Global Symposium on Salt-affected Soils: Call for abstract and good practices CLOSED
Halt soil salinization, boost soil productivity!
20 - 22 Oct 2021 | Virtual format | Time: 13.00-16.00 CEST
The Global Symposium on Salt-affected Soils (GSAS21) “Halt soil salinization, boost soil productivity” will be held in a virtual format from 20 to 22 October 2021. This science-policy meeting is organized by FAO’s Global Soil Partnership (GSP), the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS), together with the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Science Policy Interface of United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (SPI-UNCCD), the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), the International Center on Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA), the International Network of Salt-Affected Soils (INSAS), and the Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG).
The main objectives of the Symposium are to share knowledge on salinity prevention, management, and adaptation and to establish critical connections between science, practice, and policy by facilitating discussion among policy makers, food producers, scientists, and practitioners for sustainable management of salt-affected soils.
The registration to the Symposium is open.
The official GSAS21 website in the six FAO official languages is online:
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
Please check the agenda

The Organizing Committee of the Global Symposium on Salt-affected Soils (GSAS21) is currently accepting abstracts that will compete for oral and poster presentations during this symposium. The abstracts shall be written in English, maximum 3 000 characters (without spaces) in Word format.
They should address one of the following symposium themes:
- THEME 1: Assessment, mapping, and monitoring of salt-affected soils;
- THEME 2: Integrated soil-water-crop solutions in rehabilitation and management of salt-affected areas;
- THEME 3: Agenda for action to prevent and rehabilitate salt-affected soils, protect natural saline and sodic soils, and scale-up sustainable soil management practices.
All abstracts must be submitted in the prescribed format (DOWNLOAD THE ABSTRACT TEMPLATE) and emailed to [email protected], indicating “Call for abstracts/Your full name/Preferred Theme” in the subject line.
The GSAS21 Scientific Committee will revise all submissions and inform selected authors.
The GSAS21 Organizing Committee is also accepting good practices that will compete for oral and poster presentations during this symposium. Good practices should illustrate the rehabilitation and sustainable use of salt-affected soils and show its positive impact as well as its environmental and socio-economic context. The aim of this section is to share these good practices with farmers, project managers and policy makers working with salt-affected soils and therefore you are invited to consider these audiences when preparing your document.
Please note that good practices are not abstracts nor scientific papers, but a well described practice, adequately illustrated and accompanied by a brief description in English, of a maximum of 3 000 characters (without spaces) in Word format.
All good practices must be submitted in the prescribed format (DOWNLOAD THE GOOD PRACTICE TEMPLATE) and emailed to [email protected], indicating “Call for good practices/Your full name/Preferred Theme” in the subject line.
The GSAS21 Scientific Committee will revise all submissions and inform selected authors.
All authors of selected abstracts and good practices will be able to showcase the results of their work through an oral presentation or through a scientific poster supported by an explanatory video that will compete in the poster contest.
The deadline for abstract and good practices submission is 17 September 2021.
Authors will be notified with a decision regarding their submission by 7 October 2021 and details for presentations, poster and video preparation will be provided.
The registration to the Symposium is open.
The official GSAS21 website in the six FAO official languages is online:
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
For any enquiries, please contact: [email protected].