Dear Madam or Sir,
Please find enclosed WWF's comments in reponse to the consultation on the proposed 10YFP Sustainable Food Systems Programme and related stocktacking exercise.
Our submission contains four documents:
- the feedback form with our comments on the proposed draft (attached);
- three stocktaking forms with three WWF flagship programmes in connection with Sustainable Food Systems (SFS): our market transformation initiative, the LiveWell for Life initiative and the FishForward initiative.
We would like to apologize for the slight delay (which due to IT related technical reasons) and hope you will still be able to consider our comments and stocktaking contributions.
I remain at your disposal should you require any further information in connection to our submission.
Jochen Krimphoff
Directeur adjoint, relations internationales et développement
Deputy Director - International relations & development
Fondation WWF-France (World Wide Fund for Nature)
✉: Bois de Boulogne | 1 carrefour de Longchamp | F-75016 Paris | France
☎:+33 6 71 60 80 51 (mobile) | +33 1 55 25 84 12 (direct) | +33 1 55 25 84 84 (switchboard)
Skype: Jochen Krimphoff @ WWF-France
email: [email protected]
Jochen Krimphoff