FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and Belgium

Science and technology to transform agrifood systems


The European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition invited an FAO delegation, headed by Chief Scientist Ismahane Elouafi to present the Organization’s recently adopted Strategy for Science and Innovation at the European Parliament.

The Alliance, whose Secretariat is hosted by the FAO Liaison Office in Brussels, organized this event in collaboration with the EU40, the European Parliament Intergroup on Rural and Mountainous Rural Areas and Smart Villages as well as the Panel for the Future of Science and Technology.

Participants at the gathering discussed the role of science and innovation in addressing today's challenges.

Elouafi explained that “Science and innovation can be a powerful engine to transform agrifood systems, when accompanied by the right environment, including strong institutions, regulatory frameworks and good governance”. She made clear that the diversity of innovation is very broad, mentioning digital innovation and the innovation of processes as examples.

“Science needs to be explained better,” she added. “Clear communication towards the general public, civil society, policy-makers and other relevant stakeholders is key and needs strengthening. Scientists and policy-makers need to understand each other, in order for policy-makers to be able to use science-based evidence to design effective policies.”

The FAO Chief Scientist agreed with interventions by Members of the European Parliament, who highlighted the need to make science and innovation more democratic, and improve its accessibility and affordability.

Director of the FAO Office of Strategy, Planning and Resources Management and Acting Director of the FAO Office of Innovation Beth Crawford, who accompanied the FAO Chief Scientist, briefed the European Parliamentarians on the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31 and explained the role Parliamentarians can play in supporting FAO’s vision of the Four Betters, with the aim of leaving no one behind.

The European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition, constituted in 2016, works to consolidate political commitment in the fight against hunger and malnutrition.

You can read more about the European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition here.