根据 《2024–2027 多年度工作计划》(MYPoW),2025年10月世界粮食安全委员会(粮安委)全体会议将安排举办一次“全球专题会议(GTE)”,作为合作治理促进政策协调工作流的一部分。该会议的目的是分享有关粮安委 《长期危机中保障粮食安全和营养行动框架》(CFS-FFA)应用和适用方面的经验和良好实践并加强其落实。
- 推动行之有效的实践的采用和推广;
- 监测《行动框架》在国家、区域和全球层面的实施进展(定性和定量);
- 吸取提高《行动框架》相关性和有效性的经验教训,增进对粮安委及其产品的认识。
方 法
- 包容性和参与: 所有参与和参加决策过程的有关主体,包括受到决策影响的主体;
- 循证分析: 基于独立证据对有关实践在为框架的目标做出贡献的有效性方面进行分析;
- 环境、经济和社会可持续性: 有关实践在推动实现其目标的同时不损及满足未来需求的能力;
- 性别平等: 有关实践促进妇女和男子的平等权利和参与并应对性别不平等问题;
- 聚焦最脆弱和边缘化民众和群体: 有关实践使最脆弱和边缘化的民众和群体受益;
- 多部门方法: 所有主要相关部门参加磋商并参与《行动框架》的实施;
- 生计韧性: 有关实践推动构建家庭和社区具有韧性的生计,应对冲击和危机,包括涉及气候变化的冲击和危机。
Fatiha Terki女士,世界粮食安全委员会(粮安委)秘书处高级伙伴关系顾问
Giorgia Paratore女士,粮安委粮食安全与营养专家
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世界粮食安全委员会 (粮安委)的愿景是作为最具有包容性的国际和政府间平台,以协调方式汇集各方志同道合的利益相关者,携手支持以国家为主导的、旨在为全人类消除饥饿和确保粮食安全与营养的事业。粮安委将勠力缔造一个免于饥饿困扰的世界,促进各国落实包括《长期危机中保障粮食安全和营养行动框架》在内的产品和政策,推动充足食物权的逐步实现。 |
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博士 Malak Elbasyouny
Recommendations for Enhancing CFS-FFA Implementation
- Policy Integration:
- Encourage governments to integrate CFS-FFA principles into national policies and strategies for food security and crisis management.
- Strengthen policy coherence across humanitarian aid, development, and human rights frameworks.
- Capacity Building:
- Provide technical and financial support to local stakeholders for implementing CFS-FFA principles.
- Facilitate knowledge sharing through regional and global platforms.
- Scaling Grassroots Innovations:
- Promote grassroots innovations that demonstrate success in addressing food security challenges in protracted crises.
- Provide platforms for grassroots organizations to share experiences and receive support for scaling their initiatives.
Patter Roni
Thank you for this important initiative! The CFS Framework for Action in Protracted Crises is a critical tool for addressing the unique challenges faced in these complex situations. Its emphasis on resilience-building, multi-stakeholder collaboration, and sustainable recovery provides a solid foundation for impactful interventions. I look forward to learning from the shared experiences and innovative approaches from contributors worldwide.
Here is my brief write-up in the context of Southeast Asia for consideration. Please find it attached
Rishiraj Dutta
Rice is staple food of many countries in the Asia. Rice cultivation entails huge amount of chemical fertilizer application which causes environmental pollution and also creating problem for human health. Among the nutrient elements nitrogen is the most limiting nutrient for rice production and unfortunately its use efficiency by the rice crop is very poor (30 to 50%). In the wetland field condition, ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-)are the primary forms of nitrogen that resulted immediate after urea application. Rice plant uptake about 40% of the applied nitrogen either as NH4+ or NO3- and rest of them are lost and back to the environment as NH3, NO2, N2O and NO3 that pollute air and water, respectively. The reactive forms of ammonia (NH3) that returned to the air via volatilization is major contributor to the fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and causes serious air pollution and a threat to human health and biodiversity. Reduction of NO3 produced nitrous oxide (N2O) and it is a greenhouse gas having global warming potential 300 times higher than per molecule CO2 that destroying ozone layer of the atmosphere (Gu and Yang, 2022). Moreover, synthesis of nitrogenous fertilizer through the Haber-Bosch process burns about 2% of global energy (Sutton et al., 2013).
Global demand for food production forces intensive agriculture to lean toward synthetic fertilizer use and simultaneously increases risks of soil degradation by altering the earth’s biogeochemical processes. Among the agricultural inputs, synthetic fertilizers are required in huge amounts for crop production. Potential management of free-living N2 fixing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) may decrease the demand for synthetic N and P fertilizer requirements for rice production. Considering soil health and the environment, we hypothesized that BNF by free-living N2 fixing bacteria might compensate at least 30% of Nr in rice production, and co-composting of biodegradable kitchen waste with rock phosphate and PSB may fulfill the required P demand of rice and consecutively improve soil health via the addition of organic matter. Hence, a biofertilizer was produced that can supplement 30% N and eliminate 100% TSP i8n rice production. This biofertilizer may be a tool for climate smart rice production and also ensure safe food production with healthy environment. Front. Plant Sci. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.602052