WFD High-Level Panel - Presenting the challenges faced in achieving Zero Hunger
World Food Day is marked as conflict, extreme weather events linked to climate change, economic slowdown and rapidly increasing overweight and obesity levels are reversing progress made in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. This year's theme - "Our actions are our future: a Zero Hunger world by 2030 is possible" - underscores the urgent need to step up collective efforts to reach the Zero Hunger goal. World Food Day is celebrated in over 150 countries around the world. Speakers at the global World Food Day ceremony in Rome today called for stronger political will and more financial support to..
Reference: F0203
1min. 37sec.
Language(s): English
Topic(s): Agriculture & crops, Biodiversity, Climate change, Director-General, Environment/Natural resources, Food production & stocks, Food Security, Hunger & food insecurity, Nutrition, Resilience, Rural or agricultural development, SDGs, World Food Day, Zero Hunger