Sustainable and circular bioeconomy for food systems transformation

FAO at COP15: Achieving post-2020 targets through sustainable bioeconomy in agrifood systems


On Friday, 16 December, FAO and the Government of Canada co-hosted an official CBD side event, entitled Achieving post-2020 targets through sustainable bioeconomy in agrifood systems.

During the high-level opening, Ms Maria Helena Semedo, FAO Deputy Director-General, Ms Natasha Kim, Assistant Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and Mr Adrián Peña, Uruguay’s Minister of Environment, reflected on how applying sustainable and circular bioeconomy principles in agrifood systems and bio-based industries can support biodiversity and contribute to Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework targets. As DDG Semedo emphasized, the time has come to “Move bioeconomy from niche to default development model, embedding it in international discussions on biodiversity, climate and environment”.

This was followed by a panel of distinguished speakers that exchanged wide-reaching perspectives, spanning experience in operationalizing national bioeconomy strategies to relevant private sector and civil society initiatives, including some led by youth and indigenous women’s groups. The event also formally launched the new FAO bioeconomy publication, Sustainable and circular bioeconomy in the biodiversity agenda: Opportunities to conserve and restore biodiversity in agrifood systems through bioeconomy practices. With the post-2020 targets now hot off the press, particularly relevant targets include 2 on ecosystem restoration, 7 about reducing pollution, and 10 on the sustainable management of food and agriculture systems.

Recording: Achieving Post-2020 targets through sustainable bioeconomy in agrifood systems - YouTube

Webpage: Sustainable and circular bioeconomy for food systems transformation 

Publication: Sustainable and circular bioeconomy in the biodiversity agenda (

Article on a bioeconomy podcast episode Bioeconomy podcast episode out in time for COP 15 
