
Parliamentary alliances
15 Sep 2020
The responsible governance of tenure, based on principles of human rights, allows for fair access to land, fishing and forests. It also protects people against arbitrary loss of their rights, including evictions. It prevents discriminatory practices and results in transparent and participatory decision-making processes. It also guarantees equality before the law and can prevent disputes, thanks to its mechanisms of conflict resolution. Ultimately, it promotes food security by guaranteeing access to natural resources and protecting the rights of the people who depend on them. This document contains the keys to make governance fairer, based on principles established by Human Rights....
Parliamentary alliances
15 Sep 2020
Increasing responsible investments in agriculture and food systems is vital to ensure adequate food and nutrition, reduce poverty, and achieve sustainable development. This document contains the keys to the approach that these investments are responsible, through a human rights approach based on the principles of human dignity, non-discrimination, equity and justice, gender equality, a comprehensive and sustainable approach, consultation and participation, transparency, accountability, and constant improvement.
Parliamentary alliances
15 Sep 2020
Legislating on nutrition must be related to the large number of areas that involve nutrition, in addition to the needs of each country to be addressed, which will be different depending on their circumstances and the causes of malnutrition. This document offers an approach to the legislative strategies that can improve nutrition.
Parliamentary alliances
15 Sep 2020
To achieve the SDGs in Latin America and the Caribbean, it is necessary to make rural areas prosperous and inclusive: 78 percent of the 169 targets of the Sustainable Development Goals depend exclusively or mainly on actions undertaken in rural areas of the world.
South-south Cooperation
14 Sep 2020
On the occasion of the 2020 celebration of the United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation on 12 September, the United Nations Rome-based agencies (RBAs) – the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP) – take the opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to strengthening their collaboration on facilitating SouthSouth and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) for the effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).