Presentations | 8th meeting of GLOSOLAN
Opening Mr. Lifeng Li, Director of the Land and Water Division, FAO
Item 1
- Updates from the Global Soil Partnership and its action plan | Mr. Yuxin Tong, FAO
- Presentation of the Protocol for the assessment of sustainable soil management | Ms. Carolina Olivera Sanchez, FAO Ms. | Cruz Ferro Vazquez, FAO
Item 2: Report of the work performed by GLOSOLAN in 2023-2024 | Mr. Elh Moudi Moustapha Abdourahaman (GLOSOLAN Chair)
Item 3: Report from GLOSOLAN-Spec and presentation of the candidates for the | Mr. Yi Peng, FAO position of GLOSOLAN-Spec Working Group Chair
Item 4: Regional priorities and needs
- African Soil Laboratory Network (AFRILAB) | Ms. Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe, AFRILAB Chair
- Asian Soil Laboratory Network (SEALNET) | Mr. Pushpajeet | Lokpal Choudhari, SEALNET Chair
- European and Eurasian Soil Laboratory Network (EUROSOLAN) | Ms. Marija Romić, EUROSOLAN Chair
- Latin American Soil Laboratory Network (LATSOLAN) | Ms. María de los Ángeles Sepúlveda, LATSOLAN Chair
- Near East and North African Soil Laboratory Network (NENALAB) | Karim Shahbazi, NENALAB Chair
- North America | Mr. Rich Ferguson, Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory USDA-NRCS-NSSC
- Pacific Soil Laboratory Network (ASPAC) | Mr. Graham Lancaster, ASPAC
Item 5: Other regional activities on soil laboratories
- Updates on the SoilFER project | Mr. Bellington Mudyawabikwa, FAO
- Case study from Sudan | Ms. Nuha Abdalla Mohamed Khamis, LWRC-ARC | Mr. Abdelmagid Ali Elmobarak, LWRC-ARC
Item 6: Report of the FAO Global Symposium on Soil Information and Data 2024 | Ms. Isabel Luotto, FAO
Item 7. 18th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis (ISSPA) – June 2025 | Mr. Graham Lancaster, ASPAC
Item 8: Proficiency test (PT)
- Report of the AFRILAB/NENALAB PT 2024 | Mr. Christian Hartmann, IRD
- Report of the Eurasian PT 2024 | Ms. Elena Shamrikova, RUSOLAN Chair
- Report of the status of the SEALNET PT 2024 | Mr. John A. Pascua, BSWM The Philippines
- Launch of the GLOSOLAN global PT 2024-25 | Mr. Michael Watts, BGS
Item 9: Center of Excellence for Soil Laboratory (CESLab) – the example of Asia | Ms. Gina P. Nilo, Asian Soil Partnership Chair
Item 10: GLOSOLAN certification system for soil organic carbon measurements | Ms. Nopmanee Suvannang, ITPS
- Round table: Mr. Christian Hartmann, IRD Mr. Graham Lancaster, ASPAC | Mr. Michael Watts, BGS
Item 11: Moving into soil spectroscopy: a case study from Latvia | Mr. Aldis Butlers, Laboratory of Forest Environment at Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava"
Item 12: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) | Mr. Filippo Benedetti, GLOSOLAN Coordinator
- Presentation of the new GLOSOLAN SOPs:
- Particulate Organic Matter | Ms. Miriam Ostinelli, GLOSOLAN Steering Committee
- Soil enzymes | Ms. Ieda Mendes, EMBRAPA
- Soil mesofauna (QBS-ar) | Ms. Cristina Menta, Parma University | Mr. Lorenzo D’Avino, CREA
- Decision on the SOPs to harmonize in 2025 Mr. Filippo Benedetti, GLOSOLAN coordinator
- GLOSOLAN SOPs as internationally recognized standards | Ms. Marija Romic, EUROSOLAN Chair | Mr. Christian Hartmann, IRD
- Presentation of the GLOSOLAN/INSOP guidelines on reagents disposal
- Determining microplastics in soils | Mr. Sergejus Ustinov, FAO | Mr. Bellington Mudyawabikwa, FAO
- GLOSOLAN/INSAS manual on saltaffected soils analysis | Mr. Jorge Battle-Sales, INSAS Chair
Open discussion
Item 13: Presentation of the results of the GLOSOLAN global assessment 2024 | Mr. Filippo Benedetti, GLOSOLAN coordinator
Item 14:
- Capacity building - Case study: soil health assessment affected by military activities | Mr. Kristof Tirez, VITO
- Belgium - Summary of the activities done in 2024 - Plan for 2025 | Ms. Hanane Aroui, GLOSOLAN vice-Chair
Item 15: Joint discussion with the International Network on Soil Information Institutions (INSII) | Mr. Yusuf Yigini, FAO
Item 16: The role of soil laboratories in the celebrations of the World Soil Day 2024: Caring for soils – Measure, Monitor, Manage
Item 17: Election of the GLOSOLAN-Spec Chair | Mr. Yi Peng, FAO
Item 18: Presentation and endorsement of the GLOSOLAN work plan and decisions for the year 2024 | Mr. Elh Moudi Moustapha Abdourahaman, GLOSOLAN Chair