How can sustainable livestock systems contribute to climate action?
Experts from various fields share their knowledge and insights on the road to the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28). At the heart of climate action, agrifood system solutions help to build resilience, adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions while safeguarding biodiversity and ensuring food security for all.
Voices of livestock and climate change stakeholders in Asia and the Pacific
This video captures the essence of innovative discussions and transformative initiatives to address the pressing issues of livestock, climate change, and methane emission reduction in Asia and the Pacific. Participants of the FAO regional workshop “Enhancing national climate actions to reduce methane emissions in livestock systems in Asia and the Pacific...
Livestock and enteric methane
Burping livestock are a big problem for our planet. When cows and other ruminants eat, their food ferments in their gut and produces methane, which contributes to global warming. FAO and partners are working with countries to assess their greenhouse gas emissions and develop sustainable livestock systems that benefit farmers, the economy, and the planet.
Ganadería y metano entérico
Los eructos del ganado son un gran problema para nuestro planeta. Cuando las vacas y otros rumiantes comen, el alimento fermenta en sus intestinos y produce metano entérico. Este potente gas de efecto invernadero se expulsa mediante eructos.
Bétail et méthane entérique
Les éructations des animaux d’élevage sont un réel problème pour la planète. Lorsque les vaches et d’autres ruminants mangent, les aliments fermentent dans leurs intestins et produisent du méthane entérique. Il s’agit d’un puissant gaz à effet de serre que les animaux expulsent en éructant.
Животноводство и кишечный метан
Отрыжка у скота представляет серьезную проблему для нашей планеты. Когда коровы и другие жвачные животные едят, пища, поступая в желудок, ферментирует, что приводит к образованию метана. Этот опасный парниковый газ выводится из организма животного с отрыжкой.
الماشية والميثان المعوي
تُعدّ الحيوانات المجترّة مشكلة كبيرة لكوكبنا. فعندما تأكل الأبقار وغيرها من المجترات، تتخمر الأعلاف في أمعائها وتنتج الميثان المعوي. ويخرج هذا الغاز القوي المسبّب للاحتباس الحراري خلال التجشؤ.
Livestock and enteric methane (full length)
Burping livestock are a big problem for our planet. When cows and other ruminants eat, their food ferments in their gut and produces methane, which contributes to global warming. FAO and partners are working with countries to assess their greenhouse gas emissions and develop sustainable livestock systems that benefit farmers, the economy, and the planet.
From metrics to solutions: Curbing methane emissions in agriculture
This event focuses on how countries are reducing agricultural emissions of short-lived climate pollutants to simultaneously reduce air pollution and climate change with benefits for food security.
Understanding the future of Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture
This animation outlines potential building blocks/pathways for the future of agriculture under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Making livestock production more sustainable (2021)
Livestock farming is growing to meet the rising demand. This represents and opportunity for small farmers. But it can also damage the environment. The livestock sector is responsible for 14.5% of all human-induced greenhouse gas emissions, and 30% of global methane emissions. A shift towards low-carbon livestock production is possible, but it requires decisive action by all.
Livestock and the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture
What are some of the synergies and trade-offs when it comes to livestock production and climate change? How can we reduce livestock GHG emissions? Agriculture experts discuss the challenges and opportunities when it comes to livestock and climate change.
The Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture process explained
Watch this short animation to understand how the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture process works and who is involved.
Committee on Agriculture 27 – Sustainable Livestock for Sustainable Development Goals
The 27th Session of the Committee on Agriculture (COAG 27) will be conducted as a virtual event from 28 September to 2 October 2020. Sustainable Livestock for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a main theme.
What is the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture?
The Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture is a landmark agreement that integrates soils, nutrient use, water, livestock, methods for assessing adaptation, and the socio-economic and food security dimensions of climate change. Find out how Koronivia can help unlock the potential of agriculture as a solution to climate change.