Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)


Consulta del HLPE sobre el borrador cero del informe: Enfoques agroecológicos y otras innovaciones en favor de la sostenibilidad de la agricultura y los sistemas alimentarios que mejoran la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición

Durante su 44ª sesión plenaria celebrada del 9 al 13 de octubre de 2017, el CSA solicitó al Grupo de alto nivel de expertos en seguridad alimentaria y nutrición (HLPE, por sus siglas en inglés) redactar un informe sobre “Enfoques agroecológicos y otras innovaciones en favor de la sostenibilidad de la agricultura y los sistemas alimentarios que mejoran la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición”, que se presentará en la 46ª sesión plenaria del CSA en octubre de 2019.

Para preparar el proceso de redacción del informe, el HLPE está organizando una consulta para recabar aportaciones, sugerencias y comentarios sobre este borrador cero (para obtener más detalles sobre las diferentes etapas del proceso, consulte el Apéndice en el borrador V0). Los resultados de esta consulta serán utilizados por el HLPE para continuar elaborando el informe, que luego se enviará a colegas que harán de revisores expertos externos, antes de ser finalizado y aprobado por el Comité Directivo del HLPE.

Los borradores cero del HLPE (V0) elaborados por el Equipo de Proyecto se presentan deliberadamente con la suficiente antelación en el proceso -como un trabajo en curso, con sus imperfecciones- para dar tiempo suficiente a considerar adecuadamente los comentarios recibidos y que puedan desempeñar un papel realmente útil en la elaboración del informe. Es una parte clave del diálogo científico entre el Equipo del Proyecto y el Comité Directivo del HLPE, y el resto de la comunidad científica.


Por favor, tenga cuidado que los comentarios no se deberían enviar como notas al feche en pdf. Requerimos que los contribuyentes compartan sus comentarios principales y estructurantes a través del cuadro de diálogo del sitio web y / o adjunten más elementos / referencias que puedan ayudar al HLPE a enriquecer el informe y fortalecerlo.

Los comentarios detallados línea por línea también son bienvenidos, pero solo si se presentan en un feche de Word MS o archivo Excel, con referencia precisa al capítulo, sección, página y / o número de línea relacionados en el borrador.

Gracias por su cooperación.

Para contribuir al borrador cero del informe

El presente borrador V0 identifica áreas para recomendaciones en una etapa muy temprana, y el HLPE agradecería sugerencias o propuestas. Para fortalecer el informe, el HLPE agradecería la presentación de material, sugerencias basadas en pruebas, referencias y ejemplos concretos, en particular abordando las siguientes preguntas importantes:

  1. El borrador V0 es de amplio alcance al analizar la contribución de los enfoques agroecológicos y otros enfoques innovadores para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición (SAN). ¿El borrador es útil para aclarar los conceptos principales? ¿Cree que el borrador cubre adecuadamente la agroecología como uno de los posibles enfoques innovadores? ¿El borrador logra el equilibrio correcto entre la agroecología y otros enfoques innovadores?
  2. ¿Se ha identificado y documentado una gama apropiada de enfoques innovadores en el borrador? Si existen vacíos clave en la cobertura de los enfoques, ¿qué son y cómo se incorporarían de manera adecuada en el borrador? ¿El borrador ilustra correctamente las contribuciones de estos enfoques a la SAN y al desarrollo sostenible? El HLPE reconoce que estos enfoques podrían articularse mejor en el borrador, y sus puntos principales de convergencia o divergencia entre estos enfoques podrían ilustrarse mejor. ¿Ayudaría el siguiente conjunto de "dimensiones salientes" a caracterizar y comparar estos diferentes enfoques: base de derechos humanos, tamaño de la finca, mercados locales o globales y sistemas alimentarios (cadena de suministro corta o larga), intensidad de capital o mano de obra (incluida la mecanización), especialización o diversificación, dependencia a insumos externos (químicos) o economía circular, propiedad y uso de conocimiento y tecnología modernos o uso de conocimientos y prácticas locales y tradicionales?
  3. El borrador V0 delinea 17 principios agroecológicos clave y los organiza en cuatro principios operacionales globales e interrelacionados para sistemas alimentarios sostenibles (SAS): eficiencia de los recursos, resiliencia, equidad / responsabilidad social y huella ecológica. ¿Hay aspectos clave de la agroecología que no se reflejan en este conjunto de 17 principios? ¿Podría el conjunto de principios ser más conciso y, de ser así, qué principios podrían combinarse o reformularse para lograrlo?
  4. El borrador V0 está estructurado en torno a un marco conceptual que vincula los enfoques innovadores a los resultados de la SAN mediante su contribución a los cuatro principios operativos generales antes mencionados de SFS y, por lo tanto, a las diferentes dimensiones de la SAN. Junto con las cuatro dimensiones acordadas de FSN (disponibilidad, acceso, estabilidad, utilización), el borrador V0 también discute una quinta dimensión: agencia. ¿Crees que este marco aborda los problemas clave? ¿Se aplica de forma adecuada y coherente en los diferentes capítulos del borrador para estructurar su narrativa general y sus principales conclusiones?
  5. El borrador V0 proporciona la oportunidad de identificar las brechas de conocimiento, donde se requieren más pruebas para evaluar la contribución que la agroecología y otros enfoques innovadores pueden hacer para avanzar hacia sistemas alimentarios más sostenibles para mejorar la FSN. ¿Cree que las lagunas clave en el conocimiento se identifican adecuadamente, que sus causas subyacentes están suficientemente articuladas en el borrador? ¿Falta el borrador algún vacío de conocimiento importante? ¿Esta evaluación del estado del conocimiento en el borrador se basa en la mejor evidencia científica disponible y actualizada o falla el borrador de referencias críticas? ¿Cómo podría el borrador integrar y considerar mejor el conocimiento local, tradicional y empírico?
  6. El Capítulo 2 sugiere una tipología de innovaciones. ¿Cree que esta tipología es útil para estructurar la exploración de qué innovaciones se requieren para apoyar la SAN, identificando los impulsores clave y las barreras a la innovación (en el Capítulo 3) y las condiciones propicias requeridas para fomentar la innovación (en el Capítulo 4)? ¿Existen factores importantes, barreras o condiciones propicias que no se consideran adecuadamente en el borrador?
  7. En el Capítulo 3, se documenta una serie de narraciones divergentes para ayudar a descubrir las principales barreras y limitaciones a la innovación para la SAN. ¿Es la presentación de estas narrativas divergentes completa, apropiada y correctamente articulada? ¿Cómo podría mejorarse la presentación de las principales controversias en juego y también la evidencia disponible relacionada?
  8. Esta versión preliminar del informe presenta unas prioridades tentativas para la acción en el Capítulo 4, así como recomendaciones para permitir los enfoques innovadores contribuir a las transformaciones radicales de los actuales sistemas alimentarios, necesarias para mejorar la SAN y la sostenibilidad. ¿Cree que estos hallazgos preliminares pueden formar una base adecuada para una mayor elaboración, en particular para diseñar políticas de innovación? ¿Piensa que las recomendaciones o prioridades clave para la acción están ausentes o están inadecuadamente cubiertas en el borrador?
  9. A lo largo del borrador V0, se ha tratado de indicar, a veces con marcadores de posición, estudios de casos específicos que ilustran la narrativa principal con ejemplos concretos y experiencia. ¿El conjunto de estudios de caso es apropiado en términos de balance de la materia y regional? ¿Puede sugerir estudios de casos adicionales que podrían ayudar a enriquecer y fortalecer el informe?
  10. ¿Hay alguna omisión o laguna importante en el borrador V0? ¿Están los temas insuficientemente representados o insuficientemente relacionados con su importancia? ¿Hay hechos o conclusiones refutados, cuestionables o afirmaciones sin base de evidencia? Si alguno de estos es un problema, por favor comparta evidencia de apoyo.

Agradecemos de antemano a todos los colaboradores la amabilidad de leer y comentar esta versión inicial del informe y trasladarnos sus sugerencias.

Esperamos que la consulta sea productiva y enriquecedora.

El Equipo de Proyecto y el Comité Directivo del HLPE

Esta actividad ya ha concluido. Por favor, póngase en contacto con [email protected] para mayor información.

*Pinche sobre el nombre para leer todos los comentarios publicados por ese miembro y contactarle directamente
  • Leer 103 contribuciones
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Dear All,

Season's Greetings!

A great effort by HLPE. I feel the following point should get emphasis:

Agro-ecological zoning separates areas into the region at the apex level and agro-eco unit at the bottom. The agro-ecological region identifies the natural resources in terms of problems, potentialities and constraints and their extent with respect to land utilization types and groups them in uniform units. Digital database in GIS and application of logic through decision support system (DSS) further enhance the process and precession of agro-ecological delineation. The sub agro ecological regions are further subdivided into agro-ecological zones based on landforms, soil association and land use. The agro ecological zones have further taken down to sub zones depending on terrain characteristics, parent materials, soil texture, depth, salinity, surface and ground water potentiality and cropping pattern.

In solidarity and wIth warm regards,

Pradip Dey

Thank you for allowing a comment period. In summary, I am struck by 3 glaring omissions:

(1. PICS bags for inexpensive, protective grain storage-developed by Perdue and embraced by the Gates Foundation are omitted. Why not use this report to showcase them? 2. Barely a nod to global warming/climate change/carbon sequestration---when the ink from the ominous IPCC report is barely dry. Again, why this gap in what helps reduce atmospheric carbon, and most importantly--3. The omission of Inga Alley Cropping---and in particular the 7-year, 100% successful "Land for Life" program of Mike Hands in Honduras is not mentioned at all). It may be a small, but it has planet-changing results which apply to the entire humid tropics.

I am not an expert or it is likely my remarks will not be taken as seriously as others---BUT you are blatantly sucking up to industrial agriculture--and most egregiously to GMO technology. Is Monsanto funding you? Apps/gene editing/drones and technology should not be part of this report--unless you only wish to consider business as usual.

From -"Once only considered as an environmental issue, climate change is increasingly being included as an inherent element of national and international security agendas. It is seen as a “threat multiplier” exacerbating existing threats to security and increasing environmental stress, adding to pressures that can push the responsive capacities of governments to their limits."

Figure 7-Evolution of the agroforestry paradigm—suggest  an EXAMPLE BOX be added to include Inga Alley Cropping as a strong example of an agroforestry system which addresses all 17 of the SDGs, which can be provided by Dr. Mike Hands. His 20+ years as a tropical ecologist allowed him understand the inter-related problems of food security, slash and burn agriculture, rainforest, rural poverty, and ecosystem devastation--and working with Cambridge and Royal Botanic Garden, Kew established a scientifically-proven, bottom-up model (Inga Alley Cropping) for economic & environmental sustainability that is replicable and scalable to the entire tropics with 300+ Inga species or native, analogous species.


Figure 8-Add--Major ways in which agroforestry impacts smallholder livelihoods—sequestering carbon/biological weed control with no pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers--again, all these benefits should be mentioned generally about many systems and from one agroforestry system in particular--Inga Alley Cropping.

Page 80-Line 54- Should genetically modified organisms be used for improving FSN? There is no consensus on this. Proponents of GM technology assert that there is a place for GM technology in SFS for FSN---WHY WOULD YOU KEEP THIS PROPOGANDA IN THIS REPORT? You do not even mention watershed protection, health of users (you say "possible" when a 40 million dollar lawsuit against Monsanto says otherwise), local plants and pollinators--why are you so biased here in favor of BIG AG? Do you not see you are biased?

Page 81-Lines 3 and 4 continue your bias when the industry fights labelling world-wide and litigates to silence those who seeks transparency:

3 introduced. They indicate that education about the effects of GM and transparency in labelling will

4 need to accompany introduction to allow consumers to make their own decisions about purchases.


Consider a section of simple economics (with your recommendations for policy inclusion to benefit smallholders):

A new report by the international network More and Better presents a global overview of investments in agriculture, revealing that more investment in small-scale sustainable agriculture is needed. The report gives an overview of some of the most important financial institutions involved in agriculture and the benefits and implications of different investment models. It also provides recommendations for inclusive and equitable future investments in small-scale sustainable farming.

“Farmers have the most important occupation in the world,” says Aksel Nærstad, International Co-coordinator of the More and Better Network.

“The U.N. Global Compact states that small-scale food producers—peasants, artisanal fisherfolks, pastoralists, hunters, and gatherers—produce 40 percent of the food which is traded and 70 percent of all food in the world. But peasants are also the largest group of the poor people in the world and of the about 800 million people who are starving. More focus on and support to improve the condition for peasants is therefore crucial.”

The report details several studies from the World Bank and U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) demonstrating how investments in small-scale sustainable agriculture is an effective and proven way to reduce hunger and poverty in low-income countries. Despite this, public investment in agriculture has decreased considerably, with governments allocating less than two percent of their central government expenditures to agriculture between 2001 and 2015. Official Development Assistance (ODA) has increased since 2005, but is still very low, at approximately 6-8% of total ODA.

“Several reports show that support to and investments in small-scale sustainable agriculture in developing countries are by far the most efficient ways to reduce hunger and poverty,” says Nærstad. “Despite [this], very few investments are made with and for peasants. Most of the commercial and public investments in agriculture go to large-scale unsustainable farming.”



Hands, M. R.  2004.

El uso de Inga en Cultivo en Callejones; una alternativa sostenible comprobada a la agricultura migratoria en el Bosque Lluvioso.  Invited co-author in  :  Cordero, J. and Boshier, D. H., (eds.)  :  Árboles de Centroamérica  :  Un manual para extensionistas.  OFI/CATIE.  Oxford.  UK.


Hands, M. R. June 2002.

Alley-Cropping as a Sustainable Alternative to Shifting Cultivation.  Final Report.  Project HND / B7-6201 / IB / 97 / 0533(08).  Tropical Forests Budgetary Line.  Commission of the European Communities.  DG I.  Brussels.

Dear HLPE Project Team and Steering Committee,


Please find below my review of the V0 draft of: “Agroecological approaches and other innovations for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food security and Nutrition.”


Overall, I appreciated and am encouraged by the intent and thoroughness of this report - as well as the opportunity to provide feedback at such an early stage.  My detailed comments include some ideas and concerns that I hope will be helpful.



Marcia DeLonge, PhD

Senior Scientist, Agroecologist

Union of Concerned Scientists, Food & Environment Program

Dear Sir/Madam,
I write to comment on the draft report entitled "Agroecological approaches and other innovations for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food security and nutrition." I tried to do this online today but my account was not approved in time.
First thank you for your hard work on this draft. I deeply appreciate all the thought and energy that went into it. There are many parts of the draft (especially the introductory chapter) that are excellent.
Second, I specifically wish to comment on the section entitled "Can genetically modified organisms be part of sustainable food systems" on pgs 76-79.
One concern is that GMO technology is sufficiently expensive that it is inaccessible to the poorest of the poor who are the most food insecure (and you note this on pg 77).  However, you do not acknowledge that such solutions are often aimed at maximizing production under ideal conditions, as opposed to minimizing risk in highly variable meteorological environments.  Such variability is historically dominant in the semi-arid tropics and now predicted more broadly under many climate change scenarios. As such, investing in GMO seed technology represents a significant financial risk for many small farmers in meteorologically variable environments, let alone the volatility of markets where farmers must sell all or part of their harvest if they are to cover their input costs.

I see the agroecological approach as distinct from the GMO one. The former is about ecologically informed, low cost innovations that are open to all, not lab-based (and often expensive) molecular innovations. As you know, by smartly capitalizing on interactions within agroecosystems, farmers are able to improve yields and manage pest problems through improved intercropping and agroforestry combinations, as well as more tightly integrated crop and livestock systems. While these practices have long existed within traditional farming systems in the tropics, there is enormous potential for scientists to collaborate with local people to make improvements to these techniques. As you also know, funding for work in this area has been woefully limited, probably because agroecological approaches are unlikely to generate the profits derived from the GM approach increasing production (and missing the hunger problem).   


Thank you for considering these comments (and I apologize for submitting them very late in the comment period)

Kind Regards,
William G. Moseley
Professor of Geography
Director, Program for Food, Agriculture & Society
Macalester College, USA

Hélène Delisle

University of Montreal

This is a fine document, very detailed and well- illustrated. Congratulations to the contributors. It would be interesting to know what the precise objectives, uses and targeted users of the document are.


My primary field is nutrition and not agriculture although food systems and food security are an integral part of nutrition. The few comments I have are therefore more directly connected with nutrition:


My Comments:


Recommendation 1, p. 9:

What are « small or medium farms »? Is it their size or their methods that are addressed? Please clarify.

Recommendation 2, p. 9:

I am not sure that SFS is to be introduced in primary schools. In contrast, it is important to emphasize the need for SFSs to be introduced in the public health training curriculum. Conversely, more attention should be paid to appropriate nutrition training in agriculture schools and universities.

Recommendation 5, p. 10:

Let’s not forget traditional and minor crops which contribute to food diversity hence security, and to better nutrition. I would also see mentioned here the importance of introducing the concept of nutrition value chains. Additionally, it may be useful to clarify here the concept of “nutrition sensitive” agriculture even if it is further discussed under 2.3.7.

Recommendation 7, p. 11:

Would it not be relevant to advertise for, or promote, locally produced foods as an additional means of linking rural producers and urban consumers? (See on this my discussion paper on urban food patterns for FAO

Food security and nutrition, p. 14:

Under “access” is also included access to information about food outlets, about the nutritional value of food and about food and nutrition programs. Access to information is included in the FAO’s definition of food security.

P. 15: Does “approach to FSN” really need to be defined?

P. 25: It is interesting to read that one of the principles of agroecology is to “develop healthy, diversified, seasonally and culturally appropriate diets”.

P. 34, box 7: Other issues that could be considered is overfishing, as well as food processing, and the problem with ultra-processed foods.

P. 68, box 11: Adding the caloric requirements on a per capita basis would help understand this.

P. 73, Fig. 11: It is surprising not to see here wars and social unrest, as well as disease (such as HIV) as determinants of hunger. Other sources list these.

P. 77: GMOs: A major issue is that the risk is not taken by those who reap the benefits of GM... And that research is often proprietary.


Warmest regards,

Hélène Delisle, Ph.D.

María Sánchez Mainar

International Dairy Federation

Dear HLPE team,

The International Dairy Federation (IDF) welcomes the opportunity to submit comments to the Vo of the HLPE Report on Agroecological approaches and other innovations for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food security and nutrition.

Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires locally adapted agricultural approaches that foster productivity, maintain environmental sustainability, promote rural livelihoods, and ensure resilience.

In particular, meeting SDG 2 requires increased focus on the influence of local contexts on what constitutes ‘climate smart’ and sustainable agriculture practices, taking into account fragile farming communities and the specific needs of small holders. Today, many approaches have been developed that offer sustainable solutions while maintaining agricultural productivity and ‘usefulness’ to society over the long run.

However, we do believe that that sustainable agroecological practices are able to be implemented by all types of farms and are not scale dependent. This should be reflected in the report.

In addition, the report should reference the FAO document Agroecology: from advocacy to action (COAG/2018/5). The paper builds on prior work in this area, and includes 10 elements of agroecology as a guide to the transition to sustainable agriculture and food systems. We do feel that an 11th recommendation should be added to include the role of science/technology or innovation.

In conclusion to meet current and future demand for agricultural goods sustainably, we must not preclude any options and instead focus on what is most appropriate and scalable in any given context. All decisions must be grounded on scientific evidence and follow the development framework of the SDGs.

IDF advocates for a mix of practices, tools and technologies tailored to each situation. Many practices, such as precision agriculture, conservation farming (no- or reduced till practices), drip irrigation and integrated pest management, are supportive of and compatible with the goals of sustainable development and food security. Unilateral promotion of certain farming systems or the exclusion of some technologies does not reflect the notion of sustainable development and limits farmers’ choices.

Thanks a lot,

Kind regards,


Gemma Cornuau

Permanent Representation of France to FAO, WFP and IFAD


Veuillez trouver ci-joint les commentaires de la France sur la V0 du Rapport « Approches agroécologiques et d’autres innovations pour une agriculture durable et des systèmes alimentaires qui améliorent la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition » .

Bien cordialement,

Gemma Cornuau
