


语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 全球研究 - 宣传倡导 - 法律问题 - 机构能力 - 粮食安全与营养


关键词: 评估 - 粮食安全分析 - 监测 - 分析 - 指标 - 机构能力 - 具体目标


关键词: 能力开发 - 宣传倡导 - 法律问题 - 国际法 - 国家立法


语言版本: français
关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 国家立法 - 粮食安全与营养 - 制度政策 - 战略

Right to Food Study, 2016.
The study aims at identifying potential entry-points for the development of activities on the human right to adequate food in Cambodia. To this end, the analysis focuses on gender policy processes currently ongoing in the country, considered as a viable opportunity to initiate or strengthen the implementation of the Right to Food Guidelines at country level.

关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 国家立法 - 粮食安全与营养 - 制度政策 - 战略

Brief, 2016.
Various countries in the region are currently reviewing their national legislation to develop legal frameworks on school feeding. This document brings a summary of the key findings and recommendations contained in the study Analysis of the legal frameworks on school food and nutrition in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.

语言版本: Español
关键词: 法律问题 - 国家立法

Right to Food Study, 2016.
Various countries in the region are currently reviewing their national legislation to develop legal frameworks on school feeding. This study, undertook upon request coming from CA-4 countries and several regional instances, brings an analysis and an overview of the existing legislation that regulates school feeding in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. It also aims at presenting a methodology for the assessment of legal frameworks on that topic.

语言版本: Español
关键词: 法律问题 - 国家立法

Brief, 2016.
Developed jointly by the Right to Food Team and the Decent Rural Employment Team, this brief argues that consolidating the synergies between the two rights through a human rights-based approach can enhance the impact of food security, rural development and poverty reduction interventions to better and more efficiently contribute to FAO’s mandate.

关键词: 全球研究 - 宣传倡导 - 国际法 - 协调 - 粮食安全与营养

Workshop report, 2016.
This report includes all debates and list of commitments which took place during the South Asian Dialogue on the Right to Food, held in Dhaka on the 23-25 November 2015. The event was jointly organized by Oxfam and FAO with the objective to promote an emerging right to food community of practice for improved food security in South Asia. It called for the participation of members from government, civil society organizations, academia and think tanks from India, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

关键词: 宣传倡导 - 国家立法 - 协调 - 粮食安全与营养 - 制度政策

Legal Study, 2015.
This publication brings together a comparative analysis of the legislation on food and nutrition security in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, also including a regional perspective of the instruments adopted by parliamentary bodies in Latin America.

语言版本: Español
关键词: 法律问题 - 国家立法 - 粮食安全与营养


关键词: 法律问题 - 国家立法

Right to Food Study, 2015.
This publication provides an overview on the main issues debated during the development and passage of the India’s National Food Security Act (2013), which legally binds national and state governments to extend far-reaching social protection to the country’s population.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 赋权 - 法律问题 - 权益 - 国家立法 - 义务 - 粮食安全与营养

Briefs for debates on the right to food, 2015.
This set of briefs presents the major debates emerged during the development and adoption of the India’s National Food Security Act (2013), which legally binds national and state governments to extend far-reaching social protection to the country’s population.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 能力开发 - 宣传倡导 - 培训 - 法律问题 - 权益 - 国家立法 - 义务 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Study, 2015.
The document aims to provide tools for actors at municipal level to deepen the construction of practical notions for the obligations to respect, protect and fulfill the right to food locally, and to propose different activities for establishing and/or strengthening spaces for dialogue, exemplified by experiences in different countries of the region.

语言版本: Español
关键词: 宣传倡导 - 赋权 - 协调 - 粮食安全与营养 - 战略

Right to Food Assessment, 2014.
The Review of the legislative framework and jurisprudence concerning the right to adequate food in Nepal discusses overarching aspects of Nepalese law and jurisprudence dealing with this human right. It provides a critical assessment of constitutional as well as legislative provisions and offers a thorough analysis of Supreme Court jurisprudence pertaining to the right to food. In addition to judicial remedy, the review also covers non-judicial means of remedy against the violation of food rights. Finally, the review also offers a set of concrete recommendations, touching upon a wide range of aspects of the human right to adequate food.

关键词: 评估 - 形势分析 - 法律问题 - 国家立法
语言版本:English Español
关键词: 公共预算分析 - 宣传倡导

Right to Food Study, 2015.
The primary goal of this study is to present a comparative analysis, from a human rights perspective, of the current state of legislation and programmes related to social protection in Barbados and member states of the Organisation of Easter Caribbean States (OECS).

关键词: 评估 - 法律问题 - 权益 - 国家立法

Workshop report, 2015.
This report presents the key achievements and the issues discussed during the sub-regional workshop on strengthening the legal frameworks for social protection in the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and Barbados, co-hosted by OECS Commission and FAO (4-5 June 2014 – Saint Lucia).

关键词: 评估 - 法律问题 - 权益 - 国家立法
关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 宣传倡导 - 粮食安全与营养
语言版本: Español
关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 宣传倡导

Right to Food Methodological Toolbox - Book 6, 2014. 
This volume outlines simple and practical ways to analyse the design and implementation of food and nutrition security (FNS) policies and programmes from a right to food perspective. The primary focus is on national overarching FNS policies as well as national FNS programmes that serve as instruments to implement policies. This reference guide complements other volumes included in the Right to Food Methodological Toolbox.

关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Assessment, 2014.
This publication describes the development of the Right to Food in the West-African region. It brings together the analysis of the food and nutrition situation (focusing on the main barriers to eradicating hunger), the legal framework, the relevant policies and programmes (focusing on principles inherent to the right to food), and a brief description of the most relevant institutions.

语言版本:English français
关键词: 评估 - 粮食安全分析 - 权益 - 义务 - 粮食安全与营养 - 制度政策 - 战略
语言版本: Español
关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 宣传倡导 - 粮食安全与营养

由 2004 年 11 月举行的 粮农组织理事会第一二七届会议通过
The objective of the Voluntary Guidelines is to provide practical guidance to States in their implementation of the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security.

关键词: 评估 - 能力开发 - 法律问题 - 监测 - 政策

Right to Food Publication, 2014.
This Publication looks back at the progress made over the past decade in implementing the Right to Food Guidelines through the revision of some lessons learned and good practices, it identifies the main gaps and challenges and it discusses the way forward in implementing the Right to Food Guidelines so as to realize the right to adequate food of all.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 评估 - 全球研究 - 监测 - 分析 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Thematic Study 1, 2014.
This Thematic Study reviewed the existing food security and nutrition (FSN) policy documents to determine the extent to which the designs of these policies have right to food underpinnings. This review was guided by several provisions of the Right to Food Guidelines.

关键词: 全球研究 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Thematic Study 2, 2014.
This study shows how an institutional framework can efficiently support the realization of the right to adequate food and through examples, examines important advances on various structural dimensions of an institution that have taken place since the adoption of the Right to Food Guidelines. The study particularly examines executive and legislative bodies, human rights institutions as well as judicial and quasi-judicial bodies, at national, regional and global levels.

关键词: 全球研究 - 追索机制 - 分析 - 机构能力 - 制度政策

Right to Food Thematic Study 3, 2014.
This thematic study examines the legal advances of the right to food since the adoption of the Right to Food Guidelines in 2004. The study explores legislative and judicial developments in areas of constitutional law, framework laws and sectoral laws of different countries. Following this overview of the legal foundation, the study examines the justiciability of the right to food.

关键词: 全球研究 - 法律问题 - 国际法 - 国家立法 - 追索机制

Right to Food Thematic Study 4, 2014.
This thematic study reviews international instruments which demonstrate a shift towards a human rights based approach to natural resources in the ten years since the adoption of the Right to Food Guidelines along with national level examples of success and challenges in addressing gender and the concerns of vulnerable groups in sectors such as land, fisheries and forestry.

关键词: 全球研究 - 国家立法 - 政策

Right to Food Thematic Study 5, 2014.
This thematic study takes a retrospective glance at social protection related developments from 2004 to 2014 considering the recommendations of Guidelines 8, 13, 14 and measures for international cooperation and partnership for promoting the right to adequate food. It presents the trajectory of a human rights-based approach to social protection across policy spaces and food security intervention contexts.

关键词: 评估 - 粮食安全分析 - 全球研究 - 法律问题 - 权益 - 政策 - 协调 - 粮食安全与营养 - 制度政策

Right to Food Thematic Study 6, 2014.
This Thematic Study analyzes Guidelines 10 and 11 on Nutrition, and Education and Awareness Raising respectively. The objective of this Thematic Study is to show, through current global processes and debates and country-level best practices, how nutrition is an integral part of the right to food, and how education and awareness raising are essential vehicles to facilitate its fulfilment.

关键词: 全球研究 - 国际法 - 分析 - 指标 - 具体目标 - 协调 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Thematic Study 7, 2014.
This study takes stock of the progress made and the challenges faced over the last ten years in the international dimensions of the right to adequate food, as they relate to international trade and investment, development and humanitarian cooperation policies, and development loans and debts. It was conducted as part of the ten-year retrospective on the implementation of the Right to Food Guidelines in 2014.

关键词: 全球研究 - 国际法 - 分析 - 协调

Right to Food Study, 2014.
The publication demonstrates the conceptual and practical relevance of the right to adequate food to emergency programming by referring to pertinent normative and operational framework documents. It provides guidance on how to integrate the right to adequate food and related human rights principles in to emergency programmes and projects.

关键词: 形势分析 - 赋权 - 权益 - 义务 - 具体目标
语言版本: Español
关键词: 宣传倡导 - 赋权 - 粮食安全与营养
关键词: 宣传倡导 - 粮食安全与营养
关键词: 宣传倡导 - 粮食安全与营养
关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 宣传倡导 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Publication, 2014.
This short study discusses how the right to food framework can guide the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Governance of Tenure (VGGT) and analyses the recommendations in the VGGT that are particularly important for strengthening work on the right to food.  It also stresses the importance of multi-stakeholder platforms, participatory processes, and the application of the PANTHER principles.

关键词: 宣传倡导 - 国际法 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养 - 战略

Information Brief, 2014.
This Information Brief provides a right to food perspective on the gender equitable governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests in view of implementing the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT).

关键词: 宣传倡导 - 国际法 - 粮食安全与营养

Information Brief, 2014.
This Information Brief presents a right to food perspective on the governance of fisheries in view of implementing the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT).

关键词: 宣传倡导 - 国际法 - 粮食安全与营养

Information Brief, 2014.
This Information Brief put forth a right to food perspective on the governance of forests in view of implementing the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT).

关键词: 宣传倡导 - 国际法 - 粮食安全与营养

Information Brief, 2014.
This Information Brief offers a right to food perspective on the governance of agricultural investments by providing concise and practical information on this crucial governance issue in view of implementing the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT).

关键词: 宣传倡导 - 国际法 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Study, 2014.
The present comparative analysis was undertaken to determine to what extent a human rights focus was reflected in the design and implementation practices of the Special Programme on Food Security of FAO in Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, for the purpose of promoting human rights based practices in all food security and nutrition programmes in Central America.

语言版本:English Español
关键词: 评估 - 影响分析 - 形势分析 - 宣传倡导 - 指标 - 机构能力 - 制度政策

Right to Food Publication, 2013.
This publication documents the most important elements from the Global Strategic Framework that support and illustrate the systematic mainstreaming of the right to adequate food in this consensually adopted global framework. It also offers important suggestions to stakeholders on how to translate this global consensus into practice at the national level. 

关键词: 全球研究 - 宣传倡导 - 粮食安全与营养 - 制度政策

Right to Food Handbooks 1, 2014.
This first handbook of the group devoted to legislation presents the right to food within the international framework of human rights, especially the ICESCR and other relevant international instruments, as well as the different forms of constitutional recognition at country level.

关键词: 教学工具 - 培训 - 法律问题 - 权益 - 国际法 - 国家立法 - 义务 - 追索机制

Right to Food Handbooks 2, 2014.
The purpose of this handbook is to provide practical information and guidelines for national legislators and individual parties or groups interested in order to improve the process of developing a framework law for the right to food.

关键词: 教学工具 - 培训 - 法律问题 - 权益 - 国际法 - 国家立法 - 义务 - 追索机制

Right to Food Handbooks 3, 2014.
This handbook presents the process to be followed for the revision of sectoral legislation, since it may affect various aspects of the right to food. The purpose of this revision is to ensure that the legal framework of the country is favourable for the progressive realization of the right to food.

关键词: 教学工具 - 培训 - 法律问题 - 权益 - 国际法 - 国家立法 - 义务 - 追索机制

Right to Food Handbooks 4, 2014.
This handbook, introductory to the group of those which are devoted to the process of monitoring the right to food, presents the conceptual basis for monitoring centered and based on a human rights approach. It also provides a description of the methodological and analytical agenda for monitoring.

关键词: 教学工具 - 培训 - 监测 - 分析 - 指标 - 机构能力 - 具体目标 - 方法论

Right to Food Handbooks 5, 2014.
This handbook presents the basic process to be followed for monitoring policies, programmes and projects aimed at the right to food, starting from the components that distinguish it from a conventional monitoring framework: the basic content of the right to food, the State obligations and the principles of human rights.

关键词: 教学工具 - 培训 - 监测 - 分析 - 指标 - 机构能力 - 具体目标 - 方法论

Right to Food Handbooks 6, 2014.
This third handbook on monitoring the right to food provides detail on the information needed for monitoring, information gathering methods, information systems and databases for monitoring as well as on dissemination of information.

关键词: 教学工具 - 培训 - 监测 - 指标 - 机构能力 - 具体目标 - 方法论

Right to Food Handbooks 7, 2014.
This handbook provides practical information and tools for conducting a right to food assessment as a first step in a strategy to ensure this right and to take the appropriate measures accordingly with the obligation of progressive realization of this right.

关键词: 评估 - 粮食安全分析 - 全球研究 - 影响分析 - 公共预算分析 - 形势分析 - 教学工具 - 培训

Right to Food Handbooks 8, 2014.
This handbook provides information on some of the aspects in which the public budget plays an important role for the realization of the right to food. It also addresses the implementation of advocacy actions based on an analysis of government budgets.

关键词: 评估 - 粮食安全分析 - 全球研究 - 影响分析 - 公共预算分析 - 形势分析 - 教学工具 - 培训

Right to Food Handbooks 9, 2014.
This handbook provides an overview of who is who and what his/her role is in the realization of the human right to food. This information enhances the possibilities of coordination and collaboration between the different actors as well as accountability.

关键词: 能力开发 - 宣传倡导 - 课程 - 教学工具 - 赋权 - 培训

Right to Food Handbooks 10, 2014.
The purpose of this handbook devoted to training is to offer guidance on the appropriate way to implement training processes on the right to food by adapting them to the different groups.

关键词: 能力开发 - 宣传倡导 - 课程 - 教学工具 - 赋权 - 培训

Right to Food Assessment, 2013.
This publication presents coherent and systematic information and analysis about: the current food and nutrition security situation in the CARICOM Region and in CARICOM Member States, and the relevant legal, policy and institutional environments in the Region with respect to the protection and realization of the right to food. The information and analysis are expected to translate into concrete follow-up actions and can serve to monitor over time right to food conditions in the Region.

关键词: 评估 - 粮食安全分析 - 能力开发 - 宣传倡导 - 法律问题 - 国际法 - 国家立法 - 监测 - 分析 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养
语言版本: Español
关键词: 能力开发 - 培训 - 粮食安全与营养

Reference Guide, 2013.
This reference guide is addressed to technical officers at district and sub-county level in Uganda who are involved in preparing Higher and Lower Local Government Development Plans which as mandated must address food and nutrition security as a cross-cutting concern. The guide responds to the capacity needs of the officers who may lack the necessary tools to prepare well-articulated and justified food and nutrition security plans. It also gives direction on how to meaningfully apply human rights, with specific reference to the right to food, principles at sub-national level.

关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 赋权 - 机构能力 - 政策 - 协调 - 粮食安全与营养 - 战略

Right to Food Assessment, 2013.
This publication presents the results of an assessment of the right to food in the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP). Its main objective consists in assessing the policy, legal, and institutional framework related to the FNS and the right to food in CPLP countries as a way to feed into the Regional Strategy for Food and Nutrition Security.

语言版本:English Português
关键词: 评估 - 粮食安全分析 - 影响分析 - 形势分析 - 分析 - 指标 - 机构能力 - 协调 - 粮食安全与营养 - 战略

Right to Food Publication, 2013.
This Guidance Note is a practical tool for practitioners to integrate the right to food into food and nutrition security (FNS) programmes. It explains key concepts related to the right to food and, particularly, examines four main entry points for FSN programmes: responsibilities of stakeholders, legal aspects, monitoring, and claims mechanisms. Specific examples and cases illustrate the main messages.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 法律问题 - 国家立法 - 义务 - 追索机制 - 监测 - 分析 - 指标 - 政策 - 协调 - 粮食安全与营养 - 战略

Right to Food Policy Brief No. 3, 2012.
The Issues Brief “Social Protection and the Right to Food” provides guidance to decision makers on applying a human rights-based approach to social protection programmes since they significantly contribute to the progressive realization of the right to food.

语言版本:English Español
关键词: 形势分析 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Study, 2012.
This study, developed jointly with the Geneva academy of humanitarian law and human rights, aims to provide guidance on how the right to adequate food can best be integrated into the two frameworks ”The Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF)” and “the UN Comprehensive Framework for Action (CFA)”.

关键词: 评估 - 形势分析 - 能力开发 - 法律问题 - 监测 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养

Fact Sheet 1, 2012.
In relation to the Global Strategic Framework for Food and Nutrition Security (GSF), this Fact Sheet examines how the right to food can be an integral part of the objective, the process and the outcome of the GSF.

关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 形势分析 - 宣传倡导 - 粮食安全与营养

Fact Sheet 2, 2012.
In relation to the Global Strategic Framework for Food and Nutrition Security (GSF), this Fact Sheet 2 explains how the adoption of a human rights perspective in national strategies can increase their efficiency and tackle the root causes of hunger.

关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 形势分析 - 宣传倡导 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Policy Brief No. 2, 2011.
Investment in agriculture is crucial for increasing productivity levels in developing countries and for creating economic and social benefits that contribute to the eradication of hunger. In addition, security of land tenure is critical for the realization of the right to food.

语言版本:English Español
关键词: 形势分析 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Policy Brief No. 1, 2011.
High food price volatility has a negative impact on food security and this volatility affects vulnerable groups. Putting the Right to Food principles into practice can help to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of the majority of policy tools being implemented to confront and reduce prices volatility.

语言版本:English Español
关键词: 形势分析 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Publication, 2011.
This publication brings together the practical experiences and lessons learned during the years 2006 to 2009 with the implementation of the right to food at country level. It looks at how the right to food has been integrated into policy planning, strategy formulation, programme design and legislative processes throughout Latin America, Africa and Asia.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 评估 - 能力开发 - 法律问题 - 监测 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Study, 2011.
This study underlines the very important role of the civil society in creating mechanisms to make states accountable for violations of the right to adequate food - the study also serves as an advocacy tool, which provides practical examples on how to implement the right to food at country level.

关键词: 宣传倡导 - 法律问题 - 国际法 - 国家立法 - 追索机制

Right to Food Study, 2011.
This Right to Food Study from 2011 reviews the legal protection of the right to food at national level, through constitutional provisions, national legislation and the direct applicability of international law.

关键词: 法律问题 - 国际法 - 国家立法 - 义务 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Study, 2010.
This Right to Food Study illustrates the legal significance of the Right to Food at national level and provides a series of concrete examples of the implementation of human right principles, the Right to Food, and State obligations regarding land tenure systems, food policies and institutional frameworks.

语言版本:English Español
关键词: 法律问题 - 国际法 - 义务 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养

Report, 2010. Executive Summary.
This Executive Summary explains the rationale and objectives of the Right to Food Assessment Philippines. In addition to a short overview of the three studies in the assessment, the summary also provides a profile of hunger and an analysis of its underlying causes.

关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 法律问题 - 国家立法 - 监测 - 分析 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养

Report, 2010. Component 1/3.
This first component of the Right to Food Assessment Philippines covers 3 areas:
1) Monitoring the hungry and food insecure; 2) Profiling the hungry and the food insecure and 3) Identifying the causes of hunger and food insecurity.

关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 形势分析 - 监测 - 粮食安全与营养

Report, 2010. Component 2/3.
This second component of the Right to Food Assessment Philippines covers an assessment that will ascertain whether legal provisions are implemented to guarantee the right to food and to what extent the legal framework of the Philippines influences (positively or negatively) the food insecurity situation of the vulnerable groups.

关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 法律问题 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养

Report, 2010. Component 3/3.
This third component focuses on two main areas of concern
1) Long run food sustainability and 2) Immediate food requirements.

关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 分析 - 粮食安全与营养

Paper, 2010.
This report provides background information about Bhutan and a summary of the essential elements of the right to food concept followed by an analysis of the household level food security status and its driving factors. Furthermore, an analysis of the policy, institutional and legal framework relevant to food security governance and accountability mechanisms at national and sub-national levels and future recommendations are provided.

关键词: 评估 - 粮食安全分析 - 形势分析 - 法律问题 - 国家立法 - 粮食安全与营养

Joint FAO-OHCHR Fact Sheet No. 34, 2010.
This Fact Sheet explains what the right to adequate food is, illustrates its implications for specific individuals and groups, and elaborates upon State parties’ obligations with respect to this human right. The Fact Sheet also provides an overview of national, regional and international accountability and monitoring mechanisms.

关键词: 宣传倡导 - 培训 - 法律问题 - 国际法 - 粮食安全与营养

Flyer, 2010.
This “Right to food in the cities” flyer focuses on the legislation of Mexico
and the law on food security and nutrition in Mexico Federal district.

关键词: 法律问题 - 监测 - 粮食安全与营养
关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 形势分析 - 宣传倡导 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Methodological Toolbox / Book 5, 2009. 
This Guide provides a 10-steps guidance for the process of building a right to food case, analysing government budget and presenting a claim. It also examines three case studies in order to understand if a national budget is geared up to the use of the maximum resources for the realization of the right to food.

语言版本:English Español
关键词: 评估 - 粮食安全分析 - 全球研究 - 影响分析 - 公共预算分析 - 形势分析

Right to Food Methodological Toolbox / Book 4, 2009. 
This unique basis for education, training and advocacy on the right to food aims to contribute to strengthening in-country capacity to implement this human right and can also be used as a reference guide.

语言版本:English Español
关键词: 能力开发 - 宣传倡导 - 课程 - 教学工具 - 赋权 - 培训

Right to Food Methodological Toolbox / Book 3, 2009. 
This Guide provides methodological and operational assistance for governments, civil society and other stakeholders for the assessment of the right to food situation at national level. In addition, the Guide also offers methods for the assessment of the legal, policy and institutional environment.

语言版本:English Español
关键词: 评估 - 粮食安全分析 - 全球研究 - 影响分析 - 公共预算分析 - 形势分析

Right to Food Methodological Toolbox / Book 2 - Volume II, 2009.
This guide helps to examine the results and impacts of policies and projects, against specific goals that have been set as desired outcomes for the enjoyment of the human right to adequate food. Furthermore, it provides different methodologies for monitoring the right to adequate food.

语言版本:English Español
关键词: 监测 - 分析 - 指标 - 机构能力 - 具体目标 - 方法论

Right to Food Methodological Toolbox / Book 2 - Volume I, 2009.
This guide helps to examine the results and impacts of policies and projects, against specific goals that have been set as desired outcomes for the enjoyment of the human right to adequate food. Furthermore, it provides different methodologies for monitoring the right to adequate food.

语言版本:English Español
关键词: 监测 - 分析 - 指标 - 机构能力 - 具体目标 - 方法论

Right to Food Methodological Toolbox / Book 1, 2009.
The Guide provides assistance as to how to integrate the right to food into the different levels of the national legislation. Furthermore, it describes ways to protect the right to food in the constitution, provides guidance on drafting a framework law and presents a methodology for reviewing the compatibility of sectoral laws with the right to food.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 法律问题 - 权益 - 国际法 - 国家立法 - 义务 - 追索机制

Right to Food Study, 2009.
This Right to Food Study outlines a range of concrete examples to demonstrate that access to justice is possible and useful to protect the victims of violations of the right to food. The study also lays out the legal systems in which the access to justice is possible, and address the remaining gaps in other legal systems.

关键词: 法律问题 - 国际法 - 义务 - 追索机制 - 粮食安全与营养
关键词: 形势分析 - 宣传倡导 - 法律问题 - 粮食安全与营养

The Legislative Database on the Right to Food covers national legislation referred to and analysed in the Guide on Legislating for the Right to Food. It includes all constitutions, laws and subsidiary legislation which have been referred to in the Guide.

关键词: 法律问题 - 权益 - 国家立法

Right to Food Study, 2009.
This Guide aims to assist indigenous peoples and their organizations on how to use the Voluntary Guidelines to promote their own interests in the area of food security.

关键词: 监测 - 具体目标 - 方法论 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Study, 2009.
This Right to Food Study aims to clarify the relevance of the right to food in combating HIV/AIDS and demonstrates that there are good reasons for supporting the integration of the right to food into prevention and treatment programmes to make them truly effective.

关键词: 赋权 - 国际法 - 义务 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养

Joint Brief, 2009.
This joint brief “Right to Food and Indigenous Peoples” explains the legal foundation of the indigenous peoples’ right to food, the right to food as a collective right including the cultural dimension as well as how the right to food can benefit indigenous peoples.

关键词: 宣传倡导 - 培训 - 法律问题 - 国际法 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Study, 2009.
This study provides an introduction to the right to food and human rights principles in international law, explores the relationship between international fisheries instruments and the right to food and seeks to identify components that are considered important for the implementation of the right to food in fisheries legislation.

关键词: 法律问题 - 国际法 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Study, 2009.
This paper focuses on the analysis of the right to food from an indigenous peoples’ perspective and addresses the main issues of concern to indigenous peoples that crosscut the right to food. Furthermore, it analyses how right to food is relevant to indigenous peoples and how the implementation of the right to food can benefit them.

关键词: 形势分析 - 赋权 - 法律问题
关键词: 宣传倡导 - 粮食安全与营养

Report, 2008.
This report provides an overview of the policy, legislative and institutional frameworks for food security in Tajikistan, and makes recommendations as to how such frameworks can be improved.

语言版本:English Русский
关键词: 评估 - 粮食安全分析 - 形势分析 - 法律问题 - 国家立法 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Study, 2008.
How much of women's hunger and food insecurity is a matter of health alone and not one of life, survival and development? This is just one of the very important issues addressed in this Right to Food Study.

关键词: 法律问题 - 国际法 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Study, 2008.
This Right to Food study examines the impact of biofuel production on the
enjoyment of the human right to adequate food and the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger.

关键词: 政策 - 经济学 - 粮食安全与营养 - 战略

Right to Food Study, 2008.
Through a conceptual analysis based on international treaties and instruments and through two country studies, this study explores the relationship between human rights, particularly the right to adequate food, and access to natural resources with specific focus on land.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 影响分析 - 赋权 - 法律问题 - 政策

Paper, 2007.
Despite significant growth in global food production, 854 million people, nearly one-sixth of the world’s population, still suffer from chronic hunger. This publication focuses on the right to food and the lessons learned in Brazil and illustrates the eight steps to realize the right to Food in a Brazilian perspective.

关键词: 能力开发 - 宣传倡导 - 教学工具 - 赋权 - 法律问题 - 监测 - 粮食安全与营养

Cartoon Books for kids, 2007.
“The Right to Food: a Window on the World” is designed to help you to educate young people about the right to food and encourage them to take action against hunger in the world. By using the cartoon book and the activity guide, you will help young people to understand that every individual has the right to be free from hunger and that all members of society have a responsibility to respect, protect and promote that right.

关键词: 能力开发 - 教学工具 - 培训
关键词: 宣传倡导 - 粮食安全与营养

This course is part of the e-learning curriculum "Right to Food in Practice" and its introduces the principles and concept of the human right to adequate food and its practical application. The course also provides an overview of the historical development of this human right, the human rights based approach to development, recourse mechanisms, the Right to Food Guidelines and describes the rights, obligations and responsibilities of rights-holders and duty-bearers of the right to food.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 能力开发 - 宣传倡导 - 教学工具 - 培训 - 粮食安全与营养

This course is part of the Right to Food Curriculum Outline developed by FAO to support the progressive realization of the human right to food. This course describes a series of analytical, educational and normative methodologies that offer guidance and hands-on advice on the practical aspects of the right to adequate food. It covers a wide range of operational issues such as assessment, legislation, advocacy, education, budgeting and monitoring of this human right.

关键词: 能力开发 - 宣传倡导 - 课程 - 教学工具 - 培训 - 粮食安全与营养

"Focus on" Series, 2007.
Human rights principles and language are being used to support resource access claims as rights-based approaches empower individuals and groups to gain or maintain access to natural resources. This paper addresses the right to food and access to natural resources in regard to Right to Food Guidelines Provisions, Violations and State Obligations.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 影响分析 - 宣传倡导 - 教学工具 - 赋权 - 法律问题 - 政策

"Focus on" Series, 2007.
Indigenous peoples are among the world’s most vulnerable groups and poorest socio-ethnic populations. They make up a significant percentage of the food insecure, often facing chronic hunger and malnutrition. This paper addresses the right to food and indigenous peoples in regard to Human Rights, Land and Natural Resources, Indigenous women and State Obligations.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 形势分析 - 宣传倡导 - 教学工具 - 赋权 - 法律问题

"Focus on" Series, 2007.
HIV/AIDS makes people more vulnerable to food insecurity; in fact, food insecurity makes them even more susceptible to full-blown AIDS. This paper addresses the right to food and HIV/AIDS in regard to the Human Rights-Based Approach, The Right to Adequate Food and the Right to Food Guidelines.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 宣传倡导 - 教学工具 - 赋权 - 国际法 - 义务 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养

"Focus on" Series, 2007.
Unequal access to power and resources is central to discrimination against women in the community, market, state and even within their own households. This paper addresses the right to food and gender in regard to Human Rights Law, National Implementation, Health and Education and Property Rights.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 宣传倡导 - 教学工具 - 法律问题 - 国际法 - 粮食安全与营养

"Focus on" Series, 2007.
Traditional bioenergy is the dominant source of energy for about half of the world’s population and it is used mainly for cooking. This in itself makes access to bioenergy a right to food issue. This paper addresses the right to food and bioenergy in regard to the new risks and hopes of bioenergy, the right to food dimensions, and reconciling the right to food and energy security.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 宣传倡导 - 教学工具 - 政策 - 经济学 - 粮食安全与营养 - 战略

"How to" Series, 2007.
The right to food is still not realized for many people. It is therefore crucial to monitor the realization of the right to food. This paper “Monitor the Realization of the Right to Food” focuses on how to monitor the right to food, what the monitoring on the right to food should focus on and who should monitor the right to food?

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 宣传倡导 - 教学工具 - 监测 - 分析 - 指标 - 机构能力 - 具体目标 - 方法论

"How to" Series, 2007.
Legislative measures for the implementation of the human right to adequate food are highlighted both in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and in the Right to Food Guidelines. The three distinct legislative areas to consider, constitutional provisions, framework law and sectoral legislation, are briefly explained in this paper.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 宣传倡导 - 教学工具 - 法律问题 - 权益 - 国际法 - 国家立法 - 义务 - 追索机制

"How to" Series, 2007. Revised version, 2012.
This paper “Analyze Budgets” addresses right to food guidelines, identifies the duty bearers and stakeholders and gives a brief explanation of a budget analysis methodology. The paper also provides essential guidance on how to use budget work to identify policies and programmes, analyze government’s revenue and to integrate this analysis into an overall perspective.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 评估 - 粮食安全分析 - 全球研究 - 影响分析 - 公共预算分析 - 形势分析 - 宣传倡导 - 教学工具

"How to" Series, 2007.
This paper “Conduct a Right to Food Assessment” addresses the elements “why”, “who” and “how” of the process of a Right to Food assessment. The core elements of the assessment focus on identifying the food-insecure, understanding the reasons behind this, understanding the legal environment where policy measures must be implemented and understanding the shortcoming of existing policies.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 评估 - 全球研究 - 影响分析 - 公共预算分析 - 形势分析 - 宣传倡导 - 教学工具 - 粮食安全与营养

Brief, 2007.
This document is a part of the Right to Food Essential Package. The Right to Food Essential Package provides you with all the documents you will need in order to understand what the right to food is, information about policies and law, examples of best practices and the right to food in action.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 能力开发 - 宣传倡导 - 培训 - 法律问题 - 粮食安全与营养

Flyer, 2007.
This document is a part of the Right to Food Essential Package. The Right to Food Essential Package provides you with all the documents you will need in order to understand what the right to food is, information about policies and law, examples of best practices and the right to food in action. This flyer briefly explains what the right to food in form of questions and answers.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 能力开发 - 宣传倡导 - 培训 - 法律问题

Paper, 2006.
This Right to Food paper gives practical guidance as to how to implement the right to food at national level with examples of best practice from various countries. In addition, it also clarifies how the human-rights-based approach to food security offers new ways of identifying, analysing and solving the problems that underlie hunger and poverty.

关键词: 能力开发 - 宣传倡导 - 制度政策

Information papers and case studies, 2006.
This publication is a valuable aid to decision-making for all concerned with the realization of the right to food. It presents seven information papers and a case studies report that were prepared during the negotiation process preceding the adoption of the Voluntary Guidelines to support the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 形势分析 - 监测 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养

Guidelines in brief, 2006.
The Voluntary Guidelines in Brief presents the most essential elements of the Voluntary Guidelines in focusing on the right to food, why the right to food should be implemented and how the right to food adds to food security.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 评估 - 能力开发 - 宣传倡导 - 教学工具 - 法律问题 - 监测 - 政策

Flyer, 2005.
This flyer provides a brief overview of what the right to food is, why the right to food should be implemented, how the right to food adds to food security and explains what the “Voluntary Guidelines on The Right to Food” are.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 评估 - 能力开发 - 法律问题 - 监测 - 政策

Brief, 2005.
These 8 briefs explain how the Voluntary Guidelines can be used in practice to implement the right to food. The briefs highlight how a right-to-food approach differs from conventional approaches to development and how it can enhance the latter.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 能力开发 - 宣传倡导 - 赋权 - 培训 - 政策 - 协调

Music can be used for learning purposes as it effectively targets feelings and thoughts. The FAO Right to Food Team is proud to present these songs, created by the Learning Solutions People (LSP) in Sierra Leone, a band that uses music as a learning solution.

关键词: 宣传倡导 - 教学工具 - 培训

FAO Legislative Study, Number 77, 2003.
The purpose of this study is to clarify the meaning of the right to adequate food with specific regard to emergency situations including both natural and man-made disasters. The study identifies and analyses the applicable principles rules and standards of international law related to the right to food in emergency situations.

语言版本:English Español
关键词: 全球研究 - 法律问题 - 国际法

FAO Legislative Study, Number 76, 2002. Revised version, 2007.
This study focuses on the gender dimension of agriculture-related legislation, examining the legal status of women in three key areas. The result is an analysis identifying the main legal and some non-legal factors that affect the existence and exercise of women’s agriculture-related rights.

关键词: 赋权 - 法律问题 - 国际法 - 义务
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