FAO, EBRD and UFM seek to boost food security in the Mediterranean
©FAO/Believe Nyakudjara
5 May 2015, Rome/Barcelona--- Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries are increasingly dependent on imports for key staples such as grains, sugar and vegetable oil which provide the region’s poor with most of their calories. In a region where most countries have significant food deficits, emphasis is being placed on the role of private-sector investment in bolstering food security. From May 5th to 6th a two-day conference sponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the Union for the Mediterranean will take place in Barcelona Spain. Leading agribusinesses, farmers’ organizations, ministers, representatives of international financial institutions and policy makers will gather to discuss just how public and private sectors can collaborate in addressing issues of food security in the region.

Emmanuel Hidier is a senior economist with FAO in Rome. In the following interview he elaborates on the issues and what he expects from the conference. (Interview conducted by Sandra Ferrari)
6min. 19sec.
Topic(s): Agriculture & crops, Food production & stocks, Food Security, Rural or agricultural development
Produced by: FAO
Reference: 11139