27/02/2024 - 01/03/2024
The fifty-fifth session of the United Nations Statistical Commission will take place in person from 27 February to 1 March 2024 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
The Commission is the highest body in the international statistical system where global statistical standards are considered and approved. The fifty-fifth session of the Commission will discuss, among many others, the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, national accounts, social and demographic statistics, population and housing census, big data and data science.
On the Road to the Commission, the Bureau is planning a series of virtual side events held in the weeks leading up to the Commission as well as a limited number of in-person events during Commission week. The United Nations Statistics Division, as the Commission’s substantive secretariat, is organizing several special events during both the virtual series and in-person in conjunction with the Statistical Commission.
A series of high-level webinars will be held virtually on every other Wednesday leading up to the Commission. And, as in past years, a special seminar on emerging issues will be organised on the Friday before the start of the session (23 February 2024). On Monday afternoon (26 February 2024), a High-level Forum on official statistics will be organised. Detailed information on the side events will be posted at https://unstats.un.org/UNSDWebsite/statcom/55.
Wednesday series
Friday Seminar on emerging issues
Monday High-level forum on official statistics
FAO side events