Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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30a período de sesiones de Conferencia Regional de la FAO para Europa (ERC)

La 30ª reunión de la Conferencia Regional de la FAO para Europa (ERC) está abierta a todos los Estados Miembros de la FAO de Europa y Asia Central, a los representantes de los órganos de las Naciones Unidas y organismos especializados, así como a observadores seleccionados. Una mesa redonda ministerial debatirá...
2016 - La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura

Hepyerinden Digital Platform for women-led cooperatives is an innovative e-commerce platform that significantly impacts family farmers' lives by providing technological, social, financial, and commercial advancements. Technologically, it allows farmers to sell their products online, reaching broader markets. Socially, it empowers women-led cooperatives, fostering community solidarity. Financially, it increases income for farmers by reducing intermediaries. Commercially,...
2024 - Hepyerinden

Post-earthquake value chain analysis of greenhouse tomatoes, fisheries and milk products in Türkiye

This report provides rapid assessments of the earthquake’s effects on agriculture, specifically greenhouse-based tomato production in Samandağ (Hatay), fishing in Hatay’s coastal districts (Samandağ, Arsuz, İskenderun, Dörtyol), and milk production in Elbistan (Kahramanmaraş). It compares pre- and post-earthquake value chain functions to identify needed interventions and propose strategies for sustainability...
2024 - FAO

Hoja informativa
Investing in rural people in Türkiye

Türkiye is IFAD’s largest recipient of financial assistance in the Europe and Central Asia sub-region. IFAD investments contribute to reducing rural poverty in the upland areas of the country. Their strategy focuses on improving access to markets, strengthening climate resilience and consolidating agricultural value chains.
2024 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Artículo de blog
FAO–Türkiye Partnership Programme enhances collaboration among food safety authorities in the region

The Partnership Programme on Food and Agriculture (FTPP), a collaboration between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Türkiye, includes a spectrum of activities aimed at strengthening the food and agriculture sector in Central Asia. FAO, with funding from Türkiye, is now midway through the implementation...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

FAO in Türkiye

This study, titled "FAO in Türkiye" presents an overview of the activities and initiatives undertaken by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Türkiye. It comprehensively covers the program areas, major themes, and ongoing projects within the FAO in Türkiye Office. The primary objective of this...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Artículo de blog
UN advice for better prospects for rural women in Türkiye and Ukraine

Following the evidence-based analysis of gender in the regional response to the war in Ukraine published last year, the Regional Gender Task Force, the leading advocacy and information and coordination platform on gender in humanitarian action in Europe and Central Asia, has released a new gender brief on Ukrainian refugees’ livelihoods...
Türkiye - Ukraine
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

COVID-19 – Rapid impact assessment on the agrifood sector and rural areas in Türkiye

This report assesses the impacts of the COVID-19 on the agrifood sector and rural areas in Türkiye. Taking a panoramic picture of the agrifood sector in the country during the COVID-19 period, the study portrays how the pandemic impact on agrifood chains, smallholders and rural economies in Türkiye. The report...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Leaving no one behind: greater involvement and empowerment of rural women in Turkey and Central Asia

The project will help grass-roots rural women in Tajikistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan, gain knowledge and skills to improve their economic status, start businesses and cooperatives, while empowering them to become agents of change in their communities. The project will also contribute to the creation of an enabling environment for rural...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
What are we going to eat tomorrow around the Mediterranean sea ?

A three-day international conference dedicated to agroecology kicked off in Belgrade on the 28th of March.
From March 28 to 30, an international working meeting dedicated to agroecology – ecological agriculture, which contributes to sustainability and climate resilience, is taking place in Belgrade for the first time. This gathering is part of the project “Mediterranean Caravan of Agroecology”. Representatives of associations from several countries are gathering...
Algeria - Bulgaria - Croatia - Cyprus - France - Gibraltar - Greece - Israel - Italy - Lebanon - Libya - Morocco - Palestine - Spain - Tunisia - Türkiye
2022 - URGENCI (France)

Artículo de blog
Aquaculture value chain actors enhance knowledge of post-harvest management practices

The international fish trade is expanding due to sustained demand, trade liberalization policies, globalization of food systems, and technological innovations. To address these and other issues arising from post-harvest management among actors in the aquaculture value chain, FAO’s timely FISHCap project conducted a three-day regional workshop in Bodrum, Turkey, which concludes today....

Artículo de blog
Aquaculture value chain actors enhance knowledge of post-harvest management practices

The international fish trade is expanding due to sustained demand, trade liberalization policies, globalization of food systems, and technological innovations. To address these and other issues arising from post-harvest management among actors in the aquaculture value chain, FAO’s timely FISHCap project conducted a three-day regional workshop in Bodrum, Turkey, which concludes today....
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Hoja informativa
Leaving no one behind: greater involvement and empowerment of rural women in Turkey and Central Asia

The project will help grass-roots rural women in Tajikistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan, gain knowledge and skills to improve their economic status, start businesses and cooperatives, while empowering them to become agents of change in their communities. The project will also contribute to the creation of an enabling environment for rural...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
FAO-Turkey Partnership is determined to “leave no one behind” in agriculture

Rural women provide significant contributions to agriculture and food security while simultaneously taking care of their families and households. This heavy burden often goes unrecognized and uncompensated.  In addition, rural women face barriers in access to resources such as property (including land), credit, technologies, decent employment, information and skills. FAO data...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
Breaking bread

A Turkish female farmer transforms tensions in her village into bread-winning opportunities
Naile lives in a small Turkish rural town called Yolu, situated in the district of Suruç, Şanlıurfa province, a few kilometres from Syria. From afar, she used to watch her neighbours in Kobani, Syria, through the wire mesh of the border fence. With her neighbours she shared the Kurdish language...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
FAO crop experiment sees lower pesticide use reap rewards in Turkey

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, so the saying goes. FAO, jointly with Turkey’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and other local partners, is helping to ensure Turkish consumers get their daily apple free of both pests and pesticides. Sustainable and safe fruit production that fosters economic, social, and...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
Azerbaijan, Central Asia, and Turkey explore new solutions to food loss and waste

On the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, FAO, Turkey’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and the Regional Coordination Centre for Food Security of the Economic Cooperation Organization held a conference to reflect on existing challenges pertaining to food loss and waste in Azerbaijan, Central Asia, and Turkey...
Azerbaijan - Türkiye
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

The best practices and potential of smallholders’ participation in short value chains in the Western Balkans and Turkey

The overall objective of this report is to identify and conduct analysis of short food supply chains (SFSCs) among small farmers in the Western Balkans and Turkey. The report’s analyses are based on the primary data collected from 397 smallholder farmers through semi-structured interviews in all Western Balkan countries/territories (Albania,...
2021 - the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service

Artículo de blog
Syrian and Turkish women build a cooperative and economic independence in Turkey

With Turkey hosting more than 3.6 million Syrians, that makes it home to the world’s largest refugee population. Many of those refugees, who have been granted “temporary protection” in Turkey, work in the agri-food and livestock sectors, which offer the most opportunities in the areas where they reside. However, these opportunities...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
FAO launches dialogue in Turkey to increase social protection for rural communities

What challenges do vulnerable agricultural communities face in accessing rural social protection, and how can social security be extended to those not covered by the system? This was the critical question a group of experts sought to answer at a virtual workshop held on 5 May. The online event, coordinated by...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
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