Earth Observation

Partners in scientific and technical development
The software programme for the calculation of the Agricultural Stress Index (ASI) was developed by the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) based on a methodology proposed by FAO. VITO also developed the processing chains used to generate the ASI and other quick-look maps available on this website.

VITO collaborates with FAO on an ongoing basis, providing ECMWF rainfall data and METOP-AVHRR composites at global scale with ten-day frequencies.

As of mid-2014, VITO is working with FAO to develop an enhanced version of ASIS for use at country level.
European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) participated in the methodological development of ASIS and is part of the ASIS Project Steering committee. The ASIS platform also benefits from experience in remote sensing data pre-processing and processing matured in the framework of JRC’s MARSOP (MARS operational) contracts with VITO. The JRC/VITO-developed software SPIRITS (Processing and Interpretation of Remotely Sensed Image Time Series) includes modules to perform basic ASIS processing tasks that were developed in the framework of the ASIS Project funded by FAO.
The University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) in The Netherlands is part of the ASIS Project Steering Committee.
Funding Partner
The development of ASIS 2 was supported by the EU/FAO Programme on “Improved global governance for hunger reduction”.