FAO and the GEF

Partnering for sustainable agri-food systems and the environment



Ganadería Climáticamente Inteligente, una alternativa para combatir los efectos de la degradación del medio ambiente


Discussion paper prepared for the 57th Session of the FAO Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries, 22 June 2016


Boletín Informativo FAO EL Salvador, Junio 2016


Boletín informativo FAO El Salvador; Mayo, 2016


The present document provides a synthetic overview of the consultative process and the main achievements. It conveys key messages from the results of the project’s analyses, including the finding that governance of the world’s groundwater resources is still in infancy. The decision-making processes concerning groundwater use and aquifer management are...


The project promotes the implementation of the International Guidelines on Bycatch Management and Reduction of discards, the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the context of Food Security and Poverty alleviation and the Voluntary Guidelines for Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forestry in the Context...


This publication is a compilation of presentations and recommendations result- ing from the Global Conference on Inland Fisheries: Freshwater, Fish and the Future, convened at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome, Italy in January 2015. This conference on the function and importance...


As a contribution to the International Pollinator Initiative, and through the GEF/UNEP/FAO Global Pollination Project, FAO collaborated with the San Francisco State University to develop a protocol for monitoring bee pollinator populations in crop production landscapes. Practical guidance is provided for using a common methodology to monitor pollinator diversity and...


How innovations in market institutions encourage sustainable agriculture in developing countries


Based on experience and lessons learned in 2014-15, Africa’s RI2 (originally entitled “Integrated Management of Agricultural Landscapes in Africa”) has been revamped for implementation in 2016-17 to sharpen its focus and to make it more programmatic. It takes a food systems approach with two integrated components, namely sustainable production intensification...


The Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Project Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand are working together through the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem (BOBLME) Project to lay the foundations for a coordinated programme of action designed to better the lives of the coastal populations...


Mid-term Evaluation Report This report presents the findings of the Mid-Term Evaluation of the GEF-FAO Project Forest Protected Area Management (FPAM) in Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu and Niue which was conducted between November 2014 and May 2015. The purpose of this MTE was to review progress made towards achievement of outcomes in...


This book represents the proceedings of the FAO international technical conference dedicated to Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries (ABDC-10 ) that took place in Guadalajara, Mexico on 1-4 March 2010 . A major objective of the conference was to take stock of the application of biotechnologies across the different food...