholders will also discuss what they are doing to ensure food safety in their work, the challenges they are facing and what support they require to ensure their efforts yield results. The event will [...]
25 June 2020

CCEXEC79 состоится в виртуальном формате / Утверждена первая онлайн-сессия комитета Кодекса

Сегодня секретарь Кодекса Том Хайландт подтвердил, что официальное совещание Кодекса впервые пройдет в виртуальном формате. По итогам широкого обсуждения с ФАО и ВОЗ членам Исполнительного комитета Комиссии Кодекса Алиментариус было предложено провести очередную сессию виртуально, при условии поддержки данного предложения большинством с их стороны. Предложение нашло положительный отклик у членов Исполнительного комитета Комиссии Кодекса Алиментариус (CCEXEC), и 79-я сессия CCEXEC будет проводиться в виртуальном формате 13, 14, 17 и 20 июля 2020 г. «Это совещание имеет принципиальное значение для нашей дальнейшей работы над стандартами, — [...]
25 June 2020

The Latin American and the Caribbean region comes together to keep Codex work active

Members from the Latin American and the Caribbean region met online on 17 June 2020 to discuss and share their views about Codex, the effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and identify the best practices to carry on the work of committee ahead of the next session. Diego Varela, Chile, Chairperson of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean (CCLAC), said that after working very actively on the follow-up to CCLAC21 through the Codex web forum, the countries of [...]
24 June 2020

Message from Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh, Regional Director, WHO South-East Asia Region

On World Food Safety Day, WHO reiterates its commitment to supporting Member States in the Region to promote and capitalize on momentum to prevent, detect and manage the risk associated to the consumption of unsafe food.  Through a message to countries, Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh explains the progress made and the remaining challenges to tackle food safety.  Based on the new, recently adopted Framework for Action on Food Safety, Dr Singh highlights the three priority areas for South-East Asia to sustain [...]
24 June 2020

Sharing the responsibility for food safety in Indonesia

The Balai Besar POM (BBPOM) central office in Jayapura cannot work alone to guarantee food security in the province of Papua, it must work in synergy with other regional and cross-sector government offices. This suggestion was conveyed by one of the callers who joined the Interactive Dialogue "World Food Safety Day, Food Safety Joint Responsibility" at the RRI Jayapura on Tuesday 16 June 2020, which was carried out by teleconference. In an interactive dialogue guided by RRI Jayapura moderator Ida [...]
23 June 2020

Honduras celebrates World Food Safety Day

For the second year, Honduras joins the celebration of World Food Safety Day on June 7th. The objective of WFSD is to promote awareness and joint action between government sectors, producers and experts to prevent, detect and manage food-borne risks, thus contributing to improve human health, market access, tourism and sustainable development. In Honduras, various government institutions such as the Servicio Nacional de Sanidad e Inocuidad Agroalimentaria (SENASA), la Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico (SDE), la Secretaría de Salud (SESAL), la Agencia de [...]
22 June 2020

Commemoration of the Second World Food Safety Day in Burkina Faso

Awareness raising on food safety in the context of COVID-19 at the heart of the commemoration The National Codex Committee is taking part in the response efforts to the COVID-19 pandemic within the framework of the commemoration of the second World Food Safety Day in Burkina Faso. The activity was launched at the premises of the General Meat Society of Ouagadougou, one of the model units for the sale and distribution of meat products. In partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization [...]
19 June 2020