FAO Governing Bodies

199th Session of the Finance Committee

20-24 May 2024 - Rome, Italy

List of Documents (FC 199)

Main Documents
Document Symbol Title Job Number
FC 199/1 Rev.1 Provisional Agenda NO256
FC 199/2 Financial Position of the Organization NO257
FC 199/3 Rev.1 Report on Investments 2023 NO258
FC 199/4 2023 Actuarial Valuation of Staff Related Liabilities NO259
FC 199/5 Annual Report on Budgetary Performance and Programme and Budgetary Transfers in the 2022-23 Biennium NO260
FC 199/6.1 Rev.1 Human Resources Annual Report 2023 NO261
FC 199/6.2 Human Resources Annual Report 2023 – Workforce analytics as at 31 December 2023 NP003
FC 199/6.3 Human Resources Annual Report 2023 NP004
FC 199/7 FAO Oversight Advisory Committee – 2023 Annual Report NO262
FC 199/8.1 2023 Annual Report of the Inspector General NO264
FC 199/8.2 2023 Annual Report of the Inspector General – Summaries of audit reports issued in 2023 NO263
FC 199/9 2023 Annual Report of the Ethics Office NO265
FC 199/10 "Review of the state of the investigation function: progress made in the United Nations system organizations in strengthening the investigation function" (JIU/REP/2020/1) NO266
FC 199/10 Add.1 Recommendation 7 of the JIU Report "Review of the state of the investigation function: progress made in the United Nations system organizations in strengthening the investigation function" (JIU/REP/2020/1) – Extract from the Report of the 120th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters NO267
FC 199/12 Appointment of the External Auditor for the period 2026-31 NO269
FC 199/13 Rev.1 Status of Outstanding Recommendations of the Finance Committee NO270
FC 199/INF - Series
CL 175 - Series
C 2025 - Series
JM - Series
Document Symbol Title Job Number
JM 2024.1/1 Provisional Agenda NO449