Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Artículo de blog
Acceso a información confiable para una economía verde

Tanto los agricultores como los profesionales de los medios de comunicación necesitan tener acceso a fuentes de información confiables para hacer bien su trabajo.
2021 - Access Agriculture

El estado mundial de la agricultura y la alimentación 2015

La protección social y la agricultura: romper el ciclo de la pobreza rural
En la presente edición de El estado mundial de la agricultura y la alimentación 2015, se considera que las medidas de protección social ayudarán a romper el ciclo de la pobreza y la vulnerabilidad rurales, si se combinan con medidas agrícolas y de desarrollo rural más generales.  Muchos países han cumplido...
2015 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO)

Terramed 2009. Nuevas perspectivas para el desarrollo rural en el mediterráneo

Terramed 2009, undécimo informe anual del Ciheam, se enmarca dentro de un contexto regional inédito, caracterizado por un planteamiento audaz: la cooperación del Ciheam, única organización intergubernamental de la cuenca del Mediterráneo, con el Plan Bleu, como centro de actividades regionales del Plan de Acción para el Mediterráneo (PAM), y...
2009 - Centro Internacional de Altos Estudios Agronómicos Mediterráneos (CIHEAM)

Artículo de boletín informativo
Mediterranean: The Right Direction

Meaningful progress has been made in improving social protection coverage in the Mediterranean and Black Sea region, resulting in both better fisher resilience and fisheries management. Over the past decade, the importance of advancing social development for fishers in the Mediterranean and Black Sea region has become more prominent than ever....
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Regional Gender Equality Strategy and Action Plan 2024–2027 for the Near East and North Africa region

The new Regional Gender Equality Strategy and Action Plan 2024–2027 for the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region aims to ensure its applicability across the diverse and complex contexts within the NENA region. Recognizing the multifaceted nature of the region, characterized by a spectrum of situations, the strategy incorporates...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de revista especializada
Renewable Energy and Net House Integration for Sustainable Cucumber Crop Production in the Arabian Peninsula

Extending Growing Seasons and Reducing Resource Use
In most desert ecosystems of the Arabian Peninsula Region (APRP), vegetable production is carried out under controlled environment structures covered with polycarbonate sheets and inbuilt evaporative cooling systems. The areas with mild winter, polycarbonate cover and evaporative cooling are not required. The former can be replaced by insect proof net...
2024 - International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas, ICARDA

The spread of the intensive agricultural model by agro-suppliers in Algeria: implications for citrus small family farms and their adaptations

This study aims to investigate how small family farms, lacking direct support from advisory services, cope with challenges including access constraints to resources, and enhance their resilience. Investigations conducted in the wilaya of Blida, Algeria, through surveys of 17 input suppliers and citrus growers, revealed how the institutional context, particularly...
2024 - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)

Applying MEV-CAM tools: Participatory video

The Making Every Voice Count for Adaptive Management (MEV-CAM) toolkit provides process documentation facilitators with instruments for documenting change through participatory video to generate knowledge, monitor impact, and share practices. This toolkit sheds light on how to develop a participatory video process in all its stages: beginning with stakeholder identification,...
2024 - FAO

Diversité des exploitations agricoles d’oasis de montagne : une analyse par le travail, les revenus et le couplage entre cultures et élevage

Les oasis de montagne d’Afrique du Nord subissent de plein fouet les effets du changement climatique, qui amplifient l’ensemble des contraintes agronomiques : foncier exigu, aridité structurelle, etc. Dans cette étude, l’objectif est d’analyser les différentes dimensions du couplage entre cultures et élevage et leurs effets sur le fonctionnement des systèmes de...
2024 - CIRAD

Global Organic Agricultural Innovations

Global Organic Agricultural Innovations covers major innovations and research in organic agriculture from 18 countries and areas around the world. This edition showcases the diversity and robustness of the growth of organic agriculture around the world. More than seventy innovators and researchers contribute to this edition which covers themes from climate...
Bangladesh - Bhutan - Cambodia - China - India - Indonesia - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Iraq - Japan - Kyrgyzstan - Pakistan - Philippines - Sri Lanka - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia - Viet Nam
2024 - IFOAM Organics Asia

Agricultural producer organizations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

An assesssment of their agribusiness capacities and institutional enviroment
Strengthening agricultural producer organizations (POs) and cooperatives has been recognized as a key way forward to support farmers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (WBGS) and, in turn, promote food security, income generation and private sector development. Agriculture in the WBGS is characterized by smallholdings; there are just over...
Gaza Strip - Palestine
2024 - FAO

Artículo de blog
Learning to cope with the spread of non-native species in the Mediterranean

More than 900 non-indigenous species have already been identified in the Mediterranean Sea. And the number is only expected to increase. Climate change is helping non-native species move further north in the Mediterranean as water temperatures rise. As they spread, so does concern about their effect on marine ecosystems and the local fishing...
Italy - Tunisia
2024 - FAO

Valorisation des sous-produits du palmier-dattier pour contribuer à la durabilité des oasis du Maroc

L’objectif de l’étude est de réduire les risques de dissémination du Fusarium oxysporum fs albedenis (bayoud) et d’incendies de palmeraies, causés par l’accumulation des sous-produits du palmier dattier. Pour cela, nous avons réalisé des entretiens avec les phœniciculteurs des oasis et de leurs extensions sur l’entretien du palmier dattier, la...

Hoja informativa
Effective forest and landscape restoration actions in Lebanon: A cross-sectoral collaboration between FAO, Lebanon and Korea

As the initial funder of the Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism (FLRM), the Korea Forest Service has consistently supported the implementation of forest and landscape restoration (FLR) activities in Lebanon since 2014 and has agreed to extend its financial support to 2025.The FLRM projects in Lebanon mainly aim to step...
Lebanon - Republic of Korea
2024 - FAO

Documento/nota de orientación
Understanding the status of land rights for sustainable reconstruction of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank

Briefing note on the Occupied Palestinian Territory
The legal framework and effective land rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) are highly unstable. Recent escalations in hostilities, displacements, and property destruction have exacerbated this instability. Securing land rights is essential for establishing peace, stability, and resilience during reconstruction. This brief, drawing from a historical perspective, evaluates the...
2024 - FAO

Estudio de caso
Youth in Mauritania uncover the potential that their lands have to offer

An FAO project develops young people’s skills and sets minds towards agriculture
Aly Oumar Mohamed Sy used to almost dread the idea of making a living from farming. But “now that I’ve learned how to take care of the soil and cultivate it, I consider farming as my life's work,” says the 24-year-old from Mauritania’s Trarza region. What’s made the difference is...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Boletín informativo
Access Agriculture Panorama No. 32 - March 2023

This monthly e-newsletter gives a bird’s eye view of all the exciting updates from Access Agriculture, a world-leading organisation for quality agricultural training videos in international and local languages, working across the Global South.
2023 - Access Agriculture

Aprendizaje en línea
Alternative Crops for Degraded Lands in the UAE

This course targets everyone who is interested to learn about the limitations, stresses, and opportunities for alternative cropping systems in desert environments. A variety of crops are described as potential solutions for enhancing food and feed production in degraded lands.
United Arab Emirates
2023 - International Center for Biosaline Agriculture

Boletín informativo
FFKP Mothly digest #2 - March 2023

The Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest showcases the latest contents uploaded in the FFKP to provide its readers with relevant and up-to-date information on family farming main themes such as agroecology, small-scale fisheries, pastoralism, indigenous people, and more.
2023 - FFKP Team

Estudio de caso
Analysis of food loss in the cucumber, zucchini and table grapes value chains in the West Bank, Palestine

Causes and solutions
This study analyses the extent and causes of, and potential solutions to, food loss in three food subsectors that constitute important products in terms of income, food security and nutrition in Palestine; table grapes, cucumber and zucchini. It applies FAO's food loss analysis case study methodology that includes four phases;...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Total results:1007
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