In Afghanistan the national nutrition survey carried out in 2013 shows that the overweight is increasing in women (which was target group for this survey) based on the BMI, as Afghanistan is developing and the transportation facilities and other facilities are growing. So the problem of overweight and obesity is increasing, especially in urban areas and cities. Specific strategy is not present, but awareness raising for communities are started by different channels.
Recently a food dietary guideline was introduced in English and local languages, for health staff and other staff, in order to increase knowledge of the communities .
In all Health facillities, growth monitoring for children under 2, screening for children under 5 and measuring of MUAC is doing in order to find malnutrition.
Also health educations and consultations are providing to the communites on healthy life style, infant and young child feeding and other nutrition topics.
Still we need advocacy and awareness raising regarding over nutrition to prevent obesity and related diseases.
Dr. Mhammad Asef Ghyasi