Normes environnementales et sociales

Decent work

FAO is committed to support the implementation of internationally accepted labour standards. The FAO vision for sustainable food and agriculture explicitly prioritizes decent work. ESS 4 recognizes that promoting decent work, preventing the use of child labour, exploitation, including sexual exploitation and forced labour is essential to achieving food security and reducing poverty. A number of international conventions and instruments underpin the requirements of ESS 4.


  • Promote direct action to foster decent employment.
  • Promote, respect and realize fundamental principles and rights at work by:
    • supporting freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
    • preventing the use of child labour and forced labour;
    • promoting fair treatment, non-discrimination and equal opportunity for all workers, including waged and salaried employees, self-employed workers and contributing family members; and
    • protecting and supporting workers, particularly categories of workers at heightened risk.
  • Protect and promote the safety and health of workers.
  • Ensure programmes and projects comply with national employment and labour laws and international commitments.
  • Have in place effective measures to address emergency events, whether human-made or natural hazards.
  • Leave no one behind by protecting and supporting workers at heightened risk, with a special focus, as appropriate, on women workers, young workers, migrant workers, workers in the informal economy and workers with disabilities.