CSM’s collective contribution to the CFS e-consultation
The Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples’ Mechanism (CSM) facilitates the voices from sectors of those most affected by hunger and malnutrition. Through an active internal consultation, which has been ongoing for the past 6 months with all sub-regions and constituencies, we have drafted the following common position to convey our messages, experiences and demands for the CFS policy convergence process on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE).
Through this extensive CSM contribution, we are contributing from the knowledge and experiences from territories of all regions. We feel this document is of particular importance given the absence of an HLPE report for this CFS policy process. We have suggested a number of very fundamental changes, and we look forward to them being reflected in the process and in the document that will come out of the Regional and online Consultations.
Magdalena Ackermann