Ms. Cristina Grandi

Dear all,
I would like to contribute to this interesting discussion referring the article “Health for acre: meeting the nutrition challenge through organic farming” , written by Dr. Vaibhav Singh and published by the Bija magazine (pag. 6)[1].pdf
The article states that since providing nutrition and nourishment are the main aims of agriculture, nutrition per acre is a more accurate measure of productivity than yield of a commodity in a monoculture.
Dr. Singh worked with the data of the 12 studies in India to assess the nutritive value per acre of farmland. These studies show that organic mixed cropping produces more nutrition per acre farmland than conventional monocropping, and that the overall profitability in mixed cropping is higher than in mono-cropping.
According with research organic mixed cropping, on an average, produce more proteins (providing all the essential amino acids) , as well as, vitamins, minerals and micronutrients than those produced by conventional mono cropping.
Cristina Grandi
IFOAM Food Security Campaigner
Ms. Cristina Grandi
IFOAM - Organics International appreciates the efforts made by the Global Soil Partnership Secretariat to draft the "Code of conduct for the Use and management of fertilizers”, and we do think that this Code of conduct is an essential document that was long due to the persistent problem of fertilizer overuse hindering the implementation of many of the Sustainable Development Goals.
We agree that it is imperative to consider fertilisers at "the landscape and global levels due to potential nutrient losses to the environment and the negative effect of such losses” and the chapter dedicated to “nutrient reuse and recycling” is a key part of the document.
Moreover we consider that the first page of the document should mention "the need of an holistic approach to nutrients and to their cycle in soils, plants, animals, humans, water and environment". A new approach from all the stakeholders is needed to achieve the desired results with the code.
We truly believe that this Code should be approved at the COAG meeting this year in order to further achievements for Agenda 2030.