Enhancing Private Sector Engagement for Adaptation
Register now for the upcoming SCALA webinar on "Enhancing Private Sector Engagement for Adaptation" to explore solutions for removing key barriers to private sector involvement in climate adaptation and discover tools, approaches, and experiences driving engagement.
Integrated solutions for Nature and Climate Change Adaptation
SCALA webinar, co-organized as part the Adaptation Pipeline Accelerator (APA) series with BIOFIN, to explore tools, frameworks, and finance solutions for climate change adaptation and nature goals, along with insights from various countries.
Integrating climate change into planning and budgeting for agriculture and land use
The FAO-UNDP SCALA programme organized a webinar to highlights strategies for integrating climate change into national and sectoral budgeting and planning, sharing country experiences and lessons learned. Learn more...
Building Effective Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Systems for Climate Resilience
This webinar FAO UNDP SCALA webinar co-organized with UNDP APA discussed the national and sectoral experiences on building monitoring, evaluation, and learning systems, as well as global dimensions of gauging adaptation progress. Read more...
Engaging the Private Sector for Adaptation
The FAO-UNDP SCALA program and UNDP APA co-organized a webinar on 'Engaging the private sector for Adaptation,' which was held on 12 October. The webinar focused on how best to address barriers to enhanced private sector engagement in scaling up climate action in the agriculture and land use sectors. Read more...
Addressing agriculture in National Adaptation Plans: Training materials
This set of training materials on addressing agriculture in National Adaptation Plans is designed to enhance the sector-specific understanding of the NAP process and advance country-level NAP formulation and implementation. Learn more…
Tracking progress made in implementing and achieving Nationally Determined Contributions under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement
This webinar focused on experiences and resources for addressing the reporting requirement of the chapter III of the MPGs: Information necessary to track progress made in implementing and achieving nationally determined contributions under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement.
Mainstreaming gender equality in budgeting and planning processes for enhanced implementation of the agriculture sector priorities in climate plans
This virtual webinar was hosted by the Paris Committee on Capacity Building (PCCB) Network, organized by UNDP and FAO with the support of IKI. The webinar aimed to showcase examples of integrating gender into climate planning and implementation. Learn more...
Systems-level assessments II (Internal)
This webinar was organized to target all colleagues in FAO and UNDP country, regional and global offices working under the SCALA programme, including any national consultants who may be undertaking systems-level assessments and relevant government counterparts who might be engaged in carrying out the systems-level assessments at the country level. Learn more...
Joint SCALA & FACS webinar: An introduction to effective collaborative action
The SCALA programme and UNDP's FACS team organized an interactive and engaging webinar that aimed to highlight why collaboration is needed in support of NDC and NAP implementation in the agriculture and land use sectors. Learn more...