Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs


The Kenya National Field School Sharing Platform was held in Nakuru county of Kenya at the Jumuia Conference and Resort centre from 5-7 October 2016.
Event 27 September 2016
The Kenya Government Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries in partnership with FAO organised for the first ever a National Field School sharing platform workshop. The theme for the workshop was Field School institutionalization for Agriculture and livelihoods transformation. This is within...
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Second Southern Africa sub-regional FFS meeting for Southern Africa
News 23 September 2016
As a follow up of the first FFS Sub-Regional Workshop for Southern Africa, held in Lusaka, Zambia in December 2014, during which the first sub-regional FFS network was established, a second sub-regional FFS meeting for Southern Africa was organized on...
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Agricultura e Inclusión Social buscan indicadores comunes para implementar y medir impacto de Escuelas de Campo
News 04 August 2016
FAO capacita a especialistas y técnicos de AGRORUAL y FONCODES para unificar criterios de implementación de Escuelas de Campo y generar indicadores comunes para evaluar su impacto.
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Facilitadores de Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores podrán certificar sus competencias
News 04 August 2016
Con la intención de favorecer el desarrollo agrario rural y de mejorar la vida de los hombres y mujeres dedicados a la agricultura, ya se encuentran en fase de elaboración las Normas de Competencia del Facilitador de Escuelas de Campo de...
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