El derecho a la alimentación en el mundo

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Protección explícita del derecho a una alimentación adecuada
Protección implícita del derecho a una alimentación adecuada
Principios rectores de la política estatal
Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional
Otras disposiciones relativas a la realización del derecho a una alimentación adecuada
112 países encontrados


Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 27:
(1)The Bill of Rights is a covenant among the Sudanese people and between them and their governments at every level and a commitment to respect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms enshrined in this Constitution; it is the cornerstone of social justice, equality and democracy in the Sudan;"

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 1(2): “The State is committed to the respect and promotion of human dignity; and is founded on justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and fundamental freedoms and assures multi-partism.”

Article 10(1): “The overarching aims of economic development shall be eradication of poverty, attainment of the Millennium Development Goals, guaranteeing the equitable distribution of wealth, redressing imbalances of income and achieving a decent standard of life for all citizens.”

Article 12(1): “The State shall develop policies and strategies to ensure social justice among all people of the Sudan, through ensuring means of livelihood and opportunities of employment.”

Article 14(1): “The State shall adopt policies and provide facilities for child and youth welfare and ensure that they develop morally and physically, and protect them from moral and physical abuse and abandonment.”

Article 32: 
(1) The State shall guarantee equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of all civil, political, social, cultural and economic rights;
(5) The State shall protect the rights of the child as provided in the international and regional conventions ratified by the Sudan.”

Sudán del Sur

Principios rectores de la política estatal

Article 35(2): “Guiding Objectives and Principles. - This Constitution shall be interpreted and applied to advance the individual dignity and address the particular needs of the people by dedicating public resources and focusing attention on the provision of gainful employment for the people, and improving their lives by building roads, schools, airports, community institutions, hospitals, providing clean water, food security, electric power and telecommunication services to every part of the country.”

Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 9(3): “Nature of the Bill of Right - All rights and freedoms enshrined in international human rights treaties, covenants and instruments ratified or acceded to by the Republic of South Sudan shall be an integral part of this Bill.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 1(5): “South Sudan is founded on justice, equality, respect for human dignity and advancement of human rights and fundamental freedoms.” 

Article 37(1): “The principal objective of the economic development strategy shall be the:  

(a) eradication of poverty;

(b) attainment of the Millennium Development Goals;

(c) guaranteeing the equitable distribution of wealth;

(d) redressing imbalances of income; and

(e) achieving a decent standard of life for the people of South Sudan."


Protección implícita del derecho a una alimentación adecuada

Article 12: Droit d’obtenir de l’aide dans des situations de détresse. - "Quiconque est dans une situation de détresse et n’est pas en mesure de subvenir à son entretien a le droit d’être aidé et assisté et de recevoir les moyens indispensables pour mener une existence conforme à la dignité humaine."

Principios rectores de la política estatal

Article 104:

"1. La Confédération veille à ce que l’agriculture, par une production répondant à la fois aux exigences du développement durable et à celles du marché, contribue substantiellement:

a. à la sécurité de l’approvisionnement de la population.

b. à la conservation des ressources naturelles et à l’entretien du paysage rural;

c. à l’occupation décentralisée du territoire.”

Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 193: "4. Les règles impératives du droit international ne doivent pas être violées.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 41:

"1. La Confédération et les cantons s’engagent, en complément de la responsabilité individuelle et de l’initiative privée, à ce que:

a. toute personne bénéficie de la sécurité sociale;

d. toute personne capable de travailler puisse assurer son entretien par un travail qu’elle exerce dans des conditions équitables;

2. La Confédération et les cantons s’engagent à ce que toute personne soit assurée contre les conséquences économiques de l’âge, de l’invalidité, de la maladie, de l’accident, du chômage, de la maternité, de la condition d’orphelin et du veuvage. »

Article 112:

"1. La Confédération légifère sur l’assurance-vieillesse, survivants et invalidité.

2. Ce faisant, elle respecte les principes suivants:

b. les rentes doivent couvrir les besoins vitaux de manière appropriée."

Article 112a.1: "La Confédération et les cantons versent des prestations complémentaires si l’assurance-vieillesse, survivants et invalidité ne couvre pas les besoins vitaux."

Article 113:

"1. La Confédération légifère sur la prévoyance professionnelle.

2. Ce faisant, elle respecte les principes suivants:

a. la prévoyance professionnelle conjuguée avec l’assurance-vieillesse, survivants et invalidité permet à l’assuré de maintenir de manière appropriée son niveau de vie antérieur."


Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 10: “The Constitution of Tajikistan shall have supreme legal force and its norms have direct affect. Laws and other legal acts that contradict the Constitution shall be of no legal validity. State and all its bodies, officials, citizens, and their associations shall observe and comply with the Constitution and laws of the republic. International legal documents recognized by Tajikistan shall be a component part of the legal system of the republic. In case the republican laws do not stipulate to the recognized international legal documents, the rules of the international documents shall apply. Laws and international documents recognized by Tajikistan shall come into force after their official publication.”

Article 14: “The rights and liberties of individual and citizen shall be protected by the Constitution, the laws of the republic, and international legal documents recognized by Tajikistan. The rights and liberties of individual and citizen shall be implemented directly.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 1: “Being social oriented state Tajikistan shall provide relevant living conditions for every person.”

Article 5: “Man, his rights and liberties shall be the supreme value. The life, honor, dignity, and other natural human rights shall be inviolable. The rights and liberties of the man and citizens shall be recognized, observed and protected by the state.”


Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Section 9: 
1. The legal system of East Timor shall adopt the general or customary principles of international law.
2. Rules provided for in international conventions, treaties and agreements shall apply in the internal legal system of East Timor following their approval, ratification or accession by the respective competent organs and after publication in the official gazette.
3. All rules that are contrary to the provisions of international conventions, treaties and agreements applied in the internal legal system of East Timor shall be invalid.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Section 18.2: “Children shall enjoy all rights that are universally recognised, as well as all those that are enshrined in international conventions commonly ratified or approved by the State.”

Section 23: “Fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution shall not exclude any other rights provided for by the law and shall be interpreted in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”


Protección implícita del derecho a una alimentación adecuada

Article 12: "Tout être humain a droit au développement, à l'épanouissement physique, intellectuel, moral et culturel de sa personne."

Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 50: "Les droits et devoirs, énoncés dans la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l'Homme et dans les instruments internationaux relatifs aux droits de l'homme, ratifiés par le Togo, font partie intégrante de la présente Constitution." 

Article 140: "Les traités ou accords régulièrement ratifiés ou approuvés ont, dès leur publication, une autorité supérieure à celle des lois, sous réserve, pour chaque accord ou traité, de son application par l’autre partie."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 10: "Tout être humain porte en lui des droits inaliénables et imprescriptibles. La sauvegarde de ces droits est la finalité de toute communauté humaine. L'Etat a l'obligation de les respecter, de les garantir et de les protéger."

Article 34: “L'Etat reconnaît aux citoyens le droit à la santé. Il œuvre à le promouvoir."

Article 38: “Il est reconnu aux citoyens et aux collectivités territoriales le droit à une redistribution équitable des richesses nationales par l'Etat."


Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 6: “[...]Turkmenistan recognizes the priority of the universally accepted norms of international law. If an international treaty (contract) of Turkmenistan establishes rules other than those stipulated by the laws of Turkmenistan, the rules of international treaty will apply.[...]”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 3.2: “The state is responsible for every citizen and creates conditions for free development of the individual, protects the life, honour, dignity and freedom, personal integrity, natural and inalienable rights of the citizen.”

Article 33: “Citizens have the right to work, choice of profession at their own discretion, sort of employment and place of work, to safe and healthy working conditions. Wage earners are entitled to compensation, appropriate to amount and quality of work. This compensation cannot be less than the subsistence minimum established by the state.”


Protección implícita del derecho a una alimentación adecuada

Article 21: "Les citoyens et les citoyennes sont égaux en droits et en devoirs. Ils sont égaux devant la loi sans discrimination. L’État garantit aux citoyens les libertés et les droits individuels et collectifs. Il leur assure les conditions d’une vie décente."

Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 20: "Les Traités internationaux approuvés par l’assemblée représentative et ensuite ratifiés, ont un rang supra-législatif et infra-constitutionnel."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 38: "Tout être humain a droit à la santé. L’État garantit la prévention et les soins de santé à tout citoyen et assure les moyens nécessaires à la sécurité et à la qualité des services de santé. L’État garantit la gratuité des soins pour les personnes sans soutien ou ne disposant pas de ressources suffisantes. Il garantit le droit à une couverture sociale conformément à ce qui est prévu par la loi.”


Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 90: “International agreements duly put into effect bear the force of law. No appeal to the Constitutional Court shall be made with regard to these agreements, on the grounds that they are unconstitutional. In the case of a conflict between international agreements in the area of fundamental rights and freedoms duly put into effect and the domestic laws due to differences in provisions on the same matter, the provisions of international agreements shall prevail.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 5: “The fundamental aims and duties of the state are; to safeguard the independence and integrity of the Turkish Nation, the indivisibility of the country, the Republic and democracy; to ensure the welfare, peace, and happiness of the individual and society; to strive for the removal of political, social and economic obstacles which restrict the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual in a manner incompatible with the principles of justice and of the social state governed by the rule of law; and to provide the conditions required for the development of the individual’s material and spiritual existence.”

Article 49: “Everyone has the right and duty to work. The State shall take the necessary measures to raise the standard of living of workers, and to protect workers and the unemployed in order to improve the general conditions of labour, to promote labour, to create suitable economic conditions for prevention of unemployment and to secure labour peace.”

Article 55: “Wages shall be paid in return for work.  The state shall take the necessary measures to ensure that workers earn a fair wage commensurate with the work they perform and that they enjoy other social benefits. In determining the minimum wage, the living conditions of the workers and the economic situation of the country shall be taken into account.”

Article 61: “The state shall protect the widows and orphans of those killed in war and in the line of duty, together with the disabled and war veterans, and ensure that they enjoy a decent standard of living.”


Protección explícita del derecho a una alimentación adecuada

Article 48: “Everyone shall have the right to a standard of living sufficient for themselves and their families including adequate nutrition, clothing, and housing.”

Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 9: “International treaties in force, consented by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as binding, shall be an integral part of the national legislation of Ukraine.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 3.2: “Human rights and freedoms, and guarantees thereof shall determine the essence and course of activities of the State. The State shall be responsible to the individual for its activities. Affirming and ensuring human rights and freedoms shall be the main duty of the State.”

Article 46: “Citizens shall have the right to social protection including the right to financial security in cases of complete, partial, or temporary disability, loss of the principal wage-earner, unemployment due to circumstances beyond their control, old age, and in other cases determined by law. This right shall be guaranteed by the mandatory state social insurance based on insurance payments made by citizens, enterprises, institutions, and organisations, as well as by budgetary and other sources of social security; and by establishing a network of state, communal, and private institutions caring for incapacitated persons. 
Pensions and other types of social payments and assistance that are the principal sources of subsistence shall ensure a standard of living not lower than the minimum living standard established by law.”