FAO Council - Hundred and Sixtieth Session - Side Event

Key findings of the MOPAN Assessment of FAO

Sheikh Zayed Centre (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

The Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN) has assessed the performance of FAO over 2016 to mid-2018. The assessment covers aspects of organisational performance as well as results. At this side event, co-organised by France and Italy, the Institutional Lead countries for this assessment, the MOPAN Secretariat will be presenting the preliminary findings ahead of the publication of the full report in early 2019 at www.mopanonline.org. The presentation is an opportunity for MOPAN members and other member states to discuss the preliminary findings.


MOPAN is a network of 18 donor countries that jointly assess the performance of multilateral organisations. Members of MOPAN use the outcomes of these assessments to, inter alia, inform strategic decision-making and engagement with the assessed organisations. The assessments also give the organisations themselves a useful external view on their performance and relevance.


Hashtags: #CL160; @MOPANnetwork

Topics: Conference-Council
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