Asia-Pacific Project

Our work

The Asia-Pacific (AP) region is a hotspot for zoonotic disease emergence due to the frequent interaction between native wildlife species, livestock, and people. This risk is exacerbated by rising population pressure, habitat degradation and extensive wildlife trade (legal and illegal), including the demand for wild meat. The SWM Programme AP Project promotes the sustainable management of wildlife to reduce zoonotic risks; enhances food security and livelihoods for rural communities; and implements a One Health approach that integrates human, animal, and environmental health. At the AP regional level, the SWM Programme will evaluate knowledge gaps on wild meat value chains; recommend interventions to address these gaps; and work with countries to address the following outputs. 

Who we work with



Output 1: Community rights and governance

The AP Project will assess the legal and institutional frameworks relevant to priority sectors defined with partner governments and other key stakeholders. Based on this evaluation, the SWM Programme will propose recommendations for national legal reforms related to sustainable wildlife management and the One Health approach. The Project will also work with provincial and national stakeholders to develop bottom-up approaches to strengthen the enforcement and implementation of policies and regulations related to hunting and wildlife management. National One Health implementation will also be assessed in order to identify strengths, gaps and weaknesses, and to co-develop national action plans.


Output 4: Zoonotic risk prevention and management

The SWM Programme will map and assess wild meat value chains in relation to zoonotic disease transmission, rural food security and livelihoods. While research exists on urban wild meat consumption, rural reliance on wild meat remains under-researched. The AP Project will therefore analyze rural consumption patterns and how they relate to food security, health, and livelihoods at the local level. Through collaboration with provincial and national stakeholders, the AP Project will develop recommendations to mitigate risks along wild meat value chains, and will also work to enhance zoonotic disease surveillance at high-risk points. Additionally, the SWM Programme will pilot community-based detection systems and risk-based surveillance for early warning of zoonotic disease emergence.

Legal Hub 

Country legal hubs are a user-friendly point of access to a comprehensive set of data and analysis on the statutory legal frameworks relating to sustainable wildlife management.


Coming soon!


Coming soon!

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ACP logo     European Union logo     FFEM logo  AFD logo  
FAO logo       CIFOR-ICRAF logo           WCS logo


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