Inclusive and Sustainable Territories and Landscapes Platform

Sustainable food systems


We promote investments aimed at strengthening the capacities of producers,  allows for access to credit and improves productive infrastructure that creates supportive entrepreneurial environments.

General context

A sustainable food system is “a food system that delivers food security and nutrition for all in such a way that the economic, social and environmental bases to generate food security and nutrition for future generations are not compromised” (HLPE, 2014). An analysis of food systems on a territorial level allows for the formulation of policies that improve their economic efficiency, produce greater social cohesion and decrease their environmental impact.


FAO promotes comprehensive food systems that contribute to: (i) improving productivity while conserving the environment, (ii) increasing the added value of the territory and short food supply chains, and (iii) increasing the consumption of local products and improving urban-rural interactions.


The State establishes rules and regulations and manages the implementation of sustainable food systems, in addition to being involved in regulating food safety and market operations. The active participation of other relevant actors, for example healthy food producers and providers and supply and distribution centers, is essential to guarantee the sustainability of food systems.


It is important to analyze the different “value chains” in order to improve food system operations. Reestablishing the resilience of food systems and creating value chains that are sensitive to nutrition and the environment requires the development of governance, technical and political frameworks, in addition to support for agricultural producers and resource managers.


Governments should ideally provide incentives for the consumption of healthy food and invest in infrastructure to support production and commercialization of food systems. It is also necessary to include private entities that have the capacity to invest in and provide financial and commercial tools to support said systems.


Proper knowledge and coordination of policies, programs and measures to develop sustainable food systems can optimize the results and maximize the available resources while also contributing to the creation of social capital in the territory. Accordingly, development plans should be elaborated in order to ensure inter-sectoral coordination and promote food security and economic and social development.

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