
©FAO Enric Català Conteras

Forest management

Model forests
Sustainable Forest Management Toolbox


The Sustainable Forest Management Toolbox is a comprehensive collection of tools, best practices and case studies to help forest owners and managers; policymakers; students and other stakeholders implement sustainable forest management.



FAO today launched an updated guide to implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry, including good practices for forest health protection to help reduce the human-facilitated spread of forest pests and their impacts.
Photo credit Giulio Napolitano
Government officials, experts and landscape managers from across Southern Africa met today for a week of discussions on the challenges and solutions for drylands in the region organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and partners.
Planting a mangrove seedling, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania ©FAO-Luis Tato
A new manual, produced by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and The Nature Conservancy, aims to help governments to gather far more accurate information on mangroves to better inform decisions on coastal land use and restoration. 


FAO Forestry Paper 164 (2nd ed.): Guide to implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry

This guide provides easy-to-understand information on how good forest management practices and well implemented phytosanitary standards can minimize pest spread and facilitate safe trade.

UNCCD-FAO Women-led solutions for drought resilience

Launched on the occasion of the International Day of Rural Women, a UNCCD-FAO report calls for better recognizing and supporting women-led efforts to protect vulnerable communities from the devastating effects of drought.

Advancing women's leadership in dryland regions through the three Rs: rights, representation and resources

WeCaN is a nurturing community of practice for dryland women. Using case studies, this policy brief focuses on advancing women's leadership in dryland regions.

Elearning Academy

Using land-cover information to monitor progress on Sustainable Development Goal 15
Using land-cover information to monitor progress on Sustainable Development Goal 15

This course provides a basic understanding of land-cover data and its use for monitoring progress towards the achievement of international agreed goals,...

Why a national forest inventory?
National forest inventory series

This e-learning series describes the key phases of an NFI, from planning to implementation, and from data gathering to reporting in 8 courses.  

Planning seed and seedling supply for forest and landscape restoration
Planning seed and seedling supply for forest and landscape restoration

This course explores how to plan seed and seedling supply for forest and landscape restoration.


International Day of Forests 2023: Healthy Forests for Healthy People

Conserving and sustainably using forests is one of the best ways of protecting our planet and ourselves. Healthy forests are vital for all aspects of...

Geya and the three forest pathways: Steps to a forest-led green recovery and inclusive, resilient and sustainable economies

Forest pathways have the potential to provide decentralized solutions that are highly cost-effective and can be implemented comparatively rapidly...

Sustainable wood: Housing a growing population

A growing population means more buildings to fit everyone. By 2030, we will have to house an additional 3 billion people. Using wood from sustainably...