Supporting the implementation of the small and medium pelagic fisheries management plan in mainland United Republic of Tanzania
Small-scale fisheries represent an important economic activity of the majority of coastal communities in the United Republic of Tanzania. Small and medium pelagic fish account for approximately one-third of the total catch, and serve as an important source of income, rich protein food and employment opportunities.
However, current key challenges related to fisheries management (including inefficient management systems and practices and insufficient capacity in fisheries research, decision-making and management) hamper country's transition towards more sustainable fishing practices. These challenges are addressed in the current phase of the EAF-Nansen Programme.
Through the national field project, the United Republic of Tanzania is supported in the implementation of the small and medium pelagic fisheries management plan - an initiative carried out by the EAF-Nansen Programme in collaboration with the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries of the United Republic of Tanzania.
Field project
The project Supporting the implementation of the United Republic of Tanzania’s small and medium pelagic fisheries management plan is based on the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) and focuses on strengthening capacities, structures as well as processes for fisheries management.
The project is designed to support the implementation of the management plan, mainly through the establishment of a functional Fisheries Management Cycle (FMC).
Support will also be provided to monitor the implementation of EAF beyond the small-scale fisheries, and in mainstreaming gender equality throughout the agreed activities.
Project activities include:
- supporting the implementation of key actions in the implementation of the fisheries management plan and settingup a functional FMC;
- training national data survey teams and field enumerators, and supporting collection and analysis of the required data;
- training national level stakeholders on FMC;
- carrying out annual assessments of EAF implementation using the EAF Implementation Monitoring Tool.
Expected outcomes
An overall objective of the project is that small and medium-size pelagic fisheries in the United Republic of Tanzania are managed more efficiently and create sustainable benefits for the coastal communities.
The project Supporting the implementation of the United Republic of Tanzania’s small and medium pelagic fisheries management plan contributes to the EAF-Nansen Programme’s intended general outcomes, in particular on how fisheries management institutions manage fisheries according to the EAF principles, and its relevant indicators.
The project is also intended to contribute to the achievement of the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: SDG1 ("no poverty"), SDG2(“zero hunger"), SDG5 ("gender equality), SDG13 ("climate action") and SDG14 (“life below water").