Résistance aux antimicrobiens

Plateforme de partenariat multipartite sur la résistance aux antimicrobiens

Initier un mouvement mondial de lutte contre la résistance aux antimicrobiens

La Plateforme de partenariat multipartite sur la résistance aux antimicrobiens créé et facilité par les organisations de la Quadripartites (FAO, PNUE, OMS et OMSA), a pour mission de catalyser une action mondiale de lutte contre la résistance aux antimicrobiens en favorisant la coopération, à tous les niveaux, entre des partenaires très variés qui soutiennent l’approche «Une seule santé» afin de bâtir, pour les générations actuelles et futures, un monde plus sain, plus durable et plus résilient où les médicaments d’importance vitale que sont les antimicrobiens sont préservés et accessibles à tous et à toutes.  L'équipe de coordination de la plateforme est hébergée par la FAO.

The UN High-Level Meeting on AMR 2024

26 September 2024

Investing in the present and securing our future together: accelerating multisectoral global, regional and national actions to address antimicrobial resistance.

About the UN High-Level Meeting on AMR 2024


The UN High-level meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) will take place on 26 September 2024, at the UN Headquarters in New York, during the general debate of the Assembly at its 79th session, from 10 am to 6 pm.

It will enable Governments and other relevant stakeholders, including civil society, research and academia, private sector, intergovernmental organizations, youth and indigenous peoples, UN agencies, philanthropic organizations, etc. to reinvigorate progress on addressing antimicrobial resistance comprehensively and multisectorally.

Click here to read the Modalities document that provides an overview of the organizational aspects of the meeting.

Public release of the call for actionable steps in response to the rising threat of AMR

This event presented a call for actionable steps in response to the rising threat of AMR embodying the multi-stakeholder One Health vision of priorities on AMR to inform the outcomes document of the UN High-Level Meeting in AMR.

New publication

Call for actionable steps in response to the rising threat of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

Key recommendations for action on antimicrobial resistance for consideration by UN Member States in the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on AMR, May 2024

[In Brief version]




  1. Stopping the Grand Pandemic: A Framework for ActionAntimicrobial Resistance (AMR) (worldbank.org)
  2. Quadripartite Key Recommendations and Priorities for the 2024 UNGA High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) - A Policy Brief: Quadripartite Key Recommendations and Priorities for the 2024 UNGA High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) - A Policy Brief | UNEP - UN Environment Programme
  3. Wellcome Driving action on AMR 2024
  4. GSLPolicyBrief_IPEA-2024-06-13.pdf (globalstrategylab.org)
  5. ICARS' Recommendations to the UN General Assembly's High-level Meeting on AMR – ICARS (icars-global.org)
  6. AMR Industry Alliance Call to action in the fight against AMR 
  7. GLG report:  Towards specific commitments and action in the response to antimicrobial resistance
  8. Government of Sweden Non-paper Towards a Results-Oriented Political Declaration from the UN General Assembly High-level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance 2024
  9. Global Coalition on Aging (GCOA) and the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) 2024 AMR Preparedness Index Progress report
  10. REACT Policy Brief for the 2024 UN HLM on AMR
  11. ReACT Call for Global Action – From People to Leaders: Act on AMR NOW! – Sign the Global Call – ReAct (reactgroup.org)
  12. Summary Note on the meeting to discuss targets for possible consideration at the UNGA High-level Meeting on AMR in 2024, GLG
  13. Wilton Park ‘The road to UNGA 2024: reinvigorating the response to antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
  14. WOAH factsheet ‘Accelerating action against antimicrobial resistance: closing the gaps in the animal health sector
  15. REACT African Youth Position Statement on Antimicrobial Resistance (FR/ENG)
  16. Centre for Global Development ‘The Economics of Antibiotic Resistance’
  17. Centre for Global Development A new grand bargain to improve the Antimicrobial Market for Human Health’
  18. Investor Action on Antimicrobial Resistance
  19. Leveraging universal health coverage to address AMR A note from UHC2030 on the declaration for the UN HLM on AMR



17-21 Aug

International One Health Conference (ISOHA Assembly)
The conference will feature a diverse range of topics under the overarching theme of “International One Health in Action,” highlighting the integration of health, environment, and agriculture. Ecosystem restoration, sustainable agriculture, and strategies for addressing emerging infectious diseases will be explored. The impact of climate change on health and adaptation/mitigation strategies, youth engagement in global health, and the challenges of vaccine access are also key focal points.
Bangkok, Thailand | 17-18 Aug - One Health Conference, 19-21 Aug - ISOHA Assembly
[Register] [More info here]

29 Aug

How do we use our voices to reach a wider community for AMR?
The AMR Narrative and European Patient Forum
[More info here]

2-6 Sep

Additional G20 HWG meeting
G20 Health
Natal, Brazil

12 Sep

How can we take AMR advocacy to the next level, including policymaking?
The AMR Narrative and European Patient Forum
[More info here]

15-18 Sep

8th Regional Conference 'Antimicrobial Resistance in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Experiences, Challenges, and Perspectives'
The Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network (EMPHNET)

16 Sep

AMR in Focus
Microbiology Society
[More info here]

20-23 Sep

8th World One Health congress
Global OH community
South Africa
[More info here]

22 Sep

Multi-panel AMR Symposium (UNGA side event)
One Health Trust, ICARS
New York, USA

23-25 Sep

Global Conference on Animal Health Innovation, Reference Centres and Vaccines
[More info here]

24 Sep

UNGA side event on AMR
ICARS, World Medical Association
New York, US

24 Sep

How can the AMR agenda be secured and leveraging the collective advantage of multi-sectoral partnerships (UNGA side event)
Quadripartite, ICARS
New York, USA

25 Sep

UNGA side event on AMR
Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI)
New York, USA

25 Sep

Leadership and Action on AMR: Commitments to implement the political declaration (UNGA side event)
Quadripartite, ICARS
New York, USA

25 Sep

Health Forum
Foreign Policy in partnership with GARDP and other partners
New York, USA


UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on AMRUnited Nations
New York, US

26-27 Sep

International Masterclass AMR 2024
AMR Insights

3-4 Oct

Global South Conference on Infection Prevention and Control and Antimicrobial Steward-ship (G-SPARC)
Consortia of partners
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
[More info here]

10-11 Oct

G7 Health Ministers meeting
Ancona, Italy

17 Oct

International Day for the eradication of Poverty
[More info here]

13-15 Oct

World Health Summit
Berlin, Germany
[More info here]

21 Oct - 1 Nov

COP 16 Biodiversity
[More info here]

29 - 31 Oct

4th Meeting of the G20 HWG. G20 Health Ministers’ Meeting. Health and Finance Ministers’ Meeting (JFHTF)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

3-6 November

33rd International Congress of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (ICC)
Istanbul, Türkiye
[More info here]

14-15 November

4th High-Level Ministerial Conference on AMR
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

11-22 November

Baku, Azerbaijan
[More info here]

16-17 November

2nd Plenary Assembly of the AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

18-19 November

G20 Heads of State Summit
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
[More info here]

18-24 November

World AMR Awareness Week (WAAW)
[More info here]

1 December

World Aids Day

10 December

World Human Rights Day
[More info here]

Faits marquants
