Dr. Juan-Felipe Nuñez-Espinoza

Phd on Sustainability and technology at Politechnical University of Cataluyna, Spain. Researcher of Postgraduate College at México. Research lines: Social network analysis to rural development and modeling sustainability to rural development.
Dr. Juan-Felipe Nuñez-Espinoza
I would to find information about organization models at the grassroot organizations, specially agroecological grassroot organizations and the use of new tecnologies to build colective memories about the local and cotidiene problems and solutions in the agroecological production and which whom they are exchanging such experiecend and knolwedge.
And if this kind of activities has produced some kind of changes at their organization pattern, at the agriculture production model (I´m thinking about some technology as OjoVoz -https://ojovoz.net/- a social app to generate a kind of exchange information between peasants nas rural communities.
I think that this kind of technologies could provide a lot of information about: products, social innovation patterns, tecnologies related with the local agriculture, etc. and even could provide about the diversity of rural and agriculture semantic.
Hugs from Mexico!