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Is an International Code of Conduct for the Use and Management of Fertilizers beneficial and useful? To whom, and why?
It is beneficial for the food users, for the reduction and of risks and other harms.
Does this Fertilizer Code of Conduct address all aspects necessary to ensure the responsible use of fertilizers, optimizing benefits while minimizing risks?
I think no, we need to do for each type of fertilizers separate investigation on human being and other animals to know detail benefits and harms and respectably know the management of advantages and disadvantages of the fertilizers.
Are there any topics or subject matter missing from this Fertilizer Code of Conduct? If so, what are they?
Dose the fertilizers change the genetic of the foods or products? If a cow is eating the product and then we are using the milk of this cow dose there is any harm?
What is the relationship of fertilizers and such diseases like diabetes, cancer, deformities in new born children ?Are there redundancies or unnecessary items or subjects within this Code of Conduct? If so, what are they?
Do you have any other suggestions or comments not covered in the above questions? If so, please elaborate.
We need to know the effect of the fertilizers in environment, air, living animals, foods, plants, and human? The life of the different animals are necessary for each other, if in some way we are killing them directly or indirectly , it will effects the life change of many elements like water, soil, air……?
In order to have enough food for all population other ways or mechanisms have to be seek not just fertilizers? Like control of population.
In Afghanistan the national nutrition survey carried out in 2013 shows that the overweight is increasing in women (which was target group for this survey) based on the BMI, as Afghanistan is developing and the transportation facilities and other facilities are growing. So the problem of overweight and obesity is increasing, especially in urban areas and cities. Specific strategy is not present, but awareness raising for communities are started by different channels.
Recently a food dietary guideline was introduced in English and local languages, for health staff and other staff, in order to increase knowledge of the communities .
In all Health facillities, growth monitoring for children under 2, screening for children under 5 and measuring of MUAC is doing in order to find malnutrition.
Also health educations and consultations are providing to the communites on healthy life style, infant and young child feeding and other nutrition topics.
Still we need advocacy and awareness raising regarding over nutrition to prevent obesity and related diseases.
Dr. Mhammad Asef Ghyasi
Dear Moderator.
Greeting from Afghanistan,
I would like to suggest in order to prevent food loss,
1-The near to expire food have to be donate to poor people inside or outside the country , I remember one of my colleagues from France, was explained, in France one of the organizations was responsible to collect the near to expire food from market and distribute to needy people before expiration. Like this we can prevent food loss, any marker owner or supplier who are not informing their near to expire food they need to be under sanction. Based on low, or the near to expire food price have to be lower for consumers.
2- As according to researches over weight/ obese people are increasing in developed countries , and that is a public health problem and individual problem for human being, and a lot of money is spending on the prevention of obesity and overweight , and overweight population health care cost is very high, for each individual their need to be a low if gaining weight ,tax have to be increase based on their weight.
3- Good planning for food production is need for each country based on the consumption,
4- Those countries who are using food as a control or for political reasons of other poor countries, it need to recognize a international crime, and sanction have to be put on them.
Best regards
Dr. M .Asef Ghyasi
MD , nutrition diploma
CAF Senior Nutrition manager