
19 Apr 2021
Produced by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and FAO, the publication seeks to support legislative processes to promote healthy diets for all
Geneva/Rome - Aimed at providing lawmakers with practical guidance on legislative processes that prioritize nutrition, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), published today a new Handbook for Parliamentarians, entitled "Food Systems and Nutrition".The online Handbook was produced in collaboration with the Scaling-Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children's  Fund (UNICEF) and the African Union Development Agency's New Partnership for Africa's Development (AUDA-NEPAD).One out of three people globally suffers from at least one form of malnutrition, and the economic loss...
16 Apr 2021
El objetivo es construir conocimientos e intercambiar buenas prácticas para la mitigación de los desperdicios de alimentos en los entornos escolares de América Latina y el Caribe.
Santiago de Chile, 16 de abril de 2021 – Países de América Latina y el Caribe participan, el día 27 de abril, del Diálogo sobre el Desperdicio de Alimentos en Escuelas: Desafíos y Posibilidades, promovido por laRed de Alimentación Escolar Sostenible (RAES), creada en el 2018 por el gobierno de Brasil. El evento tiene como objetivo promover el dialogo entre los países de la región para la construcción de conocimientos y de intercambio de buenas prácticas relacionadas a la mitigación de los desperdicios de alimentos en los entornos escolares.
15 Apr 2021
FAO Deputy Director-General Beth Bechdol and Minister-President of Flanders, Jan Jambon today signed a historic framework agreement to enhance cooperation between the Government of Flanders and FAO on a range of international development issues.
15 Apr 2021
Parliamentarians working to safeguard food security and nutrition continue to meet virtually in a series of dialogues organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), with the latest meeting bringing together legislators from various English-speaking African countries. The dialogues, supported by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), help to keep food security and nutrition at the top of political agendas and offer parliamentarians a forum to exchange best practices and lessons learned in guaranteeing food security, nutrition and the right to food during the containment and recovery phases of the COVID-19 pandemic.
14 Apr 2021
Videoconferencia será promovida en el marco del Foro Regional Algodonero de los Países Socios de la Cooperación Sur-Sur Trilateral +Algodón
Santiago de Chile, 14 de abril de 2021 – Para identificar las actividades de las organizaciones gremiales algodoneras en los países socios en el contexto de pandemia y post pandemia con miras a la reactivación económica y social, el Foro Regional Algodonero de los Países Socios de la Cooperación Sur-Sur Trilateral +Algodón promueve, el día 22 de abril, la Videoconferencia: Encuentro de Organizaciones Gremiales. El encuentro virtual también busca fortalecer el intercambio entre los gremios y sus acciones en los diferentes países. La videoconferencia tendrá transmisión en vivo por las redes sociales: Twitter FAOBrasilCoop y canal de FAO en YouTube,...
09 Apr 2021
09/04/2021 Other thematic areas in which they will receive support are family farming and nutritional food security; agricultural health and food safety; climate change and comprehensive risk management; competitiveness, trade and agribusiness, among others. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Regional Center for the Promotion of MSMEs (CENPROMYPE-SICA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the objective of promoting joint, coordinated and complementary actions that contribute to the development and sustainability of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector, especially those MSMEs related to the agri-food sector. This cooperation framework between FAO and CENPROMYPE will contribute...
08 Apr 2021
Se trata de un instrumento que sugiere medidas parlamentarias concretas para la erradicación de la pobreza y el hambre, y mitigar el impacto del COVID-19
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) presentó hoy al Parlamento Latinoamericano y Caribeño (PARLATINO) una nueva guía diseñada para orientar a las y los parlamentarios en la creación de entornos propicios para la inversión responsable en agricultura y sistemas alimentarios.La guía se elaboró en colaboración con el Instituto Internacional para el Desarrollo Sostenible (IISD),y  contó con el apoyo del Ministerio Federal de Alimentación y Agricultura de Alemania (BMEL), en el ámbito del Programa Marco de apoyo a la inversión responsable en la agricultura y los sistemas alimentarios.Es un instrumento...
08 Apr 2021
08/04/2021 Brazzaville, capitale de la République du Congo, connait une croissance démographique sans précédent ; sa population a augmenté de 134% entre 2000 et 2020 pour atteindre 2 388 M habitants, alors que la progression de la population de la République du Congo se limitait à 76% sur la même période. Ainsi en 2020, Brazzaville concentre 42% de la population nationale.
07 Apr 2021
Developing national atlases of tsetse and African animal trypanosomosis
7 April 2021, Harare - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has launched a new online course on developing national atlases of tsetse fly and African animal trypanosomosis (AAT) to promote the control of high impact Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs). Trypanosomosis is a blood-borne parasitic disease of cattle spread through the bite of a tsetse fly. A tsetse and AAT atlas is a national-level information system on the occurrence of the pest and disease in space and time. The course has been developed by the Programme Against African Trypanosomosis (PAAT), and it is hosted by the Virtual...
06 Apr 2021
6 April 2020, Mexico - Mexico, CARICOM and FAO have organized a regional meeting to launch a sub-project on “Resilient school feeding programs” that aims at strengthening the capacities of institutions and stakeholders to implement resilient and sustainable National School Feeding Programs in Bahamas, Belize, St Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, this initiative has been reformulated to place greater focus towards supporting participating countries in their responses to safeguard livelihoods, ensure adequate access to healthy food and ensure sustainable management of natural resources. The Mexico-CARICOM-FAO Initiative began its implementation in...