FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and Belgium

European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

FAO has established solid cooperation with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on many fronts, including the realization of joint events, the delivery of technical inputs to opinions, and active participation in different sessions and activities.

FAO Brussels supports the work of the EESC by ensuring the provision of FAO’s technical expertise and input to its different sections.

A particularly active partnership exists with the Natural Resources Section (NAT) that had dedicated the year 2021 to agrifood systems transformation. Other sections, such as REX (External Relations) and ENV (Environment), have also received contributions from FAO experts in their areas of work.

P. Schmidt Maximo

At the same time, FAO Brussels coordinates the contributions of EESC Members to FAO events and initiatives and interactions at various working levels. 

  • Water in the center of FAO's sustainable development efforts (Read more)
  • FAO’s Chief Economist talks food security with key Brussels partners (Read more)

European Committee of the Regions (CoR)

Blaise at CoR

FAO Brussels has established a solid partnership with the European Committee of the Regions' (CoR) Natural Resources Commission (NAT). The collaboration with the CoR includes jointly organizing events, providing FAO technical input to opinions, and participating in CoR plenary sessions and working groups.

  • Legislative frameworks as a pathway for agrifood systems transformation, says FAO Chief of Development Law Service ( Read more)
  • Debate on the current situation of the EU agricultural markets in light of the war in Ukraine ( Read more)