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Seminar in Social Innovation from the Management of Food Losses and Waste

28 - 30 August 2017, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
Guided by the Sustainable Development Agenda (SDG 12, indicator 12.3) and the FSN CELAC Plan (Action Line 3, Pillar 1), the FAO Strategic Program on Efficient and Inclusive Food Systems supports the countries of the region to strengthen their capacities in the prevention and reduction of Food Losses and Waste (FLW) [read more]

3° Diálogo Regional, un esfuerzo compartido hacia la prevención y reducción de pérdidas y desperdicios de alimentos en América Latina y el Caribe

7 - 8 June 2017, Santiago de Chile
Acabar con las Pérdidas y Desperdicios de Alimentos (PDA) es fundamental para combatir el hambre y alcanzar el desarrollo sostenible. En este sentido, la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) invita al Tercer Diálogo Regional sobre Prevención y Reducción de PDA, cuyas dos versiones anteriores (Santo Domingo, 2015 y Saint George’s, 2016) han permitido fortalecer el intercambio de importantes experiencias y soluciones ante esta problemática, entre diversos actores del sistema alimentario. [read more]

Solutions for reducing food loss and ensuring sustainable fishing livelihoods

With the support of GEF, FAO has implemented the REBYC-II LAC project in Latin America and the Caribbean. This project aims to 1) reduce food loss by improving the management and utilization of bycatch and minimizing discards and 2) support sustainable livelihoods by making shrimp and bottom trawl fisheries into sustainable and responsible fisheries. By focusing on both environmental and livelihood impacts, the project seeks to safeguard human and environmental well-being. [read more]

Panorama de la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional en América Latina y el Caribe 2016

According to FAO and PAHO, the use of land and other natural resources must be made more efficient and sustainable, the techniques of food production, storage and processing must be improved, and food losses and waste must be reduced to ensure equitable access to food for all.
[read more]

Second Regional Dialogue on Prevention and Reduction of food losses and waste in Latin America and the Caribbean

16 - 17 November 2016, Saint George, Grenada
The Latin America and Caribbean region has pioneered the proposal to eradicate hunger by 2025, a goal that was adopted in 2005 under the Latin American and Caribbean Zero Hunger Initiative, and embraced unreservedly by the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in 2015. The objective is to ensure that no man, woman, boy or girl goes hungry. It means redoubling our efforts and keeping our commitment to Food Security and Nutrition on the agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals, where the target has been set to halve per capita food losses and waste by 2030. [read more]

Save Food Brasil

O Programa Save Food Brasil nasceu a partir do "Comitê Nacional para a Redução de Perdas e Desperdícios de Alimentos", com o apoio da representação nacional da FAO/ONU, com os seguintes objetivos:

  • Formar uma rede nacional de especialistas, atuantes e interessados no tema "redução de perdas e desperdícios de alimentos".
  • Estimular e facilitar o diálogo Inter setorial, disseminar as melhores praticas e processos de inovação na área.
  • Informar a rede sobre conteúdos, noticias e eventos relevantes
  • Sensibilizar a sociedade, visando maior conscientização sobre o tema [read more]

Technical Seminar on Food Loss and Waste Measurement, analysis and solution finding

  • 19 - 23 September 2016, Mexico
    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will organize a technical seminar on food loss and waste measurement, analysis and solution finding instruments together with the main government institutions involved in the topic in order to establish and coordinate efforts for a better understanding of the magnitude, causes and possible solutions.
    [read more]

Inician talleres Regionales de Disminución de Pérdidas y Desperdicio de Alimentos

  • 2016: May.
    Se pretende crear conciencia en sectores productivos, empresariales, institucionales y consumidores para lograr una disminución en las pérdidas y desperdicios de alimentos en las diferentes regiones de nuestro país.
    [read more]

Champions 12.3 Coalition Expands Members, Actions to Help Reduce Food Loss & Waste

  • 2016: April.
    The new Champions are:
    - John Bryant, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Kellogg Company
    - Michel Landel, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Executive Committee, Sodexo Group
    - Esben Lunde Larsen, Minister for the Environment and Food, Denmark
    - José Antonio Meade, Secretary of Social Development, Mexico
    - Rafael Pacchiano, Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources, Mexico
    - Lindiwe Majele Sibanda, Chief Executive Officer and Head of Mission of the Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN)
    [read more]

CELAC endorses special declaration on food security at Quito summit

  • 2016: 27 January,  Quito.
    On the occasion of the Fourth Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the region’s leaders reaffirmed their commitment to prioritize the consolidation and implementation of the CELAC Plan for Food Security, Nutrition and Hunger Eradication and reiterated their request that FAO support the process. This include also the creation of the Regional Alliance for Reducing Food Waste and Losses and the establishment of national committees seeking to halve waste in the region by 2030. [read more]

First regional dialogue on food losses and waste

  • 2015: 29-30 September, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
    First regional dialogue on food losses and waste. This dialogue aims to involve authorities from countries of Latin America and the Caribbean linked to the initiatives / FLW working groups, national committees on food security and hunger eradication, together with technicians, researchers, civil society, academia, food industry and other actors involved in the food system, are able to move towards food losses and waste reduction at national and regional level.

Regional Consultation of Experts on Food Losses and Waste

33rd Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (LARC)

  • 2014: 33rd Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (LARC) considers food loss and waste reduction among the priorities for 2014-17 FAO activities in the Region including them also in the agenda point on Towards inclusive and efficient development of agriculture and food systems at the local, national and international level.

32nd FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (LARC)