Normes environnementales et sociales

Community health, safety and security

The requirements in ESS 5 address the need to avoid health and safety risks and the impacts of the health and safety hazards that may arise from the activities undertaken by FAO programmes and projects, and where avoidance is not possible, minimize and mitigate these risks and impacts. Particular attention is given to marginalized, disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. Measures to ensure occupational health and safety are addressed in ESS 4 – Decent Work. 


  • Anticipate and avoid adverse impacts on health, safety and livelihoods of involved and affected communities from both routine and non-routine circumstances during the entire programme or project cycle.
  • Ensure quality and safety in the design and construction of infrastructure associated with the activities of FAO programmes and projects to prevent and minimize potential safety risks and accidents.
  • Avoid or minimize community exposure to disaster risks, diseases and hazardous materials that are associated with FAO programmes and projects.
  • Ensure that the safeguarding of personnel and property minimizes risks to communities, and is carried out in accordance with international human rights standards and principles.